Part 21

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During your conversation with Ama, Sinbad had been dragged to bed, and apparently made a fuss the whole time. Neither you or Ama heard him, but now, with night here, he was sprawled on your bed, groaning about his headache, and you wish you could be ignorant to his cries once more. He had showed up an hour ago after Ja'far forced a late dinner into his belly, and now sought comfort from you.

"(Y/n)!" he griped, face down in the sheets. "Please come here."

"No. You were a bad king today! A very bad king!" you pout at him from the seat at your vanity.

You were punishing him for telling Ama. He didn't really remember, or so he claims, but you found it to be crucial that you were hard on him for it. It really could've gone a lot worse than it had.

"You said he got over it." Sinbad whines.

"Neither of us have gotten over your outburst today. I'm very disappointed in you. And Ama is severely disappointed in me." you answer.

"I'm being punished enough by how I feel-"

"That is only a punishment for how much you drank, not what you did while drunk."

You weren't mad at Sinbad, really, but it was important that he realized how bad it could've been. He needed to take responsibility for his actions, like a damn old man should. Sinbad groans loudly from the bed, rolling onto his back and blocking his eyes from the lanterns.

"(Y/n), sweetheart, please. I'm sorry. And miserable. Please forgive me." whimpers the purple haired man.

"What are you sorry for?"

"... I don't remember, but I promise, I'm sorry for it."

"You're kidding me, right? I just told you!"

There was a pause.

"Oh. I am sorry, (Y/n), for telling Ama that you and I sleep in the same bed, and I'm sorry for wording it in a way that made him think I had, like... you know... and then drunkenly backtracked which didn't do anything." his deep voice droned.

What a half assed, half hearted apology. Nevertheless, you got up and shuffled to the bed, turning out the lantern on the way. You crawled on the bed and snuggled in the crook of his arm, against his side. His muscled body then turned and he draped his other arm around you.

"My lovely (Y/n)... I love her so much..." he mumbles, pulling you closer.

"You're ridiculous, old man." you mutter back.

You feel him pout before groaning, "Don't call me old man... You love me."

"Doesn't mean you're not old."

"I'm only thirty!"

"But I'm nineteen!"

"Just because you're younger than me by a good decade, doesn't make me an old man. An old man is a grandpa. And has grey hair. And wrinkles."

You poke his cheeks and between his eyebrows, gasping dramatically. He shoos your hands away, pinning them between his chest and yours as he holds you close to him. Sinbad grumbles incoherently.

"I don't have wrinkles. But you'll likely give me some with how you act."

"Oh, waaah, you vain old man."

Sinbad grumbles, squeezing you closer. You look over his peaceful features, studying him. With a smirk, you then move your head up and begin kissing him. With a content sound, Sinbad kisses you back, slowly moving you beneath him.

You trail a hand along his neck and down his back while the other rested against his abdomen. He puts his arm under your head, propping you up so he could kiss you firmer. His tongue licks across your lips as his other free hand removes yours from his abdomen, allowing him to push himself closer. Your lips part, and Sinbad's tongue enters your mouth, playing with your tongue.

Pulling his hair free of the ponytail, a few strands drop around you, gently brushing your cheeks as he moved faster for a more passionate kiss. You knotted your hands into his hair and arched your back, pulling him closer against you.

"(Y/n)." he growls, pulling off and panting, his gold eyes lucid as they bore into your (e/c) ones.

"Sinbad..." you pant, running your fingers through his hair and making it all spill off of his shoulders.

"You're the end of my resolve, too." he whispers.

You gasp at the reference and his lips crash down onto yours, his tongue slipping back into your mouth. The two of you hold each other in a tight embrace, kissing desperately and harsh. Sinbad rolls on his side once again, keeping you against him as his arms hold you by the shoulders and on your lower back. That hand then slides down, grabbing your butt, and holding you closer by it. He squeezed it and you inhaled sharply, once again.

Sinbad then kissed down your neck, waiting until he got to your collar, where he pulled it down, and like many times before, began nipping and sucking at the flesh. He quickly got annoyed by this method though, and jerked your shirt up, getting on top you once more before he pulled it over your head. You had no time to cover yourself against the chill of the room because Sinbad quickly went to warming you up. He left marks everywhere he could, you skin wet from his saliva.

"Sinbad- too- far-!" you whine, pushing him off by his shoulders.

He groans but rolls off you and onto his back, breathless. You rush to put your shirt back on, a heavy blush was felt through your whole body. The way Sinbad just made you feel... You loved it and hated it.

"This feeling is gonna kill me!" Sinbad exclaimed, draping his arm over his eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic." you grumbled, snuggling against him already.

He turns, looking down into your eyes once again. His hand the reaches out and his fingers run through your (h/l) hair, spreading out your (h/c) locks. The way he looked at you then was heart wrenching- he seemed sad as he brushed through your hair.


"I wasn't kidding. You really are the end of one of my stances."

"...What one?"

"Not yet, (Y/n)."

"What do you mean not yet?"

"It has to be as perfect as the imperfect me can make it."

"Sinbad, hey-"

"You're very important to me, (Y/n). Please don't leave me."

He pulls you close as he whispered that and your heart jerked. You couldn't respond, there was no way you could tell him your time together was limited. It would damage things beyond recognition... but who's to say that won't be the case if you wait?

The king merely kisses her king on the forehead, hoping to ease him for now while she thought of a way to not destroy the king she loves.

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