Sweetheart's Ice Cream

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The next day at school, Adrien was still riddled with guilt over lying to his partner. Marinette was still suspicious of Chat Noir's odd behavior, but she decided to push that issue at the back of her mind. Nino turned in his seat. "So, dudettes, would you both come and hang out after school?"

Alya did a thumbs-up. "Yeah, Nino. Marinette?" Marinette was staring at the back of Adrien's head. "Marinette?!" Alya nudged her. She jerked her head, blinking. "Yeah, I'm free." There was no patrol scheduled for the day, and there was plenty of time to finish the project anyway.

"Adrien? Are you down?" Nino asked.

Adrien looked up at Nino. "I'll have to ask father." Nino pouted. "Oh, come on, dude! You know he will say no. Just sneak out! Have some fun!"

He contemplated it. There was almost a guarantee that his father wouldn't let him go out, and he didn't want to waste his time. Besides, he deserved some fun after all the misery he was in.

"I won't force you, dude. I know how obedient you are-" Nino started, but Adrien dismissed him. "No, Nino, I'll come. I can't live by my father's standards forever."

Nino grinned. "Great! So, where to hang out?"

Alya facepalmed. "You asked us to hang out but you didn't decide where?"

Nino shrugged sheepishly.

Marinette, however, barely noticed. She was mentally freaking out over the idea of hanging out with Adrien.

"Okay, so, Andre's ice cream?" Nino suggested.

"Sounds good. See you guys then!" Alya replied.


Tikki looked on in bewilderment as Marinette screamed into her pillow. "Uh, Marinette, are you okay?" she asked hesitantly.

Marinette stopped screaming and turned to face Tikki. "No, I'm not okay, Tikki! I already have so many complicated issues that I haven't even started solving yet, AND NOW I HAVE TO HANG OUT WITH ADRIEN?!!"

Tikki didn't understand. "But don't you like Adrien?"

"Of course I do, that's the problem! I'm going to be a flustered DISASTER!"

She continued her screaming, muffling her voice with the pillow.

Marinette knew she was being overdramatic, but she didn't want to make a huge fool of herself. Now that I think of it, I'll just speak less. That way, I won't fall all over Adrien's feet. She thought it to be a foolproof plan.

She breathed in and out deeply, and eventually, she calmed down. Tikki was glad.

Now that I think of it, I'll just speak less. That way, I won't fall all over Adrien's feet. She thought it to be a foolproof plan.

And then, her doorbell rang. Tikki half-expected Marinette to scream all over again but she was surprisingly calm and collected. She ushered Tikki inside her bag and headed down the stairs.

"Hey Al-" she started, but when she opened the door she found that it was not Alya at all.

It was Adrien.

"Hey Marinette! Alya said she'd be a bit late, and Nino wanted to leave only when she was there. They'll catch up with us soon. Ready to go?"

It took all of her being to not march up to her best friend and quite literally kill her. Alya always managed to plan evil schemes like this. How did she fall for it again?

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