In The Light Of The Moon (And Sunset)

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Adrien skimmed his Chinese textbook, trying to decode the complicated words written. Eventually, he gave up on trying to fathom it and closed it with an exasperated huff.

Plagg floated up towards him. He felt pity for his owner. He offered, "Why don't you transform into Chat Noir? Then, you can get some fresh air."

Adrien thought about it. The idea was very irrational, but at that point, he'd do anything to escape the mental suffocation his home gave him. His father was busy in his fashion work and Nathalie wasn't going to barge in anytime soon.

"You're right. Plagg, claws out!" he transformed and jumped out of his window.

He jumped across the Parisian sky. It was already quite late , and sunset was nearing. Patrol wasn't scheduled for the day. He decided to rest on a nearby rooftop. Coincidentally, it turned out to be the same very rooftop where he had once prepared a surprise for Ladybug.

Meanwhile, Marinette was in her balcony, enjoying the wind in her hair and the fresh breeze. All of a sudden, she saw a black figure perched on a nearby rooftop. She squinted her eyes, trying to figure out what or who it was. "Chat...Noir?"

"Why would Chat Noir be here?" Tikki asked, confused.

"I don't know. He knows that patrol isn't today, and if it were, I would've told him."

"Maybe you should ask him?" Tikki imposed.

"Tikki, I'm not transformed right now. Why would he talk to a civilian?" Marinette explained.

"He has talked to you a few times," Tikki pointed out. "Besides, he seems to be in the need for someone to talk to right now."

"Maybe..." Marinette said thoughtfully.

She knew Tikki was right. She had talked to Chat Noir a few times in civilian form.

She decided to move on impulse. "Chat Noir!" she called out.

Chat Noir heard her and turned his head. He saw her on the balcony. Marinette?

He mounted his stick and catapulted to her balcony.

"Marinette? Were you calling me?"

She nodded. "You seemed like you needed someone to talk to. Also, I don't see Ladybug around. Are you patrolling?"

He sighed. For some reason, he was drawn to vent to her. "No, I'm just out here to escape my suffocating life."

Her face changed into a concerned frown. "Your life? Are you...okay?"

"Not really. With everything that has been going on lately, I'm feeling kind of down."

"I'm... so sorry."

They sat in silence for a while, looking at the orange horizon.

"How about you? Are you okay?" Chat Noir asked.

She didn't take her eyes off the sky. "I'm mostly fine, but there's someone I'm worried about."

He blinked at her, surprised. "And that is?"

Her eyes looked down at the railing. "He's my friend. He's been acting off lately, and yesterday... he kind of lashed out."

Lashed... out? Who lashed ou- His eyes bulged out as he had a revelation. She was talking about him, and they way he'd yelled at Lila the day before.

"W-what did he do?" he asked hesitantly. He didn't want Marinette to think that he was some kind of aggressive imbecile.

"Someone was... annoying him, and he told her to stop. I mean, she deserved it, but he usually never acts that way. I... want to be there for him, but I don't know what to do. I don't want to be a bad friend." She looked up at the sky again. It was getting darker as the minutes passed. Her gaze turned sad.

He frowned. Marinette wanted to reassure him? He gazed at her. She was trembling. I'm so stupid. Now Marinette is worried about me.

He put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, surprised as tears threatened at the corner of her eyes. "Hey. It's okay. You must be an amazing friend if you want to be there for him so badly." His eyes softened.

"Trust me, I'm sure he appreciates you very much. You must mean a lot to him."

Her lips stretched out into a small smile. "Thank you, Chat Noir." He's always there for me, she thought.

She decided to say one more thing. "I'm sure Ladybug appreciates you."

His eyebrows raised. "Because why wouldn't she? You're amazing, Chat Noir."

He smiled softly. "Thank you, Marinette."

"You don't have to thank me. It's true." She took his hand in hers. "I'm sure you're the best partner she could ever ask for."

His lips parted as he felt a slight heat in his cheeks. She looked up at the moon, which was already out. "You should get going now. It's getting late."

"R-right." He climbed up onto the balcony, preparing to leave. He gazed back at her once more. "Thank you for cheering me up," he whispered softly.

Her eyes softened, her cheeks looking more pink in the moonlight. "No, thank you."

He waved as he jumped off onto his stick, disappearing in the light of the moon.

"That went well," Tikki remarked. "You praised him a lot."

"I meant everything I said, Tikki," Marinette replied. "He's the best partner I could ever ask for."

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