Part 12

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"(Y/n), hon, you need to stop!" Sharrkan urges as you wail against Sinbad, thrashing your body weight.

"I hate you! I hate you! Put me down! You ruin everything, old man!" you whine, ignoring Sharrkan.

"(Y/n)!" Sharrkan pipes, trying to cover your mouth but you keep moving away.

"Sharrkan," the king's deep voice snaps. "Don't bother. She's done this before. Just run ahead and get Ama and Ja'far for me."

"Yes, my king!" obeys Sharrkan as he sprints ahead.

You were still bitching and thrashing, now leaning away from Sinbad to try to break his grip with your weight. Oh, how he wanted to drop you with how difficult you were being. It would be really easy to just let you drop and walk right on by you.

So he does. He lets go and you drop hard onto the ground. You felt it all the way from your head to your butt, and when you sat up, you folded in on yourself. Tears pricked your eyes, and you felt nauseous now. You began crying, holding your head tight.

"So you're done complaining now?" asked Sinbad, his arms crossed as he looks down at you.

"I hate you, you damned king." you whisper, curling in on yourself more.

Above you the king sighs before he squats down in front of you. Even if you were acting like the child here, it really wasn't the best idea to retort in the same manner. He reaches out, pushing your (h/l), (h/c) back from your face, then wiping your tears. It only made you cry more, now hiding your face behind your arms.

You were actually feeling bad now. This all just got worse with your outright disrespect to the king and he handled it in a better way than other king's would. Most would have someone else take you away and punish you, but Sinbad just picked you up, let you hit at him, and scream vulgarities and the only thing he did to put you in place was do what you asked- put you down.

"Why do you keep going back and forth?" you grumble between a sob, sniffling.

The king didn't reply. He just sat down next to you, smoothing your hair as you cried and for once you felt bad for how you treated the king. You should've just complied- you and Sharrkan still would've had a good time back at the palace, goofing off, but now you were stuck alone with the king.

"Come on, (Y/n)," mutters the king. "Can you walk to the castle gate or do I have to carry you?"

Sinbad stood up, offering you a hand. You sniffled, your face red from crying and anger as you reach out and take the king's hand. They're warm and firm and calloused unlike most king's- or so you assumed. He hoisted you up, and then led you back to the castle, leading you by your hand the whole way back.

"(Y/n)!" shouts Ama and Ja'far as they met you and Sinbad at the gates.

You were still being led by Sinbad with your hand in his, but he stopped just inside the gates. You leaned your head on his back, ashamed for how you acted as the alcohol was wearing off. Ama pulled you from him, though, wrapping you in his own arms, and turning you from the king.

"What happened?" Ja'far asked.

"No one told me (Y/n) was skipping today. So I went to find her, and scold her. I guess her and Sharrkan decided to go drink in town? So, much like last time she fought me all the way here, saying this and that." Sinbad summarized, and Ja'far shrunk a little.

"Apologies, King Sinbad, I spaced telling you that Sharrkan and (Y/n) were going to enjoy her last evening together... She managed to hit Sharrkan, and they believed it was necessary to celebrate." Ja'far explains.

Sinbad sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. What a problem caused over a minor miscommunication. You're still in Ama's arms, not accepting the brotherly comfort he normally gives you.

"(Y/n), go rest for the night. I'll make sure dinner is brought to you, but we need you sharp early tomorrow morning. Once we're cleared for smooth sailing on the ship and everything's settled, you and I will be training until the sun goes down tomorrow. That's your punishment for you behavior." The king orders.

"Yes, King Sinbad." you drone, looking at the ground.

The king cups your chin, even with you still in Ama's arms. You stare at him blankly, for once not unnerved, just ashamed. He sighs, running his hand up your cheek before he pats you on the head. Sinbad then walks away without another word.

"(Y/n)... he didn't try anything..." Ja'far mused, looking at you wide eyed. "He treated you like a person younger than him, not an interest!"

"Maybe the King's given up." Ama added, looking at you as you rested your heavy head on his chest.

"I hope. I don't mind him treating me like that. Even when I was so rude to him..." you yawn, looking at Ja'far. "I blame you for whatever happens tomorrow, though. You were supposed to tell him."

"That's no fair, (Y/n)! I'm busy with matters of this kingdom!" Ja'far exclaimed.

"You said you would tell him for me, though! And the king is a huge part of this kingdom, so I think it counts. Sharrkan and I would still be happily drinking, but no." you tease, partly, while also meaning it.

"(Y/n), stop it. Ja'far and I came running the moment Sharrkan told us what was happening. Ja'far feels bad enough. So, let's take you to bed." Ama interjected.

Ama led his king to her rooms, where she thought too hard at her rival king's change, before she fell asleep, and dreamed about her own country.

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