Part 17

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Dinner was lively as always. Everyone had something to talk about, but, those who knew, avoided talking about you and Sinbad. Even you and Sinbad avoided talking to each other aside from snide remarks to the other's stories. It was oddly natural and no more different.

Then dinner was over and everyone wanted to return to their rooms. Ja'far was taking Sinbad, who slumped at the knowledge. Ama was taking you, like normal. Everyone wishes each other a good night and you leave your separate ways.

"Did you go to see Yam today?" Ama asks as you head to your room.

"Yeah. I actually spent time with both Yam and Ja'far. I was more restless than usual." you answer.

"Oh really? Were they able to entertain you at all?" chuckles Ama.

You giggle nervously, thinking, Sinbad did the best job. before telling Ama, "Not really. Yam was researching and Ja'far was, like always, working."

"Ah, have you yet to break him on training you to use his darts?"

"He refuses! He says if he teaches me, then we have to fight to the death and then says I'm too young to leave the world, right now."

"Pfft, harsh! He will always be a true assassin."

"Gah, can't I learn how to assassinate and not have to assassinate?"

"Ha, geez, (Y/n)."

All too quickly you reach your room. You both yawn and then laugh at it. It had been a long day.

"Well, goodnight." you tell Ama.

"Goodnight, (Y/n). See you tomorrow." he answers, before leaving as you open your door.

You shake off your shoes before stretching, kicking the door closed behind you. Then, you walk over to your bag of clothes, slipping on your night clothes. They were much nicer, and more comfortable than the ones you had for the last few years. There were so many perks that came with being accepted into Sinbad's court.

Blowing out the lantern, you crawl into bed. The softness of everything caressed your body just right, and you immediately felt heavy. Your eyes fluttered closed and you were washed over with calmness, almost drifting to sleep.

Then your door creaked open, causing your eyes to shoot open. You jump up, pulling Iao out from under your pillow and summoning him. The figure in the doorway stopped, raising their hands, but you recognized the silhouette.

"Sinbad!" you hiss. "Get out, now!"

"(Y/n), I wanted to talk to you." you heard him pouting.

"We can talk tomorrow!" you retort in a harsh whisper.

Sinbad disregards this, closing the door. It was hard to see him in the pitch black room, so you use Iao's lightning for some clarity. The king was at the other side of your bed, looking at you with hesitance. As he rightfully should.

You sigh though, turning around to turn on the lantern. Once it's lit, you turn back towards Sinbad, pulling the sheets to your neck. He receives your signature glare as he sits on your bed.

"I wanted to tell you about me!" he smiles.

"Are you serious? Now of all times-" you begin to argue.

"You don't want Ama to know, right?" Sinbad asks.

"... Ja'far tell you that?" you return.

"Yes. And if you don't want him to know, then we can't very well just sit on the deck with you curled up under my arm while I recount my golden days."

"... Fair enough."

"Good! Now, where should I start?"

You hear Sinbad's shoes get kicked to the floor before he climbs onto the bed more. He gets closer to you, laying on his side, but staying above the covers. Brownie points to Sinbad for not immediately trying to fondle you beneath the sheets... yet.

Once comfortable, the king starts with his family life and home village. He tells you of the hardships that his father went through and that he and his mother went through. How they unknowingly housed a Reim spy, putting his whole family under scrutiny and making his father return to the war where he inevitably died.

From then on, Sinbad struggled to support himself and his ill mother, as well as many others in his village who became widowed or orphaned from the war. Then, he tells you of the Magi Yunan before delving into how he got to his first dungeon.

It was all amazing and you were absolutely wooed by Sinbad's character and determination. But, around the time Hinahoho was introduced into this tale, you began to doze off. The weight of the day settled over you and you just couldn't keep your eyes opened anymore.

Sinbad chuckled at this, watching your tired face as your breath began to deepen. He brushed a hand through your hair, before tracing his fingers along the shape of your jaw. It tickled a little and you barely opened your eyes to see Sinbad's golden orbs searching you.

"May I sleep here, (Y/n)?" whispers the king, going back to brushing through your hair.

You close your eyes, murmuring, "Are you just going to sleep?"

"Are you in love with me yet?"

You didn't answer and he laughs lightly once more.

"Yes, I will just sleep."

"Then that's fine."

