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"No, I have failed yet again," Gabriel massaged his temples as he tried his hardest not to scream in frustration.

Natalie set a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry, Sir. We can undertake this together again."

Gabriel looked at her, nodding. "I suppose that is the sole option. I shouldn't have trusted Lila Rossi!" Gabriel groaned.

He had told Natalie about his failure with Adjuvant and everything else.

"Yes, Sir. You shouldn't have."

Gabriel was even more irritated by the fact that his own assistant was saying that he was wrong.

But he'd try harder with her. He won't give up until he obtained his goal.


"Are you sure about this decision, Su Han?" Ladybug asked anxiously.

She had gone over to him to ask before making what would likely be the weightiest decision in her life.

Su Han nodded with a slight curve in his lips. "You are the guardian, after all. It will also deem it easier for you two to defeat Shadowmoth."

Ladybug bit her lip. "Alright. Much appreciated, Master Su Han,"

He nodded as he watched her leave. Covertly, he smiled mysteriously to himself. Those two are made for each other.


Adrien stared at the ground in deep thought. There were a few minutes left until he had to meet Ladybug at the Eiffel Tower, and he still had no faint idea to what she was planning.

"Plagg, what do you think Ladybug's gonna do?"

Plagg shrugged, swallowing down a piece of Brie. "I don't know. Chill, Adrien. It's not as if the world is going to end."

"I never said it was. I'm just wondering."

"I might seem wise, kid, but I don't know everything," Plagg responded, taking another big bite of his cheese.

"You're really more disgusting than wise," Adrien mumbled, shaking his head.

He glanced at his clock. It was the time when he had to meet Ladybug.

He looked back at Plagg, trying to get over his nerves. "Plagg, claws out!" he yelled, much to Plagg's dismay as he was sucked into the silver ring, leaving a whole piece of Brie behind.

Chat Noir opened his window pane and jumped towards the Eiffel Tower.


He arrived. Not many civilians were present as most of them were at their homes, broadcasting the absurd news of people in bubbles across the city. Suddenly he heard the sound of raindrops pattering onto the pavement. He looked up at the sky to see grey clouds. It was raining.

This caused him to reminisce about the first time he had met one of the most special people in his life.

Adrien walks out of the school, seeing Marinette standing there without an umbrella, waiting for the rain to end. "Hey," he waves.

Marinette looks away, scoffing faintly.

Adrien looks down at the ground, dejected. They stand in silence for a few moments until the sound of Adrien's umbrella opening is heard.

"I just wanted you to know... I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat. I swear."

Marinette looks on in surprise as he continues.

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