Group Work

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Marinette sat at her desk, her head riddling with thoughts. She had taken a lot of time to sleep the night before as she did not know what to do about the situation with Chat Noir. Moreover, it had taken her a lot to concentrate the day at school. 

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. She jerked out of her thoughts, surprised. She picked up her phone, eyes skimming the number. It was an unknown number. She decided to pick it up.

"Hello?" she spoke.

"Yeah, so it's me, Lila."


"Ugh, I didn't want to do this, okay? But let's just get this project over with. You can just ignore me. I'll be talking to Adrien."

Marinette gritted her teeth. "Yeah, no thanks, I have no desire to be left out while you're busy irritating Adrien."

"Excuse me? He doesn't get irritated at all!"

"Yeah, well, this is all leading to a conversation that has no point whatsoever. You're right, for once. Let's get this project over with."

"Whatever. So, what time?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask Adrien?"

"I would if I had his number!"

"How did you get my number in the first place?"

"I got it from Alya at the start of school. I thought it would be useful. Anyway, you've got to give me Adrien's phone number, Marinette!"

Marinette rolled her eyes. She definitely did NOT want to give Lila Adrien's phone number. 

"No thanks."

"Oh, but you have to," Lila cackled. "It's for the project, remember? If you don't give me his phone number, I'll have to tell Ms. Bustier."

Marinette muted the call. "The nerve of that girl!" she exclaimed angrily.

Tikki had a puzzled look on her face. "Um, but Marinette, don't you have to give her Adrien's number? Otherwise, how will you do the project?"

Marinette calmed down a bit. "You do have a point, Tikki," she unmuted the call. "Fine. It's 9768003755." 

Lila dialed the phone number. "Okay, I'm gonna call him now." she said simply, and cut the call.

"Seriously? She didn't even thank me." Marinette complained.

Tikki shook her head. Lila never failed to get on Marinette's nerves, and as a result, that'd cause Marinette to complain about petty things such as an unsaid thank-you.

This project was not going to help Marinette get control of her emotions.


The three had agreed to start the project at 4 o' clock in the afternoon at Marinette's house. 

"So, Adrien can collect the information, Marinette can do the writing and I can present all of it!" Lila proposed.

Marinette's head whipped up and she gaped at her. "Lila, it's a 30 slide presentation! I can't do all the writing."

Adrien nodded. "She's right. We have to divide the roles equally. Unless you can do the writing, Lila?"

She huffed. "Fine. I was just saying."

"How about, we all do ten slides each? We can all present it together." Adrien asked.

"Great idea, Adrien!" Marinette and Lila said at the same time. They looked at each other and narrowed their eyes.

"Thanks. Let's start!"

They all took out the laptops they brought and started working on their presentations. Silence filled the air for a long time.

Lila glanced at Adrien' presentation. "Wow, Adrien, you're so good at this!" 

"Thanks, Lila."

Marinette glared at Lila. She scooted closer to Adrien and looked at his presentation. Lila was actually telling the truth. His work was very elaborate but straightforward at the same time. "I really like how you're so elaborate, Adrien! You're the best!"

Adrien grinned at her. "Thank you, Marinette. I like your work a lot too! The pictures are beautiful, and if you make the text glow, it'll compliment it!" he said, gesturing to her laptop. Marinette blushed. "Thanks! You're right, I could make the text glow. That'd seem nice."

Lila looked on with envy. "Do you like my work, Adrien?" Her question was rhetorical.

"Yeah, it's great. You could add some pictures, though," he replied, trying to seem helpful.

Lila did not appreciate Adrien's constructive criticism. One of the reasons she didn't add any pictures to her work was because Marinette had, and she didn't want to seem like she admired her. But, since it was Adrien, she plastered on a fake smile and decided to follow Adrien's advice. 

Anything to impress Adrien. Even if that means I have to make my work look like Marinette's! The things I sacrifice .

They continued working, with Lila giving Marinette occasional eye-daggers and Marinette glaring back. Adrien was aware of this, but he didn't comment. He didn't want to anger Lila, as je didn't want to risk her causing trouble. 

Lila, however, had no such mischief planned. But if Marinette dared to go further and flirt with Adrien, she had a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

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