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They soon arrived at the banquet hall. They stood out of the limousine and stared at the hall in awe.

It was beautiful. It was decorated with gold and silver chandeliers and glittery curtains. There were rose petals scattered across the carpet, giving the place an elegant feel. The school staff had gone all out with the decoration. A banner with all the superheroes (except Multimouse and Aspik) in front of it, Even Queen Bee was on the banner alongside Vesperia. Adrien figured that Chloe had complained so much that the school staff had decided to add her on the banner just so she won't complain. Even though it made no sense how two people could use the Bee miraculous at the same time. Classic Chloe.

"Let's go in!" Nino whooped.

They walked inside, admiring the beautiful tapestry paintings of superheroes hung on the walls of the banquet hall. There was even one piece of Shadowmoth. It was great, but Marinette and Adrien really didn't want to think about Shadowmoth at a night like that.

Most of their classmates were already inside, presumably because they didn't want to miss a minute of the event. They were all looking delightful, all matching their superhero ensembles.

Lila was nowhere to be seen. Marinette frowned. That's... suspicious. Though, with Lila, what isn't suspicious?

She decided to ignore her warning thoughts and enjoy the night. She didn't want Lila and Shadowmoth to be any of her concern.

Miss Bustier, true to her thoughts, was wearing a Zombizou inspired cupcake-ballgown. She had heart makeup on and was looking sublime.Suddenly, the trumpets blared as Chloe walked in. Marinette rolled her eyes. They got trumpets for Chloe? Why am I not surprised?

"Move, peasants! The wonderful Chloe Bourgeois is here! Or, should I say, Queen Bee!"

Zoe blinked. "But, Chloe, I'm supposed to be dressed as the Bee miraculous holder-"

"Be quiet, Zoe! Vesperia is utterly ridiculous! Besides, I'm Queen Bee, not Vesperia."

Zoe shrugged. "Fair enough."

Alya laughed. "Trumpets? For Chloe?"

Marinette sniggered. "I'm not surprised at all."

More people soon arrived, flooding in the hall with beautiful ball gowns, ditzy dresses and refined suits and tuxedos. Waiters walked around, serving appetizers and mocktails to people nearby. the event was truly a happening one.

After a while, groovy music started playing as people stood up to dance in the room. They moved along happily to the rhythm.

The feeling of the music changed as a slower song started to play. Everyone partnered up and danced. Nino took Alya's hand and spun her around, while she laughed happily.

Marinette sat on a nearby bench and watched as the couples danced to the music. She sighed, wishing she had someone to dance with.

She then felt a hand on her shoulder and whipped her head around to see who it was. Adrien looked back at her, rubbing his neck with a sheepish look on his face. "Hey, Marinette. I was wondering if you'd like to, you know, dance?"

She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she nodded back. Adrien took her hands, placing them on his shoulders as he held her waist. Marinette stared up at him, smiling as he smiled back with a soft gaze.

They moved to the rhythm as the melody of the music filled their senses. It was a variant of the song they had danced to in New York as well as Chloe's class party, but the version this time was much softer, and had an even more sensual beat.

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