Part 3

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You take a few swigs of beer, Ama set beside you while his twin sister fusses over everyone around your seats, seeing as how they would be less likely to cut her the slack you would. The two of you just contently drink your beer, dinner in front of you, and no words between. After you've dug through half your meal and your first liter, you decide to tell Ama about the womanizing king.

"So!" you start, Ama gazes up at you, showing he'll listen, before he once again starts eating. "I met King Sinbad. And he's a fucking piece of work, lemme tell ya."

Ama looks at you with wide, astonished eyes, before gulping down what he had in his mouth. He then looked around, ran his hand through his hair, and dropped his fork on his plate. The silverette leaned back in his chair, opening and closing his mouth before setting his chair right, and pointing a finger at me.

"(Y/n)," he said slowly. "You met the KING of SINDRIA, Conquerer of the SEVEN FUCKING SEAS, SINBAD himself, and you withheld this information for this long?"

"... Yeah. I needed a drink before I could talk about our meeti-" I tried to start the story, but Ama tossed his hands in the air.

He cried out, "You just happen to meet the fucking king and you don't wanna talk about it right away!? What the hell! I should've been with you- the information we could've got, the things we could've learned! Please tell me you got to ask questions about your Djin!"

"Ama, shut your damned mouth and let me tell the story! He's a fucking flirt and a womanizer and oh my god, just let me tell you how much I hate this man!" You groan, sliding down in your chair.

Ama did shut up, and you tell him what happened. You didn't tell it to him word for word. For speed's sake, and your own, you left out the parts where the guard and Cran warned you about the king, and how you reacted to the king himself. You downplayed how he made you stop and stare and just summarized it by saying, "don't ever look him in the eyes! It's like you're cursed!"

You did finish, though, by telling him of how the king pinned you and how you booked it, and ate it, in the back of the wagon. After the explanation, you drink a long sip from your new liter, courtesy of Sana, and Ama just looks at you. Hiss face shows he's trying to process the event.

"So... the king is a shameless flirt who just beds whoever he can. Even some merchant's underling..." mused Ama.

You choke on your beer before you sputter out in a harsh whisper, "He didn't fucking bed me!"

"No, but he totally would've if you weren't so hard headed... honestly, you probably should've. If you got a good hold of him, you wouldn't need to work for your own coun-" dumb ass Ama should've kept his mouth shut, and you told him that by throwing your liter at him.

He barely caught it, his face pure horror, and you give him the dirtiest, most squinty glare you could manage. You were pissed he would ever want you to resort to such low tactics as sleeping your way through the ranks! Doing that, in your opinion, would make you unworthy of being King's candidate.

"Rot in hell, Ama." you say with a deep authoritative voice, raising from your chair and taking a strong stance.

You sneer at your comrade before you quickly turn on your heel to leave the bar. Ulric tries to say something as you pass him at the door, but you throw up your hand to stop him. Your feet stomp out of the tavern, your new destination being the inn that you were all staying at.

On your way there, you pass a few other taverns and lounges, but the one just before your inn is where someone stops you. Much to your dismay, it's the man who put your kingliness into question.

It was mother fucking Sinbad here to ruin the rest of your day.

"Well, if it isn't miss (Y/n)!" he coos, stumbling just outside the door he had been leaning on for support.

You watch him carefully, wanting to spit in his face, but forcing yourself to bow and murmur a: "My king." Sinbad pouts at this, even whining a little at your response to him. The king stumbles closer to you and you take just as many assured steps away from him.

"(Y/n)," he whimpers, swaying. "Don't be so rude. Call me like you would a friend!"

"I'm sorry, my king, but that is most inappropriate and not the best request given your state of intoxication." you drone, skirting to the side more in hopes of escaping to the inn.

Sinbad points a finger at you, his face stern, before he barks, "You are to call me Sinbad! That is an order from your king! I demand that we be on equal terms!"

The king then tries to step into your personal bubble, but you easily evade him. His momentum, though, causes him to stumble and then fall forward. The amount of temptation you had to just leave the idiot there was so great, but you knew better.

The king was a serial drunk and despite how he was currently, you had a feeling he would be able to remember this. So, you groan and slowly walk to his side. You wait, hoping he'd jump up and say something like "Ha! Fooled ya!", but he stayed there. He was just muttering something incoherently, but otherwise no movement.

