Part 23

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Sinbad walked with his hand in yours through the dense city streets. He wanted to keep you closer, a hand around your waist or shoulders, or even in his arms fully, but it would draw more attention. The two of you were already stared at enough as you walked by so simply. It had to look obvious to them that the two of you were of higher social statuses and even married by your matching attire.

It set you on edge, and you felt so small in the clothes Sinbad pushed you to wear. You shouldn't have let it go this long- you should've ended it last week when he asked you to not leave him. Sure, you wouldn't have king Sinbad to sleep by anymore, but at least you wouldn't have had to look like this and maybe even have to decline him in public.

You were shaking a little by the time you got to the restaurant. The two of you were led to a secluded booth, and when you slid in, Sinbad slid in right beside you. The waiter left, not even giving you a menu or saying anything really.

"I told them to just give us the Chef's choice of everything. Is that alright with you?" Sinbad asks, turning in the booth so that his hulking figure blocked everything else from sight.

You felt smaller next to the gorgeous man, blushing before you stammered, "Y-yeah, that'll be just fine. Thank you Sinbad."

He smiled down at you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. Sinbad kisses the top of your head, before turning to face the table, no longer facing you full on. You leaned against him as his hand went up and down your side, the two of you silent.

"I can't wait until we're able to return to Sindria." Sinbad sighs, looking ahead.

"How long until we go back?" you ask, drumming your fingers on his stomach.

"I'm thinking just one more week. That will be plenty of time for things to be settled."

You snuggle closer against him, and he squeezes your thigh with his hand. Chirping at the sensation, you sit up, then shoot a glare at him. He's smirking down at you, chuckling lightly.

"Not in public, old man." you grumble, lightly punching his stomach.

He chuckles deeper, kissing the top of your head, then mutters, "Then let's make dinner quick, ok?"

"I plan on enjoying my meal thoroughly. I will take my sweet time." you answer with sarcastic defiance.

"I feel more like eating you-"

You punch him hard this time. He lets out an oof, coughing once before pouting at you. Glaring at him, you stuck out your tongue, trying to scoot away from him. Sinbad quickly smirks and before you could react, his lips were latched to yours, his tongue entering your mouth while he sucked on yours.

Squealing a little, you try to pull back, but Sinbad pulled you closer by wrapping an arm around your shoulders and his free hand on the back of your head. He kissed you deeper, rotating you both in a way that trapped you but made you feel secure between him and the booth's seat. Thank god that waiter was taking his sweet time, because this was not something you wanted someone else seeing.

He pulled off, panting lightly for breath. His lucid, golden eyes looked at you lustily, and his hand stroked your cheek. You leaned into his hand, closing your eyes and before he could lean in for another kiss, the waiter returned with a bottle of wine and a two glasses for you both to drink from.

You were warm of wine and sleepy from all the amazing food you got to eat. Sinbad and you left, giggling a little and holding each other's hands, swinging them slightly. It had actually turned out to be a very nice evening- the two of you teasing each other in friendly ways and sensual ways.

"It was nice to actually be alone outside of your room, for once. I know you hate that I told Ama, but it's nice not sneaking around. It makes me happier, not having to worry anymore." Sinbad comments, looking around the lowly lit twilight of the capital.

"Yeah... He's gotten over it, but he'll take forever to get used to it." you sigh.

"So, does that mean I'm your first?" he coos, leaning down to beam a smile closer.

"First what?" you inquire.

"Well... Love interest I guess? First kiss?" elaborates Sinbad, returning to his normal posture.

"You're not my first kiss." you answer simply.

"What!?" he shouts.

"Ulric was."


"Yeah. Actually, it was the first day we met. It was one of those dumb little kid things where we were playing and it got competitive. He and Ama were going head to head over something and they were pretty even. So, when I showed up saying something to Ama- I can't even remember- Ulric grabbed me, thinking I was Ama's crush because he stopped what he was doing, and he kissed me. In front of Ama. Ama then beat the shit out of him and I helped because I was mad some strange boy took my first kiss. Then he apologized, especially when he heard Ama say I was like his sister, and since then we all were friends."

"Well, he left that out of what he told me about you!"

"It was likely for the better. You probably woulda made it perverted rather than two innocent slum kids just trying to cheat in a competition."

Sinbad made no comment, his lips pressed into a thin line. He seemed to be thinking. You couldn't help but giggle at how perturbed he seemed at this news.

"... Am I the first person you loved though?" he asks, his voice innocent and curious.

"... Like romantically? If so, then yes, you are the first." you reply, looking up at him with your (e/c) eyes.

"How about the first to sleep next to?"

"God no! Ama, Sana, and I all shared the same bed until we were ten. Even after that, if Sana or I had a nightmare, we'd usually make Ama sleep with us. Hell, that first night in the palace, where we got drunk off our asses and you snuck into my room like a creep, I had Ama sleep with me because I was so scared of you."

"... I'm really sorry for all of that."

"Don't bother, it's in the past."

Sinbad's hand squeezed around yours and the two of you fell into silence. It wasn't awkward, and you leaned against Sinbad a little, feeling affectionate. You felt a little better than early in the outing- it didn't seem like he was going to propose or do anything that would trap you.

All too soon you got back into the Kou palace. Your arm was in Sinbad's as you two walked to your rooms. Sinbad stopped in front of your door, looking it over, before he glanced down at you.

"Are you coming in?" you ask nonchalantly, unlocking the door before you opened it.

"If you wouldn't mind." he answers, and it seemed a little out of character.

"Of course not, dummy. Come on in." you giggle, ignoring his response.

You walked over to the lantern before he shut the door, cutting off any outside light. The lantern was barely turned up before you felt Sinbad's hands encase yours. He let one slip to the lantern turning it back off.

Then you shivered as Sinbad's hand brushed your hair aside and kissed the back of your neck, his hand resting on your stomach while his other held your shoulder. He pulled down the back collar of your robes, nipping there and licking it lightly. You whimpered slightly, unable to resist arching your back, pressing your rump against his groin.

Sinbad then whirled you around, his lips crashing on yours. His arms wrapped around your waist and he hoisted you off the ground, and you wrapped your legs around your waist. He then led you both over to the bed, dropping you down but keeping your legs wrapped around him.

He pressed himself against you, his hands knotting in your hair and clothing as he kissed you harder. The king nipped your lip, tugging it a little before licking it with his tongue. You opened your mouth a little and Sinbad shoved his tongue in, exploring it and tangling around your tongue with his. Arching your back against him, you feel one of his hands move to undo your robes.

Unlike all the times before, the King relents to the other king's desires, as well as her own.

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