Part 26

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Is it weird to say that him holding you and hushing you wasn't helping? Sinbad didn't hesitate to hold you to him and comfort you, unaware your pain should be related. You were so cruel, and he didn't know it.

Your crying and sobbing did not cease. You held onto him tightly, feeling hurt, but he shouldn't be the one comforting you from this. He was caring for you and about you and it hurt.

"(Y/n) sweetie, what's wrong?" Sinbad whimpers, petting your hair.

I'm sorry! you scream in your head. You should really pull away from him, but you can't. Instead you held to him tighter, sobbing harder. How cruel you were.

Sinbad shifted you in his arms and slowly stood up. He walked you over to his bed, keeping your legs off the bed before he took off your shoes. Once he'd done that, as well as kicking off his, he pulled you onto the bed and wrapped himself around you.

"(Y/n), hon, please, what's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with worry.

"I'm sorry." is all you gasp out, over and over and he holds you even closer.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), don't apologize. What's wrong, please? Let me help you." he attempts to soothe you while doing a poor job of masking the trembling in his voice.

You just cry sorry, over and over, before the pain and congestion in your head makes you feel very heavy. Eventually you're just making shuddering gasps with the occasional hiccup. Sinbad just rubs your back with one hand, while the other holds you to him securely.

It was draining- all the crying. You didn't even know when you fell asleep. You never even felt Sinbad leave.

You woke up a little later feeling dry and heavy and like utter shit. Even though you were conscious and easily well rested, you refused to open your eyes or move. Right now, you didn't want to see Sinbad. God forbid you broke down again, or you had to answer his questions.

With how you behaved, he will not let it slide, now. He'd spent his time trying to ease you, to no avail, so he must think it's something absolutely horrible. No man who loved a woman would look it over, even if she begged.

Then there were men like Sinbad.

"You up?" you hear his voice ask.

You don't answer.

"(Y/n), I know you're up. Your breathing's changed." Sinbad said, his voice sounding exasperated.

Burying your face in the bed, you make a noise of discontent. You hear him sigh and then the weight on the bed shifts. His hands grab onto you, rolling you onto your back.

"I told Ama." he states.

Slightly confused and cautious, you open your eyes, and with a croaky voice asked, "Told him what?"

"How when I asked you if you were ok and if I did something wrong that you broke down into hysterical sobs constantly saying I'm sorry." listed the purple haired man beside you.

"... Why would you-"

"So you plan on leaving as soon as we get to Sindria?"

So blunt. If only you had been so blunt. Here you were regretting something you hadn't even done yet, and he found out from someone else. Someone you never thought would tell.

"I won't let you leave that soon." Sinbad growls.

"You can't keep me-"

"I will keep you. At least until you master your Djinn equip. Once you accomplish that, I will let you leave. This will also give you and your group a chance to raise more money for yourselves."

"I want to leave the moment we-"

"You are staying until I know you're strong enough to protect yourself! If you want to end our relationship now, that's fine, but you can't stop me wanting to protect you. That's not fair. This is all I'm asking- that you master something you already have a grip on. I'm not trapping you like you fear! I'm helping you in a way that grants you more freedom, (Y/n)! If you feel like this is still trapping you, then pay me back by becoming an ally of Sindria when you have your country. Otherwise, you owe me nothing."

You can't say anything to him. If anything, you just want to cry again. He's only being kind towards you and wishing you the best.

"I don't want you to go, (Y/n), but I understand and I won't stop you. You will always be welcomed in Sindria, though. So if you ever need somewhere to be until you get your own country, please return. I don't want to lose you completely."

"I don't want to lose you either, Sinbad... I really don't- that's why I was crying like that. You are so kind to me, and I was about to-"

"Really, really hurt me. If you had just up and disappeared, I would've gone out to look for you, thinking you were kidnapped or something- not even considering where Ama, Sana, or Ulric was. You are a priority of mine... but I understand why I can't be one of yours, I suppose..."

"Not right now, at least. When I have everything settled, maybe you could become one, if only as allies."

"... We don't have to end us."

"I think it would be easier if we did, Sinbad."

"Can we try it?"

"I'd rather us break it off on good terms and, if anything, try it again later when things are more settled."

"... So, are we done right now?"

"Is there a point in holding it off anymore?"

"... What about waiting until you master your Djinn equip and have to leave?"

"That could happen by tomorrow. It could be as long as a few months... I want to be able to leave... And the longer we're together, not only would that be harder, but... other things could happen."

Like an unwanted pregnancy.

"... Would you at least wait until we get back to Sindria?"

"I won't sleep with you again."

"... If you mean make love, then I can live with that. I would like to sleep next to you, still."

"That's fine."

"So you'll stay with me til Sindria?"

"Yes. And if my Djinn equip is mastered before we get there, I leave that day we touch the docks. Otherwise, once back in Sindria, the only time I want to see you is during practice, and never just the two of us."

"... Ok."

Sinbad leans down to you and kisses you softly. You close your eyes and kiss him back, before he pulls away. There was something wet on your cheek and when you looked into Sinbad's eyes they were rippling with tears as they escaped the sides. Seeing him cry made you cry as well and the two of you just held each other.

The king never wanted to let him go, but it wasn't very kingly to ask that of another king.

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