Part 15

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A week into your trip to Kou and Sinbad hasn't even touched you since then. You practice with your Djinn for an hour or two every day before he has to go take care of something. It really smarted and you felt the loss of his game.

You and Ama then took to practicing with just your swords since the two of you had finally been improving with Sharrkan. Neither of you wanted to lose your progress and you welcomed the distraction‍‍. You always welcomed distractions since you met Sinbad, it seems.

Then in any spare time after that, aside from working in the morning, you would see Yam or bother Ja'far. Yam and you would go over various medicines and the two of you would talk about your homes and childhood. She was a very sweet woman.

Ja'far on the other hand, somehow, was still always working. So when you did go to bug him, you were still fairly respectful of him working. Sometimes you'd help, other times you'd pester him to teach you some tricks with his darts. He never agreed.

Today you went to see Yam after practicing with Ama. You felt like you needed a kind, doting atmosphere for how you were feeling. She could at least make you think you were ok with this.

You knock on her door, asking, "Yam, are you busy?"

There was no answer as the door opened to reveal, not Yam, but Sinbad. You backed away, feeling cold. He didn't smile or greet you, just stepped aside.

"I'll see you later, Yamureiha." he calls behind him, leaving the door open as he left.

Yam appears in the door, humming, "Bye King Sinbad" before her eyes fall on you. Sinbad was already gone, around the corner and your heart was beating hard, you knew you were pale. He was the last person you wanted to see, especially with how cold he just was.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Yam asks, walking out in the hall and taking your hands.

You hung your head and she tsked, before taking you into her room. The door shut behind you and she led you to two chairs that were across each other. There was a small table in the middle and that's where Yam continued to rub circles into your hands while you stared at but didn't focus on the floor.

"So, something really did happen between you two that night." she sighs with frustration. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"He only kissed me, but..." it was hard to admit this.

It was very obvious to you that it happened, there was no mistaking it. You wanted to push it out though, and pretend it didn't happen. The king didn't really do much, but god you felt like such a failure.

And you told Yamuraiha how the encounter went, starting with you and Ama playing cards. You even told her how you felt letting it happen- how the cold of guilt washed you over. She just listened to you, never letting go of your hands.

"(Y/n)..." she says, her voice low and quiet. "We thought you were getting too laid back with him or that he was finally being too persistent for you... so Masrur and Ja'far had a very stern talk with Sinbad... they said they don't want you hurt. We told him to stay away- but had we known this-! Why didn't he tell us he already got you a little... but, I'm surprised that he's actually stayed away. That's very unlike Sinbad."

You didn't know what to feel at this news. Relief didn't seem to be an ok response, but you also didn't feel mad at them for intervening. You'd been constantly using them to keep the king away.

"Thank you..." you say to her, looking up and giving a weak smile.

She looked at you shocked, asking, "Wait, do you mean that? You aren't mad?"

"I have no reason to be- we kept it from you. You guys were keeping my best interest- you are trying to protect me. You were only doing what I always asked. It may have been a good idea to tell me, but I understand. Now I know he may have not totally used me... but then again, since he has listened to you guys, maybe he did... get bored." you explain.

"... The reason he was just here was to ask about you... I don't think he's gotten bored. I mean, I thought it was weird that he came here since you two practice every day. I guess it makes sense now." muses Yam, her hands still holding yours.

"I think I'm going to see Ja'far too... tell him what went on."

"Are you sure about that? He may freak out a little."

"Yeah, but that guy is too uptight. He needs to worry about some people more, not paper."

You laugh at your teasing, taking your hands from Yam's. The two of you promise to see each other at dinner and you leave her room. Ja'far's study is one floor above this, so you head to the closer staircase.

"So women really do like to kiss and tell." Sinbad growls after you round the corner.

You jump back from him, scared by his sudden appearance. He looked over at you as he leaned against the wall, still not smiling. Perplexed by his statement, you stay where you are, out of his reach.

"Were you listening to us?" you ask.

"You could've talked to me, you know. They said I had to leave you alone, not that you had to leave me alone." he murmurs lowly, looking at his feet. "It's not just my job to do everything- I showed you how I felt to-"

"Are you kidding me right now, Sinbad? Do you know what reputation you have?" you accuse, getting defensive. "Of course I thought you were just done with me, having finally gotten something from me!"

"I said I love you, (Y/n). I've never said that to anyone outside my parents when I'm sober. If I was still playing that game, I would have never used such a dirty tactic." Sinbad argues back, looking into your eyes, his gold pools on fire.

"Y-you never said you loved me!" you deny.

"I tried to, but you yelled at me to shut up!" he shouted at you.

