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Shadowmoth, upon seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir still communicating and interacting even after their presumed blow-up, was frustrated.

Lila put her hand up to her chin and thought for a moment. “Maybe, you need a better plan.”

“For example?”

Lila grinned. “Just follow my lead, Mr. Agreste.”


Shadowmoth watched the purple bubbles moved away from his newly made sentimonster. He nodded. “A… decent scheme, Miss Rossi.”

Lila smiled. “I know. Ladybug and Chat Noir can’t stand seeing civilians endangered. This ought to make conflict.”

Shadowmoth turned to the sentimonster. “Go act frightened. Let either Ladybug or Chat Noir get distracted to create confusion.”

The sentimonster nodded. “As you say, Shadowmoth!” She left to find Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Lila smirked. “Now, for the illusion. Akumatize me, Shadowmoth!”

Shadowmoth akumatized Lila into Volpina once again. With her flute, she created an illusion of an akumatized Principal Damocles.

“Time for action,” she mumbled.


Ladybug and Chat Noir battled the ‘Dark Owl’ on the football field. Ladybug tried multiple times to knock the presumed akumatized object out of his hands, but she failed as the illusion swerved out of the way.

Chat Noir swung his stick, using it as a shield. “He’s got good reflexes,” he commented.

“Yeah, but it isn’t helping!” Ladybug groaned as she missed yet another shot.

Unbeknownst to them, the sentimonster was hiding behind a football net. She walked out of her hiding place and began huddling in fear of the Dark Owl illusion. “Ladybug, Chat Noir, help!”

Chat Noir heard her pleas and turned to the place her voice was coming from. He dropped his stick, distracted by the sentimonster in front of him. “Marinette?”

“Chat Noir! What are you doing?!” Ladybug yelled, in need of help.

He turned to her. “Ladybug, there’s Marinette! I don’t know how she got here, but she’s in danger!”

Ladybug widened her eyes in surprise. Oh no, it must be an illusion or a sentimonster!

“No, Chat! That’s not the real Marinette!”

“How would you know?!” Chat Noir shouted. He rushed over to the Marinette Sentimonster, or ‘Sentinette’ and picked her up. “Don’t worry, Marinette! I’ll lead you home!”

He propelled out of the football field. “CHAT NOIR!” Ladybug screamed. But he failed to hear her.

She finally managed to knock the akumatized object out of the Dark Owl illusion’s hands. To her horror, the illusion faded away into orange dust. “It was an illusion?!”

She watched as Chat Noir disappeared with the fake Marinette, jumping from roofs to make sure she was safe.

Groaning, she kicked the grass in anger. Shadowmoth really isn’t messing around this time!

She took out her yoyo and followed Chat Noir.


Chat Noir landed on Marinette’s balcony and dropped Sentinette off. “You’re safe now,” he smiled.

“Thank you, Chat Noi-“


He turned in surprise to find Ladybug right behind him, panting. “Why did you follow me? I was just going to save Marinette,” he asked, confused.

Ladybug pointed an accusing finger at the sentimonster. “That isn’t the real Marinette!” she said.

Chat Noir was terribly puzzled. “What? Why would you say she isn’t real?”

“Because… because… I just know!”

Chat Noir lifted a brow. The fake Marinette just blinked innocently.

“Ladybug, you could be wrong, you know. What if she is real? She would’ve been hurt by Dark Ow if I hadn’t brought her to her house-“

“The Dark Owl was an illusion. And I did not appreciate you leaving me there, alone! If it wasn’t an illusion he could’ve defeated me!” Ladybug yelled.

Chat Noir frowned. “Seriously, Ladybug? I wasn’t going to take a chance and endanger an innocent civilian!”

“BUT SHE ISN’T A CIVILIAN! SHE ISN’T REAL! SHE IS A SENTIMONSTER, YOU DUMB CAT!” Ladybug screamed. Chat Noir blinked. A hurt expression covered his features.

Ladybug realized her rude tone and clamped her mouth shut. “Chat Noir, I’m so-“

He shook his head. “No, don’t apologize. You’re probably right. Besides,” he said, looking at Sentinette “why else would she be in a football field?”

The sentimonster fumbled, stumbling for words, “Uhh…. I… like football? It’s… my favorite thing to do!”

He shook his head. “Really? Last time I checked, you liked fashion and baking. You’re right, Ladybug. She definitely isn’t the real Marinette.”

Ladybug blinked in surprise. “How did you know she doesn’t like-“

“Where’s the amok?” Chat Noir demanded, staring at the sentimonster.

She trembled. “It’s…. it’s with my master. Shadowmoth.”

“Of course it is. And where’s the real Marinette?”

She looked down at the ground. “I… I don’t know.”

His expression changed to panic. “Oh no. The real Marinette is missing?”

Ladybug touched his shoulder, trying to calm him down. “Relax, Chat. She must be-“

“We’ve got to find her, Ladybug! She’s an innocent civilian who doesn’t deserve to go missing!” he shouted frantically.

Ladybug racked her brain to think of a possible excuse for her to be missing from her home. “She…. Oh yeah, I think I saw her delivering macarons today!” she said.

Chat Noir faced her. “Are you sure?” he asked, worried.

“Uh… yes. I saw her before going to fight ‘Dark Owl’,” she said, mimicking air-quotes around ‘Dark Owl’.

He relaxed. “Okay… thank goodness she’s safe!”

Ladybug took a sigh of relief as well. She was glad she was able to come up with an excuse, or it would’ve been very hard to get Chat Noir to not go looking for her.

Suddenly, the sentimonster before them disappeared. “Wait, what?” Chat Noir said.

Ladybug sighed dejectedly. “Shadowmoth must have withdrawn her. The life of a sentimonster is so unfair,” she said, her voice full of pity.

Chat Noir stared at the spot the sentimonster had stood in before disappearing. “Yes.”


The blue feather flew out of the amukatized object, which was a briefcase. “Did Ladybug and Chat Noir argue?” Shadowmoth asked Lila.

She shrugged. “Well…. Somewhat.”

“Somewhat? My plan has been foiled again!” he wailed.

“Ugh! Getting revenge on Ladybug is so difficult!” Lila scoffed.

Never mind. I’ll just have to try again next time.



Adrien kept thinking about the way Ladybug had shouted at him earlier. Once again, he had brushed it off to the side.

But it hurt him. It hurt a lot.

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