Part 25

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The rest of your time in Kou was spent practicing with Ama, sparring with Masrur, and going to dinner after dinner with Sinbad and the Kou. You had no time to relax and used this as an excuse to keep Sinbad away. No more sleep overs or temptations for now, until tomorrow when you left to the boat, back to Sindria.

You planned every day full of anything but Sinbad, you'd even spent time with Princess Kougyoku who is such a sweetheart. She wasn't bitter towards you, but she wasn't shy about admitting Sinbad had been her first love. Unlike her, you kept that information to yourself.

Sinbad was coming back late, too, and you just pretended to sleep when he knocked on the door. You would always feel bad as the seconds ticked by, but for now he'd think you were just tired. Which you were, but not enough to be fortunate enough to ignore his efforts.

The only time you saw him was during the Kou family diners, until the next morning. Everything was packed up and ready to go, all of you waiting at the carriage while the Kou princes and princesses showed up out of diplomatic respect. You all shook hands and said your thanks and best wishes.

Kougyoku took your hands in hers, pulling close to you and says, "I hope you two stay happy together."

"Thank you." you smile, but think, we won't even stay together.

She lets you go and you scurry to the next one. Once all the formalities passed, you posed next to Sinbad as his fiance, everyone else from your party standing just behind you two. Both sides bow to one another and then you finally leave to the carriage.

Ja'far and Sinbad talk more about political affairs while Yam and Masrur seem to doze. You and Ama huddle close, watching everyone around you warily. Despite everything, you'd managed to find the time to tell Ama that you were going to take Ulric and Sana immediately, pool all your money together and leave.

No, it wouldn't be so easy, but you were planning to make it as easy as possible. The other two likely wouldn't defy you, but god forbid they asked the right questions. For all they knew, you and Sinbad were still at odds, not lovers. Maybe you'd keep them thinking that.

"We're not gonna get any rest for a while with all this shit you wanna do." Ama grumbles, his hand resting on his forehead as he eyes Sinbad.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But the faster we get it all done, the less problems... right?" you answer.

"I don't know, (Y/n). I hope." he sighs.

No one else had thought of all the problems with this leaving immediately plan. The one that still had you the most worried was being pregnant, following that was being forced to stay in Sindria by Sinbad, next being in a constant financial debt of him, and it goes on. You really hoped he'd just let you go, but you were scared how it would be if he did- would he be sad and devastated or... normal?

You looked across to Sinbad and he was staring at you, his face a stone. The sight made you tense and you looked away once more. Maybe your tactics had worked so well and he was already done with you.

"(Y/n)," Sinbad hums, in a low tone. "Come sit with me, lovely."

Looking at Ja'far, who stands, and then Ama who nods, you slowly get up, tugging down your shirt. You didn't even get a chance to seat yourself. He had grabbed you by the hand and jerked you into his lap, his arms encasing you into a tight embrace.

Shamelessly he grabs your jaw, pulling your face to his, and kisses you. In front of everyone, he holds you to him and does something you refused to do in public before. You pull off of him, having to put in a lot of effort, and look at him confused, embarrassed, and even a little angry.

"Sinbad, what the hell-" you began.

"I feel like I haven't seen you since that night." he growls, his hand grabbing your rear and hitching you closer. "So, you and I are excused from helping the ship set sail."

"What? No-"

"Yes. There's some things the two of us need to talk about."

"We can do it later."

"You'd be too tired later from all you've been doing lately."

"Sinbad, I should be fine-"

"You're worrying me, (Y/n). I would like to speak with you alone once we're on the ship and that's final."

Knowing very well he'd just cut you off again and that what you had to say had no use, you give him a dejected look. He ignores it, pulling your head down to his chest. Honestly, he was holding you no different than he used to, it just wasn't feeling right. Maybe you were just pissed that he demanded that you two have alone time the moment you got on the boat.

It felt like the trip was shorter from the capitol to the docks than it was getting there. All too soon, Sinbad pulls you out of the carriage, leaving all of your things to everyone else. He moves onto the boat with long strides, making you almost jog to keep up, before he leads you down to his quarters.

The door is shut by your heels and Sinbad pins you to it. He looks down into your confused (e/c) orbs, searching them. Sighing, he rests the back of his hand on your forehead, waiting, and then dropping it to his side.

"Just like last time, you don't seem sick, but you're a little off. Is everything ok, (Y/n)? I really am worried." he mutters, brushing back your hair.

"I'm fine, Sinbad, really." you answer, avoiding his golden pools.

"... Did I do something wrong?" he asks.

"No, no!" you assure. "You're fine Sinbad, you've been nothing but good to me."

And now was that the truth... What were you doing? He really had been treating you well and this, right now, was evidence. Sinbad was so kind to you, and now looking into his lovely eyes you see his worry and concern.

It hurt already. You didn't want to leave what you two had... Was there a way to keep it but still have your own kingdom? Sinbad has become so important to you, but you promised Ama and swore to Yam that your kingdom came first. So if you had to chose-

All the pressure of this caused a meltdown. Sinbad was your weakness, and now you slid down to the floor in tears. He was immediately alarmed, falling to your level and holding you securely by your shoulders.

What a selfish, childish king you were.

SUGGESTED COLLECTIONS by by by FEATURED IN GROUPSYou aren't so cold as to ignore how Sinbad really feels~

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