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The city was surely doomed. Rena Furtive and all of the other superheroes were trapped in gray bubbles, on the verge of dying. Chat Blanc had the upper hand compared to Princess Justice, who was still trembling.

Bunnyx detected this from her rabbit hole and panicked. "Oh no... The city is ruined!" She frantically tried to exit her rabbit hole to enter the timeline but was unable to as a blue, wiry net like-structure held her back. Oh no! I can't fix this timeline!

Ladybug and Chat Noir, you've got to break out of your akumatizations!


"You've wasted three minutes, Princess," Chat Blanc smirked.

Her eyes travelled to his. He was blurry in her vision because of all the tears penetrating her eyes. "Why... why did you do this?"

Chat Blanc looked up at the sky. "You hurt me. And you didn't bother to explain why you were against me going inside the Dupain-Cheng bakery."

"That's- That's not the point, Chat Blanc! You destroyed the whole city!"

"They're not destroyed yet. They'll be eradicated if you don't give me your miraculous and flee from my sight." He walked up to her. "So, give it to me and leave."

She stared up at him in stupor and spontaneously made her decision to push him away. He landed on the ground on his bottom.

"Never!" She fired her purple rays of light at him. But yet again, it bounced off the toppled buildings and landed on the ground in vain

Chat Blanc got up, dusting of the dust on his suit. "You want to fight, Princess Justice? Then let's fight!"

She shot some more beams at him which he either managed to dodge or miss due to its battered aim.

He fired some mini-cataclysms at her footing and it destroyed the ground she was on. But she easily managed to get off the cracked ground and moved closer to him.

"Chat Blanc, why are you doing this? Can't we return to how everything used to be?" Princess Justice asked, trying to reflect the cataclysms aimed near her footing with the cracked staff she was holding.

"Because you disheartened me, Princess Justice! How many times do I have to tell you?!" He responded, frowning.

"I need a more specific explanation!" She said.

"Oh, please! Just admit it, you couldn't care less! You just think you need me to defeat Shadowmoth. But to be honest, Shadowmoth is a thousand times better than you!" he shouted furiously.

Princess Justice's jaw dropped s her staff went toppling to the ground. She stared at him, agape.

"What?!" Chat Blanc asked, irritated.

"I'm worse than Shadowmoth?" she asked in a faint voice.

"At least Shadowmoth knows he's doing the wrong thing. You always pretend you're so great!" He pierced daggers into her skull. "You're not. Not at all.

She stared down at the ground, speechless. Chat Blanc sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Just give me your miraculous and I'll return everything back to normal so you can go home. You won't be living a miserable life then."

Princess Justice jerked her head to look up at him, open-mouthed. "You think I WON'T be living a miserable life?! My life will be miserable without you!"

"Drop the act. You just need me to defeat Shadowmoth and then you'll forget all about me and abandon me!"

"What? How can you say that?!"

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