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Princess Justice followed Chat Blanc and found that he was sitting on Montparnasse Tower.

It brought back memories of when she first saw him that day with Bunnyx. It was some déjà vu that she did not like to experience.

"Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady," he hummed to himself.

"Are you sure you're all alone?" Princess Justice asked, trying to appear brave and confident but she couldn't help but shake on her knees.

Chat Blanc turned around. He smiled. "Oh. Maybe I'm not alone, but you're not my lady anyway," he said.

His words hurt, but Princess Justice tried her hardest not to show it. She took a deep breath. "Chat Blanc, just break free from your akumatization and let me use my powers on you! Then you'll be happy."

He smiled again. She really wished he'd stop doing that. It was creeping her out.

"Oh, but I am happy. Happy without you, that is," he activated his infinite cataclysm as the white flash formed on his fingers. He showed it to Princess Justice. "But if you don't want to listen, I'll just destroy you," he said, smirking.

Princess Justice shook on her legs, terrified. Chat Blanc brought the white beam closer and closer until it was inches away from her face. He was just about to touch her when-

"You know I love fighting by your side, M'lady, but I could never bring myself to fight you."

Frowning, Chat Blanc backed away from her and de-activated his cataclysm. Princess Justice, puzzled, blinked at him.

He glanced at her. "Or you could just leave. Your pick."

Suddenly, a red, glowing mask appeared on his face. "Chat Blanc! Get me her miraculous!" Scarlet Moth said, practically whining.

Chat Blanc walked up to her and put his hands on his hips. "Give me your miraculous."

If she was fighting a random civilian, she probably would have given up. Chat Blanc was too powerful for his own good.

But this was really Chat Noir. She had to fight as hard as she could and de-akumatize him. Then, she could use her justice powers to put him out of his misery.

She walked away from him, clutching her earrings. "No."

Chat Blanc rolled his eyes. "As you please. Just leave, then."

He climbed back up to where he was sitting and continued humming to himself again. But she still refused to leave.

She stood there, stuck on what to do or say.


"Hey, is that them? At Montparnasse Tower?" Polymouse asked. They were all trying to find Princess Justice and Chat Blanc while Rena Furtive followed behind, hiding behind walls and rooftops as she did so just to check whether everything went well or not.

Pegasus squinted at what seemed like a white figure sitting on a rooftop and a purple one standing there. "Seems like it," he replied.

"Let's get there, then!"

They landed softly right behind Princess Justice. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice.

Neither did Chat Blanc. He was busy pondering on why he hadn't cataclysmed her.

All of them snuck over to Princess Justice. "Shh," Vesperia shushed, as she tip-toed to where Princess Justice was standing. "Pollen!" she whispered.

Vesperia was just about to touch Princess Justice when she suddenly turned. Vesperia staggered back in surprise.

Princess Justice frowned. "Vesperia?"

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