First you feel Sinbad lean over you, turning off the lantern, then you feel the covers pull back and Sinbad settled in closer to you. He slips his right arm under your head, which was oddly comfy to rest on, while the other holds you around your waist and rubs your back. Too tired to use words, you make a noise of approval, snuggling into the chest of the gorgeous man beside you.

He's still playing with your hair and you get closer and closer to falling asleep. It was so warm being snuggled up to Sinbad and immensely comfortable. You knew he was just smashing all your walls down, making himself a larger hurdle to knock down.

In the morning, you woke up to find yourself alone. Sinbad long gone, but he had tucked the blankets around you to keep you warm and feel like something was still holding you. You sighed, slowly raising yourself from the bed and then going to get ready for the day.

Sinbad, though, ended up coming to you every night after that. He'd tell you stories about him until you couldn't keep your eyes open. Each night he'd ask if he could stay, and each night you said yes, as long as he only slept.

Then, there was only one more night left before you were to finally reach Kou. Everyone was restless to rest up for the long day that tomorrow would be. But Sinbad wasn't done with his tales.

He told you about yet another adventure with you wrapped up in his arms. You both were beneath the sheets. The door was locked.

You continuously looked up into Sinbad's lit up eyes. They were so gorgeous when he was telling you about his "Golden Days." This handsome man had finally won you over, so today would be the day, where when he asked you if you loved him yet, you'd say yes.

The king kept telling his story. Like every other night before this, he spoke until you couldn't keep your eyes opened, and your breathing got deeper. He smiled down at you, kissing your head, before leaning over and turning out the lantern.

"May I sleep here, again, tonight?" he whispers, brushing his thumb over your cheek.

"As long as you only sleep." you answer, yawning and snuggling against him.

He then lays down on the bed, no longer leaning against the headboard, and brings you to his chest, holding you close. His lips kiss your head as his fingers stroke through your (h/l), (h/c) hair. You settle yourself against him, an arm draped across his body.

"Are you in love with me yet?" he mumbles into your hair.

You don't answer right away, not until you hear him exhale. Your eyes are still closed and you rub your hand over his chest. There were butterflies in your stomach at the thought of finally saying it.

"I love you, Sinbad." you breathe.

Feeling Sinbad tense beneath you, you look up into his face. He's looking down at you, astonished. It's hard for you not to smile at this. You then nuzzle against his chest once again, squeezing him gently.

"(Y/n)..." he mutters, and you feel him move.

"You're only here to sleep, Sinbad." you remind him, yawning afterwards for effect.

"Please let me kiss you." whimpers Sinbad, and you feel his hand cup your chin, his body moving to get closer to your lips.

"No, Sinbad. Too much temptation. You can in the morning." you mumbled, nuzzling under his chin to keep his lips from yours.

"(Y/n), please. You can't tell me this and expect me to resist-"

"I can and I do."

"But (Y/n), that's not fair to a man."

"It is. It will teach you restraint."

"I don't want to restrain myself."

Sinbad grabs your shoulders, pushing you onto your back and getting on top of you. He doesn't immediately start kissing you, though. He just hovers close enough that you can feel his warm breath against your lips. You can't help but to be a little breathless and blush at the king's actions.

"Sinbad-" you exhale.

"(Y/n)." he moans.

Then his lips press against yours. They weren't desperate, they were sweet, and soft, and slow as he kissed you. His legs straddled you at the hips, but he kept his body off of you. Sinbad was trying to resist his lust, that you actually felt him trembling.

He pulled off, resting his head against your neck. The king was taking in deep breaths, his hands balled in the sheets. You could feel his lips brush along your neck before he quickly sat up.

"I need to go." he rushed, moving off of you.

"S-Sinbad-" you stutter, shocked.

"I don't want to hurt you." Sinbad barked, hurrying out of the bed, slipping on his shoes and then rushing out the door.

Too late. you think, before saying, "If you leave it'll hurt me more. I finally tell you I love you and you want to leave."

"I want to leave because of the things I want to do to you. Not because you love me."

"Sinbad please, stay."


"Please, I don't want to sleep alone, yet. We have just one more night where this is allowed... Once we're in kou-"

"I know, I know..."

"Just breathe... You don't have to get under the covers right away- do you want to continue your story?"

"... Yeah, sure."

So the King tells the other king about his adventure to be a great king, just like she wanted to be.

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