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"Well, yesterday hadn't gone well," Plagg remarked nonchalantly.

Adrien turned to him. "Please," he said. "Don't remind me."

He shrugged and took a bite from his cheese. Adrien rolled his eyes. "You never stop eating, do you?"

He took the sound of Plagg chomping away as an answer.

Suddenly, Nathalie barged into the room. "Adrien," she said. "Your friend has come over to see you."

His eyebrows raised. Who could possibly show up at his house without warning?

"Thank you, Miss Nathalie! Oh, you're too kind," a voice came from the door.

The voice sounded familiar. Oh no. Is it actually-

"Hey Adrien!" Lila greeted.


"I wanted to apologize for making you angry yesterday. I hope that you can forgive me and-"

"No, Lila."

She blinked faster, seeming confused. "What?"

"You heard me. I don't want to forgive you," Adrien grumbled.

Her jaw dropped and she plastered a hurt look on her face. "This is so not like you, Adrien, what happened?"

"You happened. I don't appreciate you going out of your way to hurt Marinette, Lila! Didn't I warn you?"

"But, I didn't do it! Marinette must've accidentally deleted her work or something!"

He didn't buy it. "Then why did you tell Ms. Bustier that she didn't do her work then, huh?"

She opened her mouth, trying to form words but then closed it. Adrien raised an eyebrow. "See, Lila, if all you do is lie, I really don't want to associate with you."

"Adrien, you're overreacting."

"Maybe I am. But to be honest, I don't really care. Please just go, Lila."

She was getting nowhere with him. She had already seen just how angry he had become the day before, and she certainly didn't want to see it again. She sighed and stormed out of his room.

"Wow, kid, you really don't like her!" Plagg commented.

"I guess I don't," came his response.

Meanwhile, Lila was stepping down the stairs. Gabriel was there in the hall, staring at the large painting hung up on the wall near the banisters. He looked at her and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Ms. Rossi, what did you want with my son?"

"Oh, Mr. Agreste, I think I upset him yesterday. I went there to tell him I'm sorry, but he won't take my apology," she said, looking genuinely saddened.

"I see."

Gabriel knew that Lila was a powerful ally. With Nathalie still healing from the effects of the previously damaged Peacock miraculous, he needed someone to help him.

If she made his son upset, he had no doubt that she could spark negative emotions in other people. Specifically, Ladybug and Chat Noir.

She would be rather helpful for what I'm plotting.

He gave her a tight smile, and decided to ask her a question. "Miss Rossi, do you appreciate... Paris' superheroes?"

Lila was confused at the out of the blue question. "Oh, of course I do, I-"

"They are rather bothersome, aren't they?"

Lila was shocked. She'd expected Gabriel Agreste to be practically worshipping the heroes of the city. But he didn't.

"You're right! I think they're irresponsible." she said.

"Indeed. And do you, by any chance, admire Shadowmoth's capabilities?"

Lila smiled deviously. Now he's talking.

"I think Shadowmoth has a good reason for what he does! If only I could help him..."

"Maybe you could." Gabriel said.

"Care to assist me, Lila Rossi?"

She was taken aback. Hold on, that means...


Gabriel explained everything to Lila, while she listened, stupefied.

It did make sense. He was suspicious in the first place, making absurd plans and letting her in on it.

It all made sense now.

"I suppose I should show you my lair?" He suggested.

She nodded.

He sat up from the sofa seat and walked into one of the rooms. Lila watched as he pressed buttons on a painting of what looked like his wife. All of a sudden, the ground gave way beneath them as it descended, deep into his lair.

Lila looked around, awestruck as Gabriel uttered his transformation words. "Nooroo, dark wings rise!"

He eyed her. "I should not hear of you telling anyone else about this. I hope you don't disappoint me, Lila."

She stared back with a villainous glint in her eyes. "I won't let you down, Mr. Agreste!"

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