Part 18

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Just like when you were boarding and first setting sail, everything was a little chaotic. You and Ama ran around helping where you could while the Kou port grew closer and closer. Everyone had bouts where they couldn't stop staring.

Sinbad was jumping around, quickly helping here or there. The king looked tired though, and you had a feeling you may look the same. You felt like you were as you let out a yawn, letting your eyes wander to the Kou port, now so close. It would only be a few more minutes.

"(Y/n)!" called Sinbad, dropping beside you.

"Oh, Sinbad." you answer, looking up at him. "What's up."

He extends his hand, "We're going up to the steering deck."

You accept his offered hand and the two of you walked to where the others already gathered. The two of you stand at the far end, Sinbad's arm wrapped around your waist. Leaning your body against his, you let your eyes look up at his and see the familiar fire he held in them. Those eyes were always what got you.

"It will be a few hours ride into the land before we get to the Kou palace." Sinbad says down to you, his eyes meeting yours with a large smile.

"What exactly are we doing?" you ask.

"Playing nice, but drawing lines. You are my fiance and I'm here to speak to Kou about further trades and treaties. No matter what, do not answer their questions, just smile. Lean on me, alright."

"Um, alright, Sinbad. If you say so."

"I mean, you can answer simple questions like your age and name. Let's say I found you and your group in one of the west ocean side villages during a south sea monster attack. You and your vessels took out the monster, we talked over the feast, and I offered to take you in and train you. You all agreed and over that time, you and I got very close and got engaged. We'll say it took two months- which means we're to tell them we've been together for four months, now."

"Ok... I'll try to remember that... Does everyone else know?"

His face went blank before he turned to Ja'far on his left, muttering. Ja'far's face dropped and he looked up at his king discontentedly. With a sigh, the advisor then turned to Masrur, Yam and Ama surrounding them. Everyone's face dropped to a "seriously?" look before they sighed, grumbling a little then looking at the docks as we pulled into the port.

If only you could tell them the real story.

By late evening you arrived in the Kou Palace. Servants carted your things away and you were all lead to the welcome throne room. There you were greeted by all the princes and princesses of Kou.

After the forced greetings, all of you were lead to the main dining hall to eat. Sinbad sat at one end of the table, you to his left, Ja'far to his right. The oldest prince, Kouen, sat at the other end, the emperor unable to join, and beside him sat his brothers Koumei, and Kouha. Once everyone was settled with food on their plate, Kouen cleared his throat, standing with his cup in hand.

"King Sinbad, of the kingdom Sindria, I welcome you and these select members of your court into the Kou kingdom. Let this venture be fruitful for both of us." the prince's deep voice said commandingly, raising his glass and drinking.

The people on his side did the same and your side followed suit. The king smiled at everyone, his eyes resting on you, holding his hand out to you. You hesitate, looking around, before you slowly set your hand in his. His thumb rubs over your knuckles before he stands in order to mimic the hosting prince's formalities.

"I humbly accept your welcome," Sinbad begins with the same authority to him, looking into Kouen's eyes. "I also hope this adventure is fruitful for us both. But, there is one matter that I would like to address right away. (Y/n)."

The king lifts your hand and your body follows suit. You stand up, looking down the table. With a nod from Sinbad you bow to those on the other end.

"This is my fiance, (Y/n). Being recently engaged, I thought it would be a good idea to start coming out and introducing her, and this seemed like no better time to start." Sinbad gleams, standing proud as you stand straight once more.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, princes and princesses of Kou." you say, Sinbad's hand intertwining in yours once more.

Kouen merely nods his head and you two sit once more. Light chatter resumes as everyone begins to eat. Your hand once again yours, you join in on this atmosphere.

Ja'far and Sinbad spoke about political stuff- how trades were and if they needed to stop anywhere else before returning to Sindria. Masrur listened to Yam and Ama talk to each other from across the table. You tuned in as well, seeing as how it was something you could actually understand.

Yam was talking about Sana's development as a mage. Apparently Sana was a quick learner, but needed to get stronger. That being said, Masrur was helping with her physical strength training.

"Hey Masrur, you think you could help me too?" I ask.

The red haired man looks at you, nodding before saying "Yeah. If you have free time here, come meet me and we'll do some light sparring. And even when we're back on the ship, we could progress more."

"Sweet! It'll help a lot with everything else I'm doing." you chirp, smiling.

"My, (Y/n), you're going to have your hands full with all these training sessions! Djinn with Sinbad, swords with Ama, then sparring with Masrur?" Yam giggles. "Have you asked Ja'far to teach you anything?"

"I've tried, but he said we'd have to fight to the death afterwards and that I'm too young to leave this world." you deadpan.

"Wow, well aren't you going to be well rounded." Ama adds. "Perfect thing for the queen to be."

"Queen?" Yam asks.

Ama grins, leaning across the table before he whispers, "We plan on making our own country, too, with our King's candidate."

Yam and Masrur look at you and you blush a little. The woman knew about you and Sinbad and you knew she was burning to ask what your plan was with that. It's not like you'd forgotten, you'd just avoided it.

Conversation resumed though, and some of the Kou's side talked to you and you talked to them. Dinner then came to a close, everyone standing and bowing to one another before you left out separate doors. A servant lead your group to where they would be staying.

Sinbad was about to drop back to walk beside you, but Yam looped her arm in yours. He pouts then turns his attention and begins talking to Ja'far. Masrur and Ama were quiet behind you all.

"So, (Y/n), you want to talk a little bit before bed?" Yam smiles.

"Uh, sure, Yam..." you answer hesitantly. "What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, just this and that. Nothing really, I just felt like hanging out. I'm not very tired yet."

