Part 9

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That lousy king kicked your ass.

Sure, you knew you had little chance of winning, but you didn't think you wouldn't be able to land at least one hit. It was embarrassing putting in all that effort to be deflected and kicked down every time.

"Miss (y/n)." Ja'far calls in a weak voice. "Maybe you should take a break. Have you eaten yet? Why don't we-"

"Leave me be, Ja'far!" you pant, feeling your magoi depleting. "I just need one hit!"

Sinbad gives a curt laugh, crossing his arms. He hasn't even used his Djinn yet, and that irks you even more. It made you feel hopelessly weak. You didn't like that the king had so much over you, and it makes you wonder why he's held back- he easily could've over powered you...

That was a part of the game, though, right? He wanted his prey to succumb. What a devious man King Sinbad of Sindria, High King of the Seven Seas, and creator of the Seven Seas alliance is.

"I actually have to agree with Ja'far. You're going to collapse from too much Magoi consumption." Sinbad smiles as he walks by you placing a hand on your shoulder, making you jump. "And I don't think anyone could really stop me if you do."

You slap his hand away, putting your sword to his throat, and growling, "You have no right to touch me, old man."

You don't look at the king as you walk to Ja'far. Ja'far smiles at you as he always does and you sigh. You decide that you wouldn't ask him to call on Sharrkan as you were too tired to do anymore today.

"Where's Ama? I wish to go back to my room." you ask him.

Before Ja'far can answer, the king walks beside you once more, offering a hand, saying, "You don't need him; I can take you there. Besides, you and I have things to discuss before we go to Kou."

You glare at him then look at Ja'far, hooking your arm with the silverette's. The king's hand closes into a fist and then drops by his side. He doesn't even bother to fake a smile. Sinbad is very displeased by your choice.

"Your adviser can inform me. I'm sure you are very, very busy, my king." you retort, walking towards the stairs with Ja'far on your arm.

"Sure, he can, but he won't let you accept this." the king says to your back as you two descend.

"Is there really no way to avoid this Ja'far?" you say lowly, looking at him sidelong.

Sighing, Ja'far answers, "There isn't one I can see. I'm sorry, (y/n). At least he's only saying engagement, rather than marriage."

"Ja'far..." you say, feeling empty. "I don't want to be a part of this country. I want to have my own... He- the king- Sinbad, he's trapping me here. I refuse to be stuck here- I'd rather go back to the slums and start new-"

"Sinbad will likely never let you go, (y/n)... I know I said he loves a good chase, and he'd find a new fling, or something but... I'm sorry- he's scarily set on you being around him" Ja'far stops you, and you drop your arm from his.

Your fists clench and you feel slightly hopeless and defeated, but not just from the physical match. You turn and bow to Ja'far, thanking him for escorting you this far, but saying you'd walk the rest of the way. He was going to stop you but you brushed him off, running at a breakneck speed to your room.

Once there, you immediately shut and lock the door.

"Good. I wanted some alone time with my fiance."

You clench your jaw before turning to look at Sinbad who was lazily spread across your bed. He just watched you with an observant look, noting everything you did. How you were very tense and glared at him in a different way than ever. Sinbad watches you unlatch the door, raising his eyebrow before rolling off the bed and coming to you. He knew you wouldn't just leave.

"I hate you." you say as he leans onto the wall beside the door.

"That's fine. We'll say it was purely political- at least for your part." he catches your chin, his face amused, his voice turning low and husky as he leaned in to your ear. "But for me, I'll simply say that I wanted you the moment I saw you."

You shiver at the whisper in your ear and your breath hitches as he bit the lobe of your ear. He doesn't do anything else. Sinbad simply guides you back from the door and excuses himself.

The moment the door clicked behind him, you dropped to your knees. Just like that, he stopped playing the game, and simply chained you to your spot. You were trapped. He's declared himself the winner of a game you never could win.

You felt hopeless and drained. Maybe it was mostly the fight, but you knew it wasn't the sole reason. Sinbad wanted you as his, and he wanted to be king- subjecting you to being merely the queen.

From that moment on, you knew you'd have to fight to be the king.

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