Part 8

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Ama got up before you, and you only snuggle deeper into the sheets. He pats your back and you fall back asleep as he shuts the door. Then, in what felt like no time later, you heard a knock on your door.

You grumble, tossing over and wanting to ignore the sound. It came again, more distinct this time. You groan loudly before sliding your feet to the floor. Lazily, you stumble to the door, which Ama didn't relock, and open it just enough to peek out.

"My apologies, (Y/n). Were you still sleeping?" Ja'far apologizes, smiling at you gently.

"It's fine, Ja'far." you reply around a yawn. "Is it noon already?"

"I'm afraid so. I suppose you haven't had proper rest over the last few days thanks to King Sinbad. If you'd like, you may return to bed."

"No, no. I need to get up for the day. Just let me get changed, at least, alright?"

"Of course. I'll wait right out here."

Shutting the door, you shuffle to your-now trunk full of- clothes. You pull out a simple blue tank top with dark green lining on the bottom and on the cuffs of the sleeves. It goes down past your butt and is made of thin flowing material. You then pull out a pair of white, full pants that everyone here seems to wear. Finally you put on comfy yellow shoes and made your way back out to Ja'far.

The silver haired man smiles at you then leads you up several flights of stairs before you come to a rooftop that was designed to be scenic. It had a roof and waist high railing to keep people contained. It's a nice warm day in Sindria with a light cloud cover and a slight breeze. You and Ja'far walk to the center of the floor.

"So, I know you hate the king-"

You turn around quick and send a sharp glare to him. Ja'far raises his arms in surrender, then points over to the tall gentleman with red hair who had just come up the stairs. Even if you don't know him, you send him a glare too, which does nothing.

"My apologies, (y/n), but he's the only one who can help you with the djinn! Masrur and I will be here to stop him if we need to though. He should be fine after how he spent the night." assures Ja'far.

You continue to glare at him, looking around, before you ask, "Where is the king?"

Ja'far looks to Masrur who just shrugs. In response to this, Ja'far's shoulders droop and he mutters something under his breathe. He then turns to you with a wan, trembling smile.

"Well... Maybe Sharrkan is free and we can just start with him. The king may show up later..." sighs Ja'far, motioning to Masrur to fetch Sharrkan.

Masrur leaves as something else crosses your mind. You look at Ja'far who looked absolutely drained. You almost consider not asking... almost.

"So," you begin. "Did you figure out the situation from last night?"

Ja'far literally deflates.

"... I'll take that as a no?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)!" Ja'far says from the ground, holding his head as he cries.

You're shocked at the usually composed man's actions. In an attempt to right things, you kneel before his crumpled form, patting his head. He only cries more, grabbing your shoulders.

"I'm sorry but the king is set in his dumb plan!" he groans, hanging his head.

"... And what if I don't comply?"

"... Remember the terms you agreed to for coming here? I mean, yes, it was verbal, but you agreed to the part where the king said, 'All I ask is, that in return, if the need ever arises, you will help me to defend my country in any way'? Well, he's counting this. He says that you pretending to be engaged to each other will help defend his country! And when I told him my logic around the Kou princess all that damned fuck said was, 'the princess will welcome it and still protect me, just with a broken heart. I'm her first love.'" Ja'far was a hysterical, overworked mess right now.

"Ja'far... I think you should go to bed..." you tell him, moving to take his hands from your shoulders.

He holds your hands, looking into your eyes, "I wasn't able to help after all, (y/n)! But I tried!"

"Ja'far, please, I understand... Your king is a fucking piece of shit." you say bitterly behind a smile.


Looking behind you, you see the king, but he looks totally different. For one, he's shirtless. (A/N: Cuz we all really want Sinbad to get serious and sexy by now, right?) Two, his skirt hung very low on his hips, dipping most towards the center for some reason. Three, he now wore his necklace more like a collar, chains now draping from it. Four, he was adorned by various red ribbons, and markings on his toned gorgeous stomach. Lastly, his beautiful purple hair was now a rich maroon, and far more chaotic than normal.

You'd be lying if you said you weren't slightly turned on.

You don't let Sinbad know, dawning a look of 'is that the best you can do' before you say, "What the hell are you wearing Sinbad."

"It's one of my Djinn equips: Focalor." beamed Sinbad, floating just above you.

"You're a little late, King Sinbad." Ja'far whimpers, wiping his face.

Sinbad laughs, smiling at his advisor, "You should go rest Ja'far. I should be in the shape you're in, not the other wa-"

"You damned king! If you just behaved how you should everything would go so much smoother!" screamed Ja'far, his face pink.

You backed away from the two, actually concerned for Ja'far. He was glaring hard at his king, now, and the king was looking down at him with an amused look. The atmosphere was very tense, and you wondered what went on last night while Ama tucked you back to sleep.

"Ja'far, let's just move on with today's events, we'll settle yesterday's later." the king says in a voice that does not match his face. His voice was demanding, his face was a beautiful smile.

"Why are you wearing a 'Djinn equip?' What even is that?" you ask, usually only able to barely transform your weapon when you summon Iao. Could you really do more with him?

"I'm using Focalor because I plan to teach you on how to summon your Djinn and train you on how to use it." the king answers, his feet setting to the ground.

His Djinn equip falls away and he walks to you with his normal look. You instinctively step back, but remember, for once, you're not alone with the king. You look to Ja'far and see he's slightly more composed, watching the two of you closely. Just under his sleeve, you can barely catch a glint of his knives.

"So, are you ready to prove to me you are worthy of being a king's candidate?" the king asks, bringing your attention back to him.

You set your eyes and lips into a determined look. He took that for your answer before he pulled out a small sword. He stepped back a little, as did you whilst you drew Iao. Sinbad transformed his weapon and you followed suit.

It looked like today you would be tested as a king.

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