Part 1

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Whatever barrier Tair had threatened hadn't stopped you and you docked at the Sindria port. Tair and you finished up your business, ending with him taking the boat rather than what you promised to pay him for sailing you. You all said your goodbyes at the dock and while they stayed, you ventured into the city.

"It's so beautiful!" Sana cries, swinging her staff as she walks ahead of the three of us.

"So, what are we gonna do here, (y/n)?" Ulric asks, stretching as we walk between the main merchant's strip.

You look to Ama and see he's watching you, waiting. He's supposed to be your right hand man and lately all he's done is challenge you. Even now, and you know he wants you to start acting "Kingly."

"We all need to find jobs, obviously. Whatever gets us higher up the ladder for riches so we can obtain our own country." You say, holding your head high and walking with a straighter back.

"(Y/n), do you know what the highest paid job is here?" Ama prods, an eyebrow raised as you look at him dumbly. "No? Well..."

Ama points a finger to a building slightly behind you. You look at the markings... and the advertising on the picture... and you feel yourself slouch. Of all things to make the most money...

"That's right miss, the best way to make money is to sell yourself a little." Ama chuckles as you look away from the... what are those even called?

Not all the women and men who work there sell themselves entirely. Most just sell compliments and teases, as you've been told, and basic waiting services. A few of them are erotic dancers... but is this really the highest paying job?

"Ama, you're joking right?" you grumble.

"Not since you're a woman. I mean," he shrugs as if it's obvious. "even gracious King Sinbad sees woman as only this value- toys, entertainment."

"Ama. Why are you trying to put Sinbad down now? You said we had more opportunity here- I'm not going to dress scantily and try to seduce some loser. I can kick ass, I can hunt, I can sell product, or something! I mean, power to those who do those services, but that can't be my only option-" you rant to him as Ulric laughs a deep laugh from in front of us, looking over his shoulder.

"There are plenty of choices for you, miss (y/n), if you look around. There's woman doing other types of work." Ulric gestures around at a few stores to prove this before he looks between you and Ama, winking. "I think Ama just wants to see you as one of those ladies in the lounge."

Ama flushes bright red and jumps on Ulric. You glare and hit Ama hard on the head, making sure to meet his eyes before you go to catch up to Sana.

"Don't be a pervert to your king, Ama!" you call over your shoulder, seeing Ulric laughing and pointing at Ama in the corner of your eye.

You got a job doing heavy lifting for a merchant, Ulric was hired as a bodyguard at a very popular bar, Ama is helping run deliveries for a different merchant, and Sana is a server in the bar Ulric works in. It's been two weeks since you reached Sindria and you are all so far away from getting anywhere that you wonder how worth it this will be. You're making enough for food and board, almost to the point where you all can buy an apartment, and are so close to gaining citizenship in this bright, fast country.

"(Y/n)!" your boss calls. "Load up that wine and then hop into the coach! You're coming with me for a delivery!"

"Yes sir!" you answer, heaving the barrels into the back of the wagon.

There's about 25 huge barrels of this wine, and it looks to be very expensive. You can't really pronounce the name, it's sealed well, and despite that you can smell how smooth it would taste. That's expensive right?

It is well into the day once you get everything loaded up. Your boss has you sit with him in the front, leading the horses, as you follow the main road, the lovely Sindria castle getting closer and closer. Until you were slowed at its gates...

You look over to your boss, wondering why you're here, but not before a guard approaches him and addresses him by name: "Cran, delivering the king his beloved wine?"

"As I always do! It's the least I can do for all he's done for me." Your boss answers, bowing his head a little.

"And whose this miss?" the guard asks.

Cran looks to you, signaling for you to talk for yourself. You bow your head to the guard, saying "I am (y/n). I'm here to help unload the cargo."

"Oh? Cran, you hired help? She must be special, huh!" the guard laughs, grinning wide.

"She's been an exceptional young lady. Not once has she lead me to think she's untrustworthy, and from what she's told me, they're in their last stages of citizenship." Smiles Cran, almost proud.

"Well, welcome to the country, miss (y/n). A word of advice, don't look the king in the eyes- he'll get anyone to stop what they're doing, so just put your head down. A pretty miss like you will definitely draw his attention." Warns the guard, smirking before he nods to Cran, then waves us through.

"I didn't know we were going to the castle-" you begin.

"If I told you, you would've been more nervous sooner. Besides, I know you can handle it, and I hope you can resist that Sinbad's charm." Cran winks. "He can get most women to look for longer than they'd like, at the very least- even the ones who know he's a player!"

"Great..." you grumble, slouching in your seat but still gazing wide eyed at the Sindria castle.

You were excited to see what exactly you could accomplish within the next decade or so- because you were going to be a king. Sinbad being your group's role model, you truly looked forward to seeing him, even if the guard and Cran is right. Such a wonderful place, a wonderful kingdom, has to be made by an equally wonderful man.

The carriage rolled up a side road through the castle, ending us in front of a small, but no less grand, extension of the castle. Your boss and you slowly set yourselves to the ground, stretching from the ride. You then walk to the back of the wagon, pulling down its tailgate to start unloading the precious wine.

"Cran!" you hear a deep, smooth voice call.

Cran pats you on the shoulder, walking towards a man with long, flowing purple hair, garbed in fine white and purple robes, his jewelry setting nicely on his toned, large, muscled body. You can't help staring, your eyes slowly rack over every part of him until they settle where they shouldn't have- those orbs of gold resting perfectly in his head. They told you not to look into his eyes, but you did. You looked right into king Sinbad's loveliness and now you're blushing and it's a little hard to breathe.

That is how a man looks like.

Sinbad shakes Cran's hand before clamping his own onto Cran's shoulder. They're talking about things you don't care to tune in to, but you watch them-or Sinbad- all the same. Even though Sinbad is close to, if not, 30, you can't help but to see him as no less than a godly gorgeous, and perfect in anyway. He radiates energy, and pride.

He's as kingly as you strive to be- as you believe you will become.

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