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Judging by the dejected, worn-out expressions on their faces, all of the superheroes were sure there was bound to be bad news from Pegasus and Vesperia. Vesperia had de-paralyzed Princess Justice and Chat Blanc.

"What happened?" Pigella asked, fidgeting, nervous.

"Bad news." Vesperia said.

"We discovered that the akumatized object is in both of their miraculouses. If destroyed, it could lead to their identity reveal, which is already risk on its own, but it is virtually impossible to annihilate them without the help of Chat Noir's esteemed cataclysm," Pegasus listed off, head drooping down.

"Oh no!" Polymouse exclaimed.

They all started discussing on how they could possibly de-akumatize them.

The whole time, Viperion was quiet. This all meant that his friends, Adrien and Marinette, wouldn't be able to get de-akumatized. He did not have an idea on what to do.

"Viperion, could you possibly use your second chance to revert time?" Pegasus asked, full of hope.

He shook his head. "No. My second chance only works in short intervals. I'm sorry, Pegasus."

Pegasus's head drooped down with sadness. There was nothing left to do.

Rena Furtive observed that the group was looking downcast and leaped off from the roof she was hiding near. "What happened, everyone?"

Carapace walked towards her with his head hung down. "Sorry, Rena Furtive. But the akumas are in their miraculouses."

She covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh no. What do we do now?" She asked, pondering on the matter.


"I think everyone else has realized that everything's hopeless," Scarlet Moth grinned. Adjuvant smiled a little at the prospect of having Ladybug suffer so frequently. She was undoubtedly enjoying the whole thing.

"Chat Blanc, Princess Justice, give me your miraculouses! Or I will take away your powers," Scarlet Moth said.

"Chat Blanc, I forgot to inform you, but you have a new power. You can set people in white bubbles with a timer that shall destroy them soon. Princess Justice, your beams are tremendously powerful! Use them properly!" Scarlet Moth informed.

Chat Blanc rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Scarlet Moth. Princess Justice, hand me your miraculous."

"No way!"

"I said, give it!"

"No!" She flashed a purple beam at Chat Blanc, but yet again it went wayward due to her cracked staff. Chat Blanc snickered. "Your crooked shots aren't going to affect me."

"They're trying to destroy each other!" Pigella exclaimed, gnawing on her lip as she watched the two former partners fighting.

Rena Furtive was ill at ease. "I... I don't know. I've broken out of an akumatization before, maybe that's our only hope..."

"But how exactly are we supposed to make them break out of their akumatized state?" Viperion asked.

"That's the thing. I have no idea how."

"Just give up already, Princess Justice! Give me your miraculous and leave!" Chat Blanc hollered.

Princess Justice knew deep inside that she was not going to give her or Chat Noir's miraculous to Scarlet Moth any time soon. She merely needed the powers Scarlet Moth gave her to get her partner back.

And she was definitely never going to give up trying.

"I'll keep trying. I need you back, Chat Noir." She said, with a tear cascading down her cheek.

He shot Princess Justice a dirty look. "No! You don't need me at all! Don't pretend you do!"

"I'm not pretending! How could you say that?!" She yelled, astonished that he thought she didn't care about him.

"I can say that because it's the truth! You don't care about me! Which is why I want to destroy you!"

"Really? Then why haven't you destroyed me yet?"

Chat Blanc paused, standing there with a blank stare. He himself could not point out why he hadn't just cataclysmed her yet.

Perhaps it was because of the pushed down admiration and love he still had for her deep inside. "I..."

Princess Justice walked towards him, tears flooding her eyes. She wiped her tears away, grabbed him by the chin, and looked up at him as he stared down at her. "Please, my kitty... get out of this akumatization. I need you back..."

For a moment, Chat Blanc almost reconsidered. He considered breaking out of the akumatization and returning to the girl he had loved for so long.

He thought about the patrols they had had together, the memories they had shared. He recalled the way they would smile at each other and bump fists.

He remembered the trust they had had in each other. The pact they had made to always trust each other.

He wanted all of that back. He didn't want to live miserably without the person who was always by his side.

But then he remembered the way Ladybug would always leave him out of everything, the way she had yelled at him and exploited him.

The way she hadn't bothered to find out the reason for his misery.

All his anger came rushing back with full force as he shot Princess Justice the iciest glare he had ever given her.


On an impulse, he snapped his fingers, activating his destruction bubble power.

"So, the only way we can help them break out of their akumatizations are-" Rena Furtive explained, but got cut off by a deafening shriek.

"Rena! Look out!" Carapace shouted, jumping in front of her. Instead of Rena Furtive, Carapace got trapped into a gray bubble.

"Carapace!" Rena Furtive cried, not knowing what had just transpired.

"Oh no! What are those?" Pigella pointed to gray bubbles shooting their way.

Before everybody could move, they all were lifted up into big bubbles that would soon destroy them.

Princess Justice watched in horror as all of her friends turned into frozen statues in midair.

In the blink of an eye, the whole city turned cold and bleak looking, much like Chat Blanc's energy. Buildings, homes, and even The Eiffel Tower were down due to the sheer amount of power Chat Blanc had used.

The Montparnasse Tower only barely managed to stay standing as the two akumatized villains battled atop its roof.

Even Scarlet Moth and Adjuvant were in bubbles. The only people who weren't trapped were Chat Blanc and Princess Justice.

Princess Justice was shocked, to say the least.

She looked around in astoundment. All of her friends were trapped in grayscale bubbles with some kind of timers engraved on them. The timers read 39:40.

"What have you done?" she breathed out in a hoarse, cracking voice.

Chat Blanc wasn't quite sure what he had just done. He had acted spontaneously and did not know whether he regretted his decision or not. He had never considered putting the whole city in doom, but what was done was final.

"They don't have much time left. Give me your miraculous and leave me for good, and the whole city won't be in sure doom."

She turned to him with a look of disbelief. "Are-Are you serious? I'm not leaving you or giving you my miraculous!"

Chat Blanc smiled deviously. "As you desire, princess."

And there she stood, shaking on weak khaki knees, not having the faintest idea what to do or say.

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