"Whatever! It's bullshit anyway- you don't know anything about me! Not even my last na-"

"You are (Y/n)(M/n)(L/n). You are 19 years old, soon to be 20. You were orphaned when you were six and Ama and Sana's family took you in. You have always been very smart. You're mother was a dancer, and she fell in love with your father. You were made because of that. She was kicked out when she became pregnant with you. She did her best to make sure you could make it out of the slums- she taught you everything she could. How to read how to write how to be respectful and tactful. She taught you how to fight for yourself. So when she was killed, you didn't cry. You just stared at the wall for days while Ama and Sana's parents tried to get you to talk.

"You never really did. You weren't a loud kid until you were eight. Then you went around beating kids up who tried to hurt the twins. You and Ama would join forces all the time right? And it was like that for years- it still is. Except when the twins fought, you would pull them apart. You met Ulric when you all were nine. He was the one who told you about the adventures of Sinbad, my life, and got the idea of the dungeons stuck in your head! When your mother's killer finally came out to try and get you, at fifteen, you decided that you were going to the dungeon. You led your friends there with the shitty blade your mother left you. All the twin's ever did was fight with each other, exhausting you and Ulric.

"It was hard. Most of your weapons were old or stolen and you were the only one who really knew how to use it. But somehow, you led a group of you and a couple of kids through a dungeon with meager supplies! Judging by that alone, your resolve (Y/n)-"

"Stop talking." you croak at all the memories, good or bad. "How in the fuck did you find all of this out."

"... I asked Sana... As well as Ulric and Ama. Ama was the hardest to get anything out of, but he and the others hold so much hope for you... I couldn't help but to fall in love with you... We have so much in common." he smiled softly at this.

"I know nothing about you-"

"Then I'll tell you everything, (Y/n). I'm not bored of you, I don't believe I ever could be. You are full of so much life and potential and motivation and hope. I can say confidently now that I love you... Last week, I was so scared to tell you. I didn't ever plan to, either, but then in that moment... I loved feeling you against me, looking down in your face."

"Sinbad, stop it." you whisper. "You're praising for all these things I can't possibly grasp. And I don't know what you were going to tell me about my resolve, but I'm sure it's like everyone else. I always stick to it, it's amazing and all that bullshit right? You know what my resolve for you was? To keep you away, to not let you get to me-!"

You stop as Sinbad takes one of your hands, raising it to his shoulder while his other snakes to your waist. He does it all so slowly, even turning you to lean you against the wall once again. Sinbad does everything so slowly, so tenderly, and sweetly, that you tremble as he leans his forehead on yours.

"Y-you're breaking my resolve, Sinba-" you whimper, feeling weak as his lips are brushing against yours, but not actually kissing you yet.

"Is it really a bad thing?" the words drip off the king's tongue so sickeningly sweet.

He still wasn't kissing you. His lips were just lingering, so close, and his breath so warm. Your one hand on his shoulder played with his collar, your fingers feeling his thick, tensed neck, while the other held onto the side of his shirt.

You opened your mouth to answer him, but instead he finally pressed his lips to yours. His arms encircle you, one at your waist the other around your arms and shoulders. Sinbad was holding you as close as he could, moving his lips passionately against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth and playing with your tongue.

Unlike last time, your body burned hot against Sinbad's. He pulls back from your lips, the two of you panting, before he starts kissing your neck. You let out a breathy gasp, your skin tingling as he kissed the sensitive skin, his hands sliding down your sides and grabbing your hips, pulling you close.

Both of your arms are draped around his neck as he kisses further down, tugging your shirt down, and revealing some cleavage. You whimper as he nips and sucks on the skin there, pulling yourself tighter against him. He frees your shirt, lifting you at the waist and kissing you once more, a hand straying momentarily to guide your leg around his waist.

He didn't have to get you to do the same with the other. Sinbad leans against you more, leaving no space between you, him, and the wall. It felt so good having him be like this to you- desperate, needy, demanding, but giving all at the same time. Your hand knots in his hair above his ponytail. It's as soft as you expected it to be in between your fingers.

Once again, he pulls off, this time leaning his forehead against yours. The two of you pant and he slowly sets your feet back to the floor, but continues holding you close to him. You look up at his half lidded eyes, pulling out his ponytail so that you could run your fingers fully through his hair. He looked back at you, his gold eyes swimming and lucid.

"I really do love you, (Y/n)." he exhales, running a hand over your hair too.

"Sinbad, I-" you try.

"You don't know me well enough yet. Don't worry. You will." he says.

And that's how the king got the other to surrender her fortune.

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