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Your joy in life was being absolutely free and in charge.

You are (y/n), leader of the Samo Fleet. You possess a metal vessel thanks to the aid of three slum friends: Sana, Ulric, and Ama. Together you left your homes at the young ages of 15, inspired by the tale of Sinbad, the king of Sindria, who conquered his first dungeon when he was merely 14. They named you their king- technically queen- and have since been your strongest household vessels.

For the last four years, the four of you have struggled together to make your crumbling country, Renkin, as best you could. Together, you've warded off many slave traders from the youth of your town and aided the adults in keeping off thieves and barbarians while they worked. You all worked hard to protect your little slum and surrounding town, but Renkin had officially died off now.
Now, at age 19, you flee your country with its deceased royal family, angered people, and Kou Empire right at the boarders. You bought a boat from a desperate man for cheap and offered local seamen money to help you flee. With the state of things, they accepted the little you could give and now you're all off to sea, unaware of where you will sail or land.

"(Y/n), where are we going exactly?" Ama asks, leaning against the side of the ship with you.

"The crewmen we hired to run the boat said they could find new jobs in the Republic of Balbadd, so we're going there. We won't need the ship like them, so I'm selling it to Tiar." You answer, glancing at Ama.

He scoffs, "It's a part of the Kou empire, (y/n), 'the Republic of Balbadd' isn't an actual thing. It's a conquered dead country, just like the one we've left. I'm sure Kou's already taken what little there was to take from Renkin."

"We'll see, Ama. The fact that Balbadd is still new to the Kou Empire means that we can get in easier. We can get lives going for ourselves there-!" you chirp, eager at the freedom before you.

"(Y/n), you're a dungeon capturer." Ama sighs, glaring into my eyes. "I named you my king because I wanted you to make a country for us."

"And Sinbad got help from Balbadd's king when he was first learning to be a merchant in the-"

"We're not merchants, we don't have ties, and Balbadd has no help for us-"

"We need to make a lot of money to buy land-"

Sana pushed between you two, patting your cheek before she ruffles her brother's thick silver hair. Ama pushes her off, swearing at her as he ran his hands through his jaw length hair to untangle it. You wait for Sana to return her attention to you, but Ulric pesters you first.

"We should go to Sindria!" he claims, wrapping a heavy arm around your shoulders, constricting your movements.

"But, Ulric, what if they don't let us in?" I ask, seeing as how I'm unaware of how they may or may not welcome refugees.

"I agree with Ulric. King Sinbad is a gracious king after all! I've heard his country is amazing!" Sana sighs, tugging on her brother's shirt, as he undoes her braid.

"But what if they don't let us in? Sure he's been gracious to his citizens, but why would he take in refugees with nothing to offer?" I repeat, looking to Ama.

"We should try Sindria." He says, leaving me with no back up, and thereof, not being in charge of the situation.

You glare hard at him and he shrugs, reaching to move you out of Ulric's super grip. He takes your hand and leads you up to the man sailing the ship, Tair. He is in his forties and has been in this position for at least 30 years. His look is gruff and cruel and unforgiving, but he is actually a very kind father, his kids on the crew we hired, and he's thankful for the opportunity your fleet has given.

"Ho, (y/n)," he chuckles at you. "What can help the miss with?"

"We've decided to go to Sindria." Ama answers for you.

"Oh?... But what about Balbadd? I don't know if Sindria even needs anymore fisherman- or anything for that matter!" Tair puffs.

"My group believes that king Sinbad will be welcoming." You mutter, just as uneasy and concerned as Tair is.

"The king Sinbad has a huge barrier around his kingdom, my dear. What if we were to make it all that way, only to be turned out?" retorts the older man.

"And what if you can't find a job in Balbadd? That country was in the same condition as ours- why would they be better now? They're a part of the Kou Empire, who I am sure has no desire to benefit it." Ama argues.

Tair looks at you and you sigh. You don't know what he's thinking, but you know you'd rather go to Balbadd where you could work your way up, and could be certain he feels the same. On the other hand, you think of how nice it would be to see what the young country has reaped already, and maybe help in sowing it.

"Tair," you start, meeting the dark haired man's crisp green eyes. "Are we able to make it to Sindria?"

"Yes, (y/n)... We are." He answers, wavering.

"I believe in my friends- we should see what we can do in Sindria. I think it's a risk worth taking." You inform him, offering a sweet smile you don't mean.

As kind as this man's been, both of you are merely using each other for personal gain. It's all polite smiles and speaking here. You hired him, he's to obey.

"Yes, miss. We will set course for Sindria." Tair grumbles before howling at the crew to work certain ways.

As the ship rocks, you can't shake the feeling that you're handing over more than just your choice for where you take refuge. No, deep down you are unsettled as if a large amount of your leadership is being taken away, but you don't feel threatened from Ama, Ulric, or Sana.The threat is outside your circle, and you want it destroyed.

No matter what, the only thing you seek is freedom and power. You want to have all the power of your life, and you want people to want to follow you. And as such, your metal vessel's Djin, Iao, has granted you the power to be just that.

A king.

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