Part 14

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The boat was now on a steady course to Kou and everyone had settled down. You and Ama were below deck, playing a game, when Sinbad threw open your door, resting his hands on his hips. The two of you just look at the king blankly then go back to your game.

"H-hey! Don't ignore me! (Y/n), you and are working on your Djinn summoning all day remember?" the King pouts, walking into the room and standing over you.

"But Siiinbaaad! I don't wanna." you answer, placing your card down before picking up another.

"You skipped yesterday, so we're doing it today! No excuses!" barks Sinbad, leaning down to pick you up around the waist.

"Hey! Ama!" you cry as your hoisted into the air like a doll.

"You agreed to this punishment yesterday." Ama says, on the king's side.

"Treason!" you accuse, pointing at him as the king tosses you into bridal style.

You squeak, wrapping your arms tight around Sinbad's neck at the sudden loss of stability. A blush so red then comes across your face as you realize how close your are to Sinbad's face. Growling, you try to leave his arms, but he just tosses you a little, readjusting, and you cling to him again.

"I want down Sinbad!" you order, punching his chest.

"So you're like this sober, too?" sighs Sinbad, still carrying you as you left the room.

"Put me down!"

"I will when we get up on deck. Until then I'd like to hold you as close as you've ever let me."

Sinbad coos, leaning down towards your face. You smack him across the face and flail out of his arms. You then run down the hall, about to go up the stairs before he catches you again, wrapping you in a strong embrace against the wall.

"Sinbad-" you gasp against him, your face on fire.

"Please, quit fighting me." he says in a low, exasperated voice.

"Stop playing Sinbad! Let go of me!" you yell, trying to free yourself in anyway.

He pulls you closer to him, whispering, "I really don't want to anymore... (Y/n), please- I think I'm actually in lo-"

"Stop it! Stop it- shut up! Let me go Sinbad! Right now!" you shout, drowning his voice out as your heart beat faster.

You felt sick, and he leaned back from you, but didn't let you go. God is gold eyes were burning so different. His right arm removes itself from your waist and cups your chin, as his gold eyes close and he leans in.

You were shaking, scared but you couldn't move. He was acting different and it was actually hurting you. His lips met yours and you grew cold as if you were guilty of a crime. And in a way you were, because you let your eyes close, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He let go of your chin, wrapping that arm back around your waist, leaning his body against yours. The wall was cold against your back, but Sinbad was so warm.

You felt like you were burning in the sun.

Sinbad did hold you to practicing until the sun went down, anyway. He didn't go easy on you at all, and you welcomed it. You let your mind focus solely on fighting him. Summoning and transforming Iao to better your moves and gain an advantage over your opponent.

It was a distraction that you didn't think would actually work. You thought you'd be a blushing mess the whole time, getting weak every time you remembered what Sinbad got you to do. The fact you were able to hold your own, and not get hit once from him, was a miracle you didn't understand.

The sun was gone, but the light wasn't quite gone yet. The horizon was a dark red as Sinbad jumped away from your thrust, a good few feet away. He sheathes his sword, running a hand over his hair, before he takes out his ponytail. His long fingers run through the strands, and you wondered how soft it was as he tied it back up.

"I say we're done for the day, (Y/n). Dinner should be about ready." the king says, walking up to you, tossing his ponytail over his shoulder.

"R-right." you stutter, releasing Iao and sheathing the blade yourself.

The king takes your hand, walking straight for the stairs down to where the dining hall would be. You let him, blushing the whole way, and scolding yourself. You felt like such a failure, and as if Sinbad sensed this, he looked back at you and smiled, before he looks around.

He stops walking and turns to you, catching your chin once again with his free hand. Sinbad bends down and kisses you again, but far less forcibly or passionately. It was a simple kiss, maybe meant for reassurance. It did the opposite for you, your chest feeling hollow as you once again grew cold with guilt.

I was supposed to keep my head on my shoulders, not against his.
You chastise yourself as he leads you into the room with all the good smelling food. The two of you walk over to Ama, Ja'far, Yam, and Masrur who are already eating and chatting. They look up, barely glancing at your faces, but instead staring wide eyed at your hands. You ripped yours away, squeezing between Yam and Ama.

Sinbad pouts, but goes to sit on the other side of the table, by Ja'far and across from Ama. Plates are sat down in front of you and Sinbad and the two of you thank the person who gave it to you. You all then eat quietly, and it's awkward.

"So, how was the Djinn training?" Ja'far asks, and everyone sighs, thankful for the break in silence.

"It went well." Sinbad smiles, sipping the wine in his cup. "I didn't even hit (Y/n) once. I think next time I'll have to use my Djinn just to keep her in line."

"Oh, it's going that well? That's great, miss (Y/n)!" Yam sighs, patting your head. "I can't wait to see you use a full Djinn equip!"

"Um, I don't know-" you began, picking at your food.

"(Y/n) is not that ready. She's just finally got a grasp on the basic, and I don't want her to use up and exhaust all her magoi to try so soon." the king informs, eating more food.

"Well, how much longer do you think, King Sinbad?" Ama asks.

"I hope to have her able to use it before we get to Kou- but I don't really think it will happen... Realistically I'd say it will be a few more months. It's hard for most people to master their first Djinn equip. After that, though, it's a piece of cake with any of the Djinn you may collect." explains Sinbad, looking your way. "But we'd have to practice everyday, and I think she's rightfully exhausted for having to constantly use her Djinn so sparingly these last few hours.

He was right. You were drained and aching from the physical exertion as well as loss of magoi. At this point you were just picking at what was left on your plate, not really hungry, but you've finished three glasses of water. Yam pats your head, noting this, and smiles.

"Maybe you should just go rest for the night, (Y/n)?" she says, smoothing your hair.

"Hm... yeah, I probably should." you answer, standing up with your plate. "Goodnight everyone."

"Night (Y/n)." says Ja'far and Masrur.

"You rest up, dear, and you can come get me if you need anything." Yam offers, smiling.

"I'll walk you back." Ama decides, standing up with his empty plate and taking yours.

"Sleep well, (Y/n), and sweet dreams. Come and get me after you wake up and we'll have a less strenuous practice tomorrow." Sinbad joins in the farewells, trying to take Ja'far's roll.

He was slapped away at which he pouts. You follow Ama to where he drops the dishes before the two of you walk out. It kind of surprised you that Sinbad didn't offer to take you to your room, although you would've declined if he had. Again, you get a guilty chill, as you wonder if now he was bored of you...

That king got what he wanted from the other King- why would he keep her?

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