Part 6

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The feast was lively, but thankfully it wasn't overwhelming. Ja'far also managed to keep the king at the other end of the table so far, which you would thank him for later. Around you were your comrades.

Ulric smiled while he ate on your left and Sana chirped across her brother to Yamureiha on your right. You were able to eat contently as everyone moved around you, passing more food or sharing stories about grand adventures. It was all enjoyable thus far.

You had already had a few glasses of wine, making you warm and gain a brighter mood. Sana and Ama turn their attention to you momentarily to tell you about there time with Yamureiha and Spartos. Naturally, the female of the twin pair was more excited and talkative about her time than Ama was. All Ama had to say was that he felt he would learn a lot from Spartos.

You sipped more wine, the glass never empty thanks to the servants. You could feel your face had a blush because of how warm it felt. You were unnecessarily giggly and Sana had joined you to this point, her pink face matching yours.

The two of you acted like little kids but about more adult things. You talked about the handsome, tanned man, Sharrkan, who made Yamureiha bristle. She brought up how cute Pisti looked, although she was older than you all. Essentially, you went over everyone at the table, even the harty Hinahoho.

You were having a great time, more and more wine in your system and you were feeling a little sleepy. Sana leaned on you, and you proceeded to lean on her, the two of you giggling as you polished off the rest of your glass. A servant came to fill them once more, but Ulric covered the tops of the glasses, smiling at the person who was merely doing their job.

"No more for these ladies, please. My friends have had too much." Ulric informs the servant, who bows and then retreats elsewhere.

"Hey!" you and Sana groan together, sitting up and then leaning towards the larger man.

"Ama," started Ulric. "We need to get these two back to their rooms."

Ama just swirled the wine in his glass before standing up. He sighed, passing his sister's chair and pulling out yours before draping your arm across his shoulders, as he wrapped his arms securely around your waist. You were gonna protest, but then you got to your feet and you felt dizzy.

Sana was in a similar boat as Ulric picked her up, cradling the girl in his arms before he led the way out of the dining hall. You hear a slight disturbance behind you and look to see what's the matter. It takes a minute for your eyes to focus on the people now standing at the opposite end of the table.

Sinbad was standing, his hands braced on the table and his eyes on your group. Ja'far and Hinahoho were standing next to him, their hands on his shoulders gently trying to urge him to resume sitting. He wouldn't take his eyes away from you, but you were still moving-more like being dragged- thanks to Ama. You left the king behind, the doors to the hall snapping shut.

Sana was singing now as you walked through the dully lit corridors of the palace towards your rooms. She was waving her hands and arms around as she sang dramatically while you stumbled in Ama's, trying to walk yourself. He was taking a lot of your weight already, but you were having to work hard to move your legs.

And, frankly, when you're intoxicated, you don't wanna work hard. Your brain deciding this, you just drop to your knees, then get down to lay on your stomach on the floor. A groan leaves your lips as you embrace the nice, cool floor beneath you.

"Are you... For fucks sake, (y/n)! Get up right now! This is not the place to take a nap!" Ama growls, nudging you with the toe of his shoe.

You whine, rolling away halfheartedly before moaning, "I don't wanna. It's too hard."

"Go on ahead Ulric, I'll deal with our queen." you hear him sneer sarcastically.

"Ama you're so mean to me now!" you whimper.

"And you're so vexing! I swear ever since-" Ama began.

"Well, seems you have a rogue drunk." someone chuckles behind you.

You sit up enough to turn your head around in order to look at the owner. Once you see who it is you literally cry out as if you've been stabbed before you lay face flat on the ground again. You're reduced to drunken murmurs because you still don't want to get up even if that pesky king followed you out.

Your resolve to not move from the floor was literally picked up and you were tossed over the tanned king's shoulder. In response you whine louder, punching him in the back as you try to struggle free. Seeing Ama looking at you in curious horror, you extend your hand out to him. The king begins walking with you tightly in his arm.

"Noooo!" you whine, wanting to cry like a frustrated child. "I hate you, you damned man! Let me down! Ama! Ama I don't want you to go- Ama I don't wanna go with the king! Ama-!"

Ama takes the hand you've extended to him and you only sniffle now. You aren't freed from the king's grasp, but you feel safer with Ama holding on to you. He would never let the king hurt you.

Eventually you make your way back to the hallway where your group stayed. You had lost motivation on sitting up against Sinbad's shoulder and were now lazily hanging like an old rug over his shoulder. But you refused to let go of Ama's hand.

"Ama, you can go to your room, I'll drop (y/n) off in her room." Sinbad offers, trying to turn around to smile at Ama, but you don't let go of his hand.

"No-" you start to whine.

"My King," Ama cuts you off, squeezing your hand. "You really seem to upset my queen. Please allow me to do my job as her attendant and see that she is properly attended to. I mean no offense to you by what I say, but I am more than capable to take this situation from here. Please, return to the feast."

There was a pause as the two exchanged looks. You couldn't really see Sinbad's, but you could plainly see Ama was not allowing the king to deject his statement. The king, though, just shifts your weight on his shoulder, not moving to set you down.

"I. Want. down!" you whine, kicking your feet and pushing the king's head with your free hand. "Let me down! Let me down you perverted old man!"

You felt Sinbad tense before he gently put you down. Sadly and not to your liking, you couldn't stand up and had to lean against his chest, your hand no longer in Ama's. There was no way you could deny, that for being 30 years old, the king had a great body- you felt it under your hands and against your cheek as you rested against the pillar of man.

"Come on, (Y/n)." Ama says kindly, wrapping an arm around your waist again. "Thank you for the help, King Sinbad."

"Of course. I'll always be around whether she wants me or not." the King smiles, and you stick your tongue out at him with a glare. "No matter how much she claims to hate me, I'll one day show her she can't."

Ama holds you tighter as the king says that last part lowly. You look and see that Ama is glaring at Sinbad like dirt on the floor and the king, his chin high, glared back, daring Ama to challenge him. This is the side you knew the king was hiding- and you see what Ja'far meant for a good chase.

You would quickly regret allowing Ama to be a hurdle in your and the king's chase, but didn't dwell on any thought then. The king left, walking confidently down the hallway. Ama puffed at his back before he helped you to your room, then to your bed.

Like a true friend, he helped you take of your shoes and take off your few jewelry and laid Iao on the pillow next to yours. He tucked you under the blankets, setting your other discarded items out of harm's way, but still locatable to the hungover you that you would be that following morning. While you were officially settled into your bed he just stared at you, trying to think of what to say.

Finally, Ama lets out his millionth sigh that day, propping his head up on his hand, before he says, "I'm sorry for pushing you last night about the king... I didn't realize... Even though you told me exactly how he behaved towards you, I- I didn't take it seriously, but now I see, (y/n). So, that being said, I will do my best to be a better adviser- a better right hand man to you. I will do my best to help you obtain our goal."

He pushes back some hair from your face. You were trying really hard to keep your eyes opened, but you were just so heavy and tired. They closed despite your efforts, but not before you saw Ama's bitter smile.

"I will make sure you are my Queen, (y/n), and of your own country. I will see to it that you make it. Even if I have to stay behind so that you can pass the last ledge, I would. You will be a great ruler, (y/n). I believe that, and I have for the last four years. You and Sana and Ulric are all I have, and I will do all I can to protect that."

Like the good brother he's always pretended to be to you, he kissed the top of your head, and wished you a good night's sleep. You hear him move to leave your room while you slipped into unconsciousness. Right before you were under, you tried to tell Ama one last thing, but it couldn't leave your lips.

Protect your King and lock the door.

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