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Lila was very happy the next day it school because she figured that she could finally get revenge from Marinette, now she knew Shadowmoth's identity. She knew that this was the biggest villain in Paris she was talking about, but she could wrap practically anyone around her little finger. Mr. Agreste shouldn't be a problem.

Adrien was a little more chill than the day before. As for Marinette, she worried about Adrien. It had certainly not been like him to be enraged. Especially over her. She blushed as she recalled the words he had whispered to her that day. "I won't let her do anything to you". She took a mental note to never face Adrien's wrath.

She turned in her seat to face the cause of his anger, the vindictive brunette who could make anybody infuriated. For some reason, she was smirking, looking Marinette dead in the eye. Marinette shuddered, and turned her back to her. What's up with her?

"Marinette, would you hand over your work?" Ms. Bustier asked. Marinette stood up. She had made a new file of her part of the presentation. She didn't get nearly enough time to make it look more decorative, so it wasn't as intricate as her previous one.

Ms. Bustier opened the file and smiled, impressed. "Good work, Marinette. It's great that you conquered the mishap that occurred last time."

Marinette sighed in relief. "I'm so glad you like it, Ms. Bustier! Though, if you'd seen my deleted one you would've liked it better."

"It's okay. I'm giving you an B+. Keep up the good work."

A B+ was not what Marinette had expected, but it was good enough considering that Ms. Bustier wasn't aware of the elaborate scheming that had transpired.

She thanked her teacher and went back to her seat. Adrien was still pissed by the injustice that Marinette got, to the point where everyone was confused to why he was so mad. Nino whispered to Alya, "Alya, Adrien's really irritated by what happened with Marinette. And I mean, REALLY irritated."

Alya nodded. "You're right, Nino. It's not like him. Marinette's been acting off too. I'm worried about her. "

The two had to cut their conversation short due to the bell ringing as class took place. But the thoughts about Adrien and Marinette remained unchanged.


"So, Alya, what should we do about Adrien and Marinette?" Nino asked, walking out of the school with her.

"They both need to cool down a bit. Maybe another hang-out."

"But where?"

"Well," Alya thought for a moment, until her eyes lit up mischievously. "How about the movies? I'll think of something to get Marinette to sit next to Adrien."

Nino gave a thumbs up. "Great idea, dudette!"

"You call Adrien and tell him. I won't mention Adrien, Marinette will have a fit."

Nino nodded and waved. "Bye, Alya!"


Marinette stood on her balcony, deep in thought. Lila is definitely planning something.

"What's on your mind, Marinette?" Tikki asked.

She turned to her kwami. "Tikki, do you think Lila is planning something?" she asked blankly.

If Tikki had eyebrows, they would have been sky high. "What? Why would you think that?"

"I don't know... she was smirking suspiciously all afternoon."

Tikki shook her head. "Marinette, you need to take a breather. Everything will be fine!"

"That's what I said when you were worried about Shadowmoth, Tikki! And I fear you may be right." Marinette said, shivering slightly.

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