I Trust You (Epilogue)

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"Ready, Chat Noir? "

"Always, M'lady. "

They swung around the corner as Ladybug shouted, "Lucky Charm!" which turned out to be a hammer. She smiled, bonking the akumatized object out of Zombizou's hands.

"Nooo! " Went Shadowmoth's wail in agony as everything was reverted back to normal after Ladybug yelled 'Miraculous Ladybug! "

Ms. Bustier was left splayed on the ground, disoriented. Ladybug smiled at her. "I'll lead you back to your school. Chat Noir, you know what to do. "

Chat Noir smiled sweetly at Ladybug. "I know. "

Ladybug dropped the teacher back at Francois Dupont. "Thank you, Ladybug. " She said.

"No big deal, Ms. Bustier. Bug out! " Ladybug said as she took out her yoyo and swung back at her house.

She opened the balcony trapdoor and jumped down on the bed, right next to Chat Noir who was looking at her adoringly. Right afterwards, she detransformed.

"Hey, kitty. "

"Hello, my princess. "

Marinette blushed and looked away. "Stop calling me that. "

"I never will. " Chat Noir's timer ran out as he sat and de transformed back into Adrien.

"Hey, so I have a question," he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What is it?" Marinette asked curiously.

"Uhm, so uh... now that we know each other's identity, are we... you know?"

Marinette frowned, confused. It was only a few minutes later when she understood what he said and a fiery blush formed on her cheeks.

"I-uh, if-if you want-"

"I want-"


They stared at each other in silence for a while and then burst out laughing.

After they stopped laughing, Marinette questioned, "There's a Jagged Stone concert coming up soon, would you wanna go together? "

"Of course. I'll meet you over here outside 15 minutes prior."

"Your dad actually allowed you?"

Adrien frowned. "For some reason, yes. He's actually kind of sad these days. I think that me going to the concert was the least of his problems. But anyway, " He smirked at her. "What are Nino and Alya gonna think when they see us like this? "

Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled. "They'll freak out, that's what. Especially Alya. But they'll probably be happy. They have been shipping us for a long time anyway," She said.

Adrien looked down sheepishly. "And I didn't even notice. "

"I didn't notice that you were my crush this whole time either, Cat Boy! " She booped his nose playfully.

He grinned at her and then looked around the room, which was re-stashed with pictures of him as well as more of Chat Noir. Hearts were drawn around the edges as well.

He smirked at her. "I see there has been some... Redecorating around here, hasn't there? "

Marinette blushed and crossed her arms, frustrated. "Y-yeah... "

He smiled tenderly at her. "Don't worry, I have a lot of pictures of you too, " He said.

"And dolls, " Plagg chortled. Tikki giggled in the corner. Adrien gave him an irritated look. He had forgotten that he was there.

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