"My king." you sigh.

He doesn't move- still muttering.

"King Sinbad." you say louder.

There are now longer breaths between his sighs.

"My king, Sinbad." you say forcefully.

The king groans and grumbles.

"Sinbad, for fuck sakes!" you yell, rubbing the heel of your boot into his spine.

He cries out in an exaggerated, low whine before he rolls his head to the side to look at you. His gold eyes are dialated but are trying to desperately focus on you. Even like this you have a hard time ignoring how gorgeous they are.

"You finally-" he hiccuped. "-said just my name."

"Can you walk or not?" you ask, avoiding the error.

He turns his head away from you and his arm slowly move so his hands were flat beside his head. It takes a few more seconds, but he slowly pushes himself up, barely managing to get to his knees and at which point he let out a long groan and began to lean backward. You grab the front of his collar to balance him out, but he really doesn't want to be sitting up.

"My king," you groan. "Please tell me you have someone around to help- an attendant or someone!"

All the king does is make a noise that's something between a strangled cry and whimper. You were honestly clueless about how to return a drunken king. If someone saw you dragging him to the gates, you fear they may accuse you of harming the king, or something of the like.

"King Sinbad, please." now it was your turn to whimper. "I don't want any trouble! Please, tell me how to help."

"Just- call me Sinbad." orders the king once again.

"Oh my god, seriously Sinbad! I can't get in trouble for your inability to pace yourself or hold your alcohol!" you cry out desperately.

At this the king rocks towards you, moving one leg so he was merely kneeling, before he very slowly began to rise. The strong, large frame of Sinbad swayed as he rose far above you, and you held out your hands in case he were to fall your way. Instead, and to your pleasure, he stopped swaying for a good solid five seconds.

"I need to go to sleep." he mutters, looking down into your eyes.

His eyes were different now. They were cold and hard. It was a completely different and frightening look that made you want to obey him out of fear. Those gold pools actually made you want to assure him you'd do as he said so that he wouldn't harm you. Which, after a second, you believed was absurd.

"I can try and take you to the gates, my king." you offer.

The king shakes his hard then looks around. His eyes rests upon the inn behind you- you know, the one you're staying at. After a few seconds and a few blinks, Sinbad then looks back down to you. His eyes were back to being unclear and pretty, but you never wanted to forget to frightening look he hides within them.

"We'll stay at that inn." he slurs, pointing at your current housing.

You tense, before hurriedly chirping, "But, my king-"

"-You call me Sinbad, (y/n)." he growls, glaring at you.

"Sinbad," you correct yourself nervously. "Someone like you wouldn't be content in a place like that. Why don't I just take you to the gates-"

"(Y/n)." says Sinbad in such a low, deep voice, with such darkened eyes, you gulp. "I wish to stay in that inn. And you're going to help me."

That is the last thing you want to do, but the king turns you around, and leans onto you anyways. The man is so big, you don't know how the hell you're able to support him. He's sober enough, though, to start walking to the inn before you, but not enough to keep a steady course.

You lead him in through the door and to the front counter, hoping the owner's son maintaining the counter would keep shut about you boarding here. When you meet the man's eyes, they show recognition not just for you, but for the man leaning on you. He begins to open his mouth, but you cut him off.

"This man needs a room." you tell him, readjusting Sinbad's weight.

"We need a room-" Sinbad tries to say.

"Nope!" you exclaim. "Just him! He only needs a room and it would be appreciated if this stranger got an escort, too!" you say hurriedly.

"(Y/n), I don't want to be alone." whines Sinbad, leaning on you more.

The man attending the counter just hands you a key, eyeing you warily, before you says: "Here's a room with two beds. I'll send someone up in a few minutes to check on you."

You glare at him. That's just your answer for anything that upsets you- you fucking give them a hard glare. You couldn't do it as long as you liked, though, because Sinbad started groaning and was almost laying on you.

"For fucks sake." you grumble, trying to readjust him once more. "You need to support yourself so I can take you upstairs to your room."

The king did as you said, now merely resting his hand on your shoulder. Resting really wasn't the right word as you felt as if he were squeezing a bruise into your poor shoulder, but you ignored the pain and began up the stairs.

You hoped to not be this kind of king.

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