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Marinette woke up to Tikki shaking her vigorously. Or, at least, as vigorously as Tikki could with her tiny limbs.

She rubbed her eyes groggily. "What is it, Tikki?"

"It's the day you've been waiting for since forever, Marinette! Also, it's 11:00!"

She was confused. "Huh?"

Tikki sighed. "The masquerade!"

Marinette's eyes widened as she jumped up from her bed and climbed down the ladder. "Oh no! I'm late for the masquerade!!!"

Tikki slapped her forehead. "No, Marinette! The masquerade isn't until late evening! I just woke you up so you could be excited!"

Marinette stopped halfway between going down the stairs. "Oh."

Marinette is so used to getting late that she thought she was running late for the masquerade. She'll never change, Tikki giggled to herself.

"I still don't have any hairstyle planned out, Tikki! And my shoes! What if my dress isn't good enough?"

"Your dress is great, Marinette. Don't worry so much. Also, I think you'll look great with your hair down!"

She touched her messy pigtails. "You think so?"

"Yes! Adrien told you that himself, didn't he?"

Marinette blushed. "Yeah, I'm wearing my hair down."

Her phone vibrated from her desk. Marinette picked it up and saw that there was a notification of a text message from Alya.

Alya: Good Morning, girl! I'm booking a hair and nails appointment. You're coming.

Alya: No, like seriously, you have to come. I already booked it. You can't cancel.

Marinette laughed. "Same old Alya."

Marinette: Okay, Al. Adrien isn't coming, right?

Alya: Girl, I don't think Adrien would like a hair and nails appointment. If Nino doesn't like it, neither will he.

Marinette: Thank goodness. What time?

Alya: 12:00. Meet me at the Place de Vosges. Don't be late!

Marinette scoffed. "Pfft. I'm not always late. Why does everyone think that?"

"Um, Marinette, you are always late. You even thought you were late for the masquerade just now. Even your brain knows you're always late."

"Ugh, okay." Marinette snorted.

Marinette: I won't!

Marinette headed down the stairs and greeted her parents. "Good morning!"

They smiled at her. "Good morning, sweetheart!" Sabine said affectionately.

"You have a dance today, don't you? I'm making special macarons for breakfast!" Tom said happily, mixing the batter of the macarons.

Marinette grinned. "Thanks, Papa!"

"In fact, I've already made the first batch!" Tom placed the macarons in front of Marinette. They were passionfruit macarons. Ironic.

She took a bite out of one of them. "Mm, delicious!"

"I have a hair and nails appointment with Alya today. Can I go?"

"Of course you can go, Marinette! You need to look good, after all." Sabine smiled.

"Thanks Maman! Thanks Papa!" She kissed her parents goodbye and ran out the door.

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