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You woke up with Sinbad holding onto you tightly, and feeling a little gross. You hadn't cleaned up all the sweat so you felt like you had a grimey layer on you. Yawning, you stretch and tug out of Sinbad's grip.

He makes a noise of disapproval, his eyes barely opening to look at you. To spite him, you don a big smile, finishing your stretch and sprawl yourself out. Sinbad looks at you unamused and moves to bring you back into his embrace.

"Nooo," you whine. "Baaaath."

"... how about we sweat it out again and then-" he tried.

"I'm taking a bath." you announce, rolling out of bed and walking to the bathroom.


"Alright, i'm off to meet Kouen for lunch." Sinbad sighs, tying his hair back.

"Have fun." you snicker, sarcasm evident in your tone.

He wraps you in his arms from behind, kissing your cheek. You feel him nuzzle against your neck and his hands rub your arms. Smiling, you turn and kiss the top of his head.

"Do you have any plans this afternoon?" he questions, looking up from your shoulder.

"I'm gonna try and find Masrur and see if he can finally spar with me. I need to get stronger!" you answer, flexing your not very muscles arms.

"... I can protect you..." he mutters.

Not for much longer... but you say, "You won't always be around King Sinbad of the Seven Seas."

"I would be for you." he answers almost indignantly.

"You'd put aside a mission where you maybe saving a city or country of people- like you often do- for me?" you reason, looking down into his eyes. "That would be a waste of everyone's time- be reasonable Sinbad."

"Nothing's reasonable if it comes to you- I'd find a way, I always do."

"Little cocky there, old man. Now, off to lunch! Prince Kouen is not a patient man."

Slowly he removes himself from you, seeming to pout. You push him towards to door and he pretends to fight you over it, but eventually leaves. This time, you really have let it go too long. The moment you get to Sindria, you were going to get the other two to reassemble your fleet and go to the next dungeon. Hopefully you'd be able to have enough money from the small time you had spent working for a small boat and small amount of supplies.

No matter what, you couldn't let Sinbad help. If he did, he'd have something over you. It would keep you coming back and owing him and each time you paid him off, he'd surely loan you more- forcing it on you so you would come back.

You wouldn't tell him goodbye until you were pushing off the docks. It was gonna hurt, and you knew that. Although what scared you was if Sinbad would even let you leave him.

There were three weeks to figure it out- one more in Kou and two on the ship. Maybe you could begin to distance yourself from him starting now. It would make things easier when you left right?

Sure, it was cold, especially since you'd just slept with him. You just had to make sure he couldn't trap you. It was your life goal to be something for yourself, and for others, so becoming the king of a nation only made sense.

... There may be no clean way through this- life was never so easy.

Masrur did have time that day and you were really needing it. The thought of breaking it off with Sinbad was really bothering you, and Masrur easily deflecting each attempt you made was quickly making you forget. He would critique everything you did- your stance, your speed, your force, even your retreat.

The two of you went at it-or you went at it- until Masrur said it was time to go to dinner. As much as you wanted to keep going, you knew you were close to your limit and likely needing sustenance. The two of you go to your party's dining hall where you realized that everything hurt so bad.

It was likely that the adrenaline had numbed you from all the bruises and bumps you'd developed. Not only that but you were exhausted and thirsty and thank god Masrur doesn't believe in skipping meals! You totally would've kept going until you collapsed.

You collapsed into the free chair by Ama, being very uncivilized and lying your head on the table. Ama smacks you on the head for it, but you just grumble in a croaky, water needing voice. Realizing that, you grabbed your glass and the pitcher and filled up your cup. Quickly, you drank three glasses, filling a fourth to sip on, and relax into your chair.

"...Are you ok?" Ama asked warily.

You nod, answering, "Masrur and I have been sparring."

"Oh, so that's why you look like shit? I thought it had something to do with the noise from last night." he very, very quietly said the later part and you knew your face turned as red as the blood beneath it.

You glare at him, opening your mouth to say something smart before he pokes your neck. Momentarily you were confused, but then you realized that there was likely evidence from last night on you that you couldn't wash away and spaced covering. Now you slouched, hoping to hide some of your neck.

"Don't even bother." Yam chuckled darkly. "At least none of the Kou had seen them. Boy would that be something for the rumor mill- not like there hasn't been worse said about Sinbad, especially that came true."

"Womanizer of the Seven Seas." Ja'far grumbles.

"Lovely. So Sinbad probably has a million little spawns." you chuckle. "He could grab any prostitutes kid and it'd probably be his."

"Probably." Ja'far says far more earnestly.

"Wow, thanks everyone." Sinbad scoffs, sitting next to Masrur. "Especially in front of (Y/n)-"

"I was the one who said you could grab any prostitutes kid and it'd be yours. Or hell, any entertainer you've done." you inform, giggling.

"... You don't know that. There's a chance that I've been fortunate enough-" he tried.

"Bah! You are fortunate in such a way that you' only have a 100% success rate, Sinbad!" Ja'far laughs bitterly.

"I have to agree with Ja'far there." Yam said, her voice waving.

Masrur makes a sound of approval. You really hoped that wasn't the case. That would suck for everything you planned to do. Before the conversation could continue though, the servants brought out your food and you eagerly stuffed your face full.

Full of food and water, you shuffled back to your room. The others were doing something, but you were too sore and beat from your afternoon of sparring so you skipped out. Sinbad offered to take you back, but you kindly declined. Alone time would also be nice.

So you opened your door and after you locked it behind you, you went straight to the tub. The water gets as hot as you could get it and you put a small amount of soap in it, bubbles appearing on the surface. Once it was full, you went out to the main room, grabbed your night clothes, then returned to the bath. You stripped and got in, sighing as you submerge yourself in the steaming water.

You scrub away the grime from the day, but gently as to not upset your bruises. After you were all cleaned, you relaxed, leaning your head and arms over the tubs edge. The room full of steam and the heat making you so comfortable that you could sleep.

That on your mind you got out, not wanting to sleep in the tub. You dry off and put on your pajamas, tossing your hair into the towel. It wasn't going to be very pleasant, entering your room which would be considerably cooler. So you quickly pushed the door open, grabbed the lantern and turned it off on your way to the bed.

You sat it onto the nightstand once you got under the covers, snuggling low into them. Everything was blissfully quiet and it would be the first time in a very long time that you slept on your own. It would be something that was bound to happen, and weening yourself off now was a good idea.

It was surprising how quickly you fell asleep.


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