You knew she wanted to talk about you and Sinbad- more specifically, where you saw it going. Forcing a smile, you look back ahead of you. The servant bows as he sees each of you to your rooms, but Yam comes with you to yours.

The door was barely shut before she asked, "What are you going to do with Sinbad if you get your own country?"

"Yam, what did you think would happen between Sinbad and I? That we'd actually get married? I'd be the queen of Sindria? Sinbad would never be that serious- he doesn't want to be chained down, even if he's 30. Right now, it's of interest to him to have someone around, but I don't see much more than us drifting apart." you answer, kicking off your shoes and setting on the bed.

"But..." she pauses. "He said he loved you, right?"

"Yes, and I said I loved him, too, last night when we talked. We may be in love, Yam, but that doesn't mean it would be right to stay together. Sinbad's country is more important that I am- as it should be- and me getting my own is more important to me. I guess you can say we're at a standstill for now, so we're spending it together."


"And, besides, if I did become the queen of Sindria, then I'd be expected to produce heirs and that is just not something I want to do."

"But, you'd have to for your own-"

"No, I don't. I'd pick one of Ama, Sana, or Ulric's children. That way I don't have to worry about being blinded by love for my tyrannical child, if I had one. Children don't always turn out to be how they were raised to be."

"... So, you don't think you and Sinbad will last."

"Not in the way everyone would expect us to. I prefer logic over instinct."

"Have you talked to Sinbad about this?"

"No, and I don't intend to until I have to."

"But what if he proposes for real? We will be here a while, and you two spent a lot of time together on the boat. What would stop him?"

"Neither of us want real commitment."

It was easy to answer Yam's but's, if's, and and's. The answers were just so obvious and cold cut for you. Your future country, Ama, Sana, and Ulric, were leagues above Sinbad. He would never be your priority.

But that didn't mean you didn't love him. You really did, he made you happy and content, and being in his arms and kissing his lips made you feel good. There were just better, more constructive things to do with your life.

"You really seem to have all the answers..." grumbled Yam, leaning against your bed.

"It's not complicated. I mean, not only is everything I've already stated a factor to us not lasting, but we're also almost eleven years apart! That will definitely get in the way sooner, rather than later." you continue to explain.

"Pfft, Sinbad is too fit and spry to go out from old age. He'll keep young for a long time- he'll be sure to keep you happy for awhile~" Yam purrs, and you blush by her meaning.

"Shut up, Yam!" you squeak. "That's not what I meant when I said it'd get in the way."

"Uh-huh sure, (Y/n). Anywa-"

There was a knock on your door stopping Yam mid sentence. She smirks, shooting you a look and wiggling her eyebrows. The blue haired girl then gets up and you follow her to the door. The knock came once more, and Yam turned to you.

"I wonder who this will be?" she coos, then opens the door.

Ama was about to knock once again, but the door was pulled away. Yam deflated, letting out a 'boo', and Ama looked confused and slightly offended by that. You giggle, pushing her aside to talk to your adviser.

"Geez, sorry to disappoint. Were you two expecting some Kou princes or something?" he said in a flat voice.

You chuckle, "No Ama. We weren't expecting anyone. Yam's just being a pain.. What's up?"

"Nothing really, I just wanted to come see if you wanted to play some cards. Yam could join, too." Ama asks, holding up and waving a deck of cards.

"Yeah, sure. What do you say Yam?" you retort.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." she sighs.

"Well, how about I join?" asks Ja'far, walking beside Ama.

"I don't see a problem with it." you and Ama say at the same time.

"Sweet, everyone, come in and have a seat." you cheer, moving out of the doorway.

Several games later and Ja'far won every single one. With the way Yam was acting, you'd think Ja'far was Sharrkan in disguise. You and Ama were still trying to find fun in it, so you just tried to beat the other person- screw Ja'far.

"I'm going to bed!" Yam shouts, tossing her cards to the ground after another loss.

"Yes, I believe it's a little late." Ja'far follows suit, but neatly piles his and Yam's cards together.

"Yeah, Mas and I are practicing early." Ama sighs, taking your cards and piling all of the cards back into the deck.

"That sucks." you answer, standing up and walking with everyone to your door.

"Night (Y/n)." Yam groans, hugging you then leaving towards her room.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Ja'far says, being a weirdo and bowing, before shaping up and patting your shoulder.

Ama runs his hands through your hair, ruffling it before he smiles down at you, saying, "Nighty night. Sweet dreams."

"Night everyone." you reply, stifling a yawn as they all disappeared behind their doors.

You were just about to retreat behind yours, but then you heard someone else's open. You look back to see Sinbad coming out of his room, his hand running through his long, purple hair, that was still in a ponytail. He was incredibly handsome as his eyes met yours and he smirked looking around.

Seeing no one else around, he scurried to your side of the hall, pushing you and himself into your room. He shuts the door, then presses up against you, smiling down into your wide, (e/c) eyes. He kisses your forehead.

"I was just about to come say hello." he mutters lowly under his breath, wrapping his arms around you.

"This is forbidden." you drone, but melt against him anyways.

"I don't really care. I wanted to see you and act like I usually do in our private setting, so I sought you out in your private setting."

"So simple."


He leans down and presses his lips to yours, one hand cupping you by the neck, while his other was on your lower back. You got up on your toes, kissing back and nipping his bottom lip. Sinbad smiled into the kiss, holding you closer, before pulling off.

Sinbad took your hand, leading you to your bed. You didn't fight him on it. You allowed yourself to be laid down and let him climb on top of you. His lips crashed down on yours again, his hand cupping your cheek while the other followed your curves.

The king decided to just let what happens happen with the her tempting king.

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