Left Out

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Marinette sewed on the last finishing details for her gown and stepped back, admiring her work. There were five days left until the big masquerade. "It's finally finished! What do you think, Tikki?"

Tikki had an impressed look on her little face. "This is amazing, Marinette! I can even camouflage myself in it," she giggled, hiding in one of the many petticoats the dress had. Marinette laughed along with her.

The dress was truly a marvelous creation. Marinette had put a lot of hard work into making it and it had turned out even better than she had expected it to be. She was ecstatic at the thought of wearing it at the masquerade. "Now, I only have to make the mask." she said.

"Are you sure it won't look too much like your Ladybug mask?" Tikki asked worriedly.

"No, no, Tikki, I'm going to make it look a little different. Don't worry," she replied, giggling. Tikki sighed in relief.


Meanwhile, Adrien was staring at his tuxedo, which was lying on his bed with the cat ears Marinette had made for him.

He smiled. Marinette had impeccable taste, and the attire she had picked out was very Chat Noir-esque.

Plagg stared at it. "Bakery girl on your mind? And I thought you were still in love with your lady," he sniggered.

Adrien glared at him. "Stop it, Plagg. I can think about her without being in love with her, okay?" he said.

Plagg snorted. Well, that's ironic.

Adrien however didn't see the large smile he had spreading across his face, ear-to-ear, just at the thought of Marinette. Why is my holder in denial? It's killing meee, Plagg whined in his head.


"Sir, when I get better, I will help you with your mission," Nathalie said weakly, coughing.

Gabriel shook his head. "No, Nathalie. You have to rest. I will not allow you to use the Peacock miraculous ever again."

"But, sir-" Nathalie protested, but was cut out by her boss. "No, Nathalie. I have it all under my control," he said.

He knew very well that he didn't. In fact, he was the one under control, by Lila that was. He still couldn't fully fathom how he had gotten manipulated by her.

"Sir, you need somebody to help you. And I want to be that person." Nathalie insisted.

Nathalie didn't know that Gabriel had already recruited a 'helper'. Secretly, she was doing all this to get closer to him and because she deeply cared for him.

Gabriel softened. "Nathalie, if it takes you to be so unwell just to assist me, I will not let you use the miraculous anymore."

Nathalie gave up. He just won't listen.

Meanwhile, he had the perfect idea in mind. And it was going to take Ladybug and Chat Noir by surprise.

I have not been akumatizing anyone for a long time. I cannot let Ladybug and Chat Noir suspect me of anything. I have to erase their suspicions.

He walked up to Emilie's painting, where his lair was. Nathalie had a confused look on her face. "But, Sir, you said you were taking a break from akumatizing people."

He smiled maliciously. "That break is over."

He then descended, down into his lair full of butterflies ready to be evilised.

Nooroo and Dusuu flew out of his jacket pockets. "Ooh, we're getting used today!" Dusuu exclaimed dramatically.

"Master, please reconsider-" Nooroo started, but was interrupted with Gabriel reciting his transformation words. "Nooroo, Dusuu, unify!"

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