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As soon as Marinette got home after patrol, she immediately went back to working on her dress, adding more details as the time passed by. "Don't you need some rest?" Tikki asked her owner.

"It's fine, Tikki. I'm not tired. Besides, I might as well get my dress over with so that it wouldn't take up more of my time." Marinette responded with thread in her mouth.

Tikki shook her head. According to her, Marinette was overworking herself too much. However, she didn't say anything because Marinette didn't seem to mind all that much.

Marinette took pride in her workmanship. She was happy with how it looked, and was in the process of admiring it when her phone rang. She didn't look at the caller ID and answered it immediately, "Hey, Alya! What's up?"

A laugh sounded out from the speaker. But it definitely wasn't Alya's laugh. In fact, it sounded like-

"Unless I've suddenly body swapped or something, I'm pretty sure my name isn't Alya. But hi!"


Adrien had never actually called her before! She had no idea what to do. Marinette resisted the urge to scream and spoke shakily, "O-oh, uh, sorry! I thought it was Alya. I didn't look at the caller ID, smorry, I mean, sorry!"

"It's okay. I called to ask you about the cat props you said you'd make. Unless you've changed your mind? I don't have a problem if you did, though, I'm not in charge of what you-"

"NO! I mean, no, it's no problem, really. I can make the props for you! I can even make a little belt! You know, uh, the tail that Chat Noir has."

Adrien smiled. "Great! I'm glad I have you, Marinette."

Marinette made a small, strangled noise at the back of her throat. Adrien suddenly realized what he said and tried to cover it up, even though there was nothing wrong with what he said.

"U-uh, I mean, I'm glad to have you as a friend! Not that I own you or something, haha. Sorry!" Adrien babbled. Great, I'm just making it worse.

Marinette calmed down. "It's okay. I'm glad I have you too." For some reason, hearing Adrien nervous calmed her own nerves.

"So, I'll try to work on them today, okay? It'll be nice if Chat Noir actually dropped in and helped me with it, since he'll know best, but it's not as if that's gonna happen," she laughed.

Adrien thought for some time. "Okay! Thanks again, Marinette!"

She hung up first. Adrien bit on his lip, contemplating something.

"What now, Adrien?" Plagg sighed. "Something is always on your mind."

"You know how she said it'd be nice if Chat Noir dropped in? Well, since I'm Chat Noir, maybe I should go help her."

Plagg grumbled. "Kid, are you out of your mind? She was joking!"

"What if she wasn't?" Adrien argued.

Plagg rubbed his forehead. "You're impossible."

"Don't talk like you don't eat kilograms of cheese every hour. Plagg, claws out!"

"What- Noooo!" came Plagg's wail as he got sucked into Adrien's ring.


He jumped across rooftop and landed on Marinette's balcony with a soft thud. Marinette, still working on her dress, was alarmed and took out her needle from her sewing kit and opened the balcony trapdoor. "Who's there?" she asked.

"Whoever you are, I will not hesitate to stab you with my needle!" She threatened.

Chat Noir gulped. "U-uh, Marinette, it's me! Chat Noir!"

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