Part 2

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You're still watching Sinbad, but now more in an entranced way. This man is just so incredibly gorgeous, and you can't escape his eyes. Especially since they've locked on to yours, seeing as how his and Cran's conversation has ended.

It scared you deep down how selfless you felt looking into them. And not like an altruistic selflessness- it was more like you lost connection with your body. Then he started walking towards you, his eyes holding yours, and your body felt so heavy.

"What's your name, miss? Are you family of Cran's?" Sinbad inquired with a thick, sweet voice.

You blush, and stutter the words, "No, I'm just here to help unload the cargo."

The fact your voice is so feeble and small annoys you. You want that power you had back, the power over yourself- the freedom! This man is so overwhelmingly charming to you, especially since all the ones you've seen were starved, overworked, or all together drained. He was practically glowing from the close, but respectful distance between you, and you were in awe.

"Oh? Such a pretty thing doing physical labor? But you could make so much more elsewhere!" the king cooed, leaning in and making a point of looking you over, biting his lip.

You thought of what Ama said about how girls make most in the lounges entertaining, and you see why- that's all the king seems to want from you. Your mind coming up with that causes you to regain some stability. You clear your throat, straighten your back, and look him hard in the eyes.

"My talents reside elsewhere, my King." You profess, bowing your head. "I find it far more worth my time to do hard labor as it will benefit me in the long run. Not only that, but I have managed to find a kind, and respectable boss. This job is perfect for me, my King."

"Oh?" Sinbad laughs, turning partly to Cran, his hand on his hip. "It seems you've found a worker with resolve! A strong one indeed, and respectable."

Sinbad looks you over once more and your heart beats hard. It pisses you off how goddam lovely he looks and how he makes you want to do nothing but be in his presence. You wished Ama was here to distract you by lowball insults to Sinbad, or even Sana so she could swoon over him and you could focus on reseting her.

"I should get back to work, my king." you tell Sinbad, bowing at the waist, then turning away from him without another glance.

You could feel his eyes on your back for a moment more before he began talking to Cran again. Finally able to breathe, you hurriedly unload the wine, moving it into the small cellar. No one helps you or spares you a word until you only have five more casks to go. At that point, Sinbad and Cran slowly made their way to the front of the wagon.

"Masrur," the king calls to some red haired, strong man. "Come over here and help this young women finish her task- I'm sure such a lovely thing has better things to do."

You slow your movements and, despite better judgement, you glare at the king as if he were Ama. In response, the king's eyebrows raise and his lovely lips turn to an amused smile, arms crossed. King Sinbad laughs a little then beams a confident smile.

"Well, now, that's a new thing I like to see! I have to admit, I haven't been glared at like that since the last time I saw Pisti's mother!" the king laughs hard, as his attendant, Masrur, picks up two barrels and walks into the cellar.

Ignoring the confident king, you follow Masrur with just one cask. Sinbad wasn't having that though, his curiosity at a peak, and he's waiting at the cellar entrance to confront you. He's leaning in the doorframe, his rolling, tight body illuminated by the setting sun. Again your heart picks up, and your footsteps slow before you finally have to stop before the king.

"What is your name, miss?" Sinbad says in a warm but low voice.

You hesitate, noticing Masrur waiting behind Sinbad with the last two casks. The poor man was just sitting there under their heavy weight, but not bothering to urge his king to move. Hopefully giving your name will cause him to retreat- he's only interested in your lack of interest.

"My name is (y/n), my king." you relent, bowing once again.

"(Y/n), you say? What a charming name- it's so fitting of such a lovely young lady." the king's words drip thickly from his perfect mouth, and you wonder if it tastes just as sweet.

Catching yourself, you blush, then turn the king's attention to Masrur, who still waited patiently. "I believe he needs to get through, my lord."

Sinbad turns halfheartedly to look at Masrur. The king then very slowly moved out of the doorframe, and Masrur walked in and right past you. You tried to run out through the space, but the king pinned you on the frame, his nose almost touching yours, while his bangs brushed against your forehead. Naturally your heart beat is ridiculous, your face is warm from your blushing, and your hands are trembling as you feel his warm breath on your lips.

"Cran!" you shout, complete unnerved by the king.

The king chuckles slightly before pushing off you, letting Masrur between you, back outside, and you take this chance to run to the wagon. You hop onto the seat carelessly, tumbling forward into the back of the wagon, and landing in an uncomfortable position. You're so unsettled that you just crawl into the corner closest to Cran, looking up at the bemused man.

"Cran, sir, please, may we go? We finished unloading everything." you say, shakingly.

Cran looks you over, then nods, saying, "Yes of course. But first we must collect payment-"

There was a loud clang into the back of the wagon as the king tosses a large sack of gold coins. A few tumble free and roll on the floor of the wagon. You and Cran just watch them before they fall flat, then direct your attention to the smirking king as he closes the tailgate.

"Thanks again, Cran. It's always nice to catch up with you." the king says in a loud confident voice before adding, in a lower, and frankly more seductive tone: "And it was great to meet you, miss (y/n). I am most positive I will be seeing you again."

You look at Cran desperately, mouthing the word "LEAVE." Cran chuckles, saying farewell to Sinbad, and you huddle low in the wagon. Being a kind boss, or just all too familiar with Sinbad, your boss asked you nothing about your rushed anxious behavior.

By the time you get back to Cran's booth, it's become dark and therefore time for you to go home. Cran pays you for the day, plus a little extra, and then you leave to meet with Ama. You and Ama meet at the juncture between your two boss' shops before you head over to say hi to Sana and Ulric at the busy tavern.

It had been a long day and there was nothing you wanted more than a liter or two of beer with the good, bitchy company of Ama, to forget about the flirty, over-confident king. And you knew Ama would be just the right person to tell this to because he'll laugh at you, but also verbally abuse the king and make you feel better.

"(Y/n)!" Ama called, running a hand through his messy silver hair.

You wave, acknowledging him, and stopping in your tracks. He stops before you, offering a goofy grin before he draped his arm across your shoulders. You begin walking, your arms wrapped around his back.

"How was your day?" asked Ama. I groaned, tossing my head back to emphasize my discontent.

"I'll tell you about it over a liter." you answer, sighing as well.

Ama laughs, and doesn't press. He's a great right hand man. The damned guy drives you crazy often, but you're still thankful for him in the end.

He'll help make you a great king, one day.

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