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Despite how desperate you were to master your Djinn equip, you still didn't have it done by the time you'd seen the port of Sindria. Sinbad and you watched it from the steering deck, him holding you close from behind. It was just a shape, but you knew you only had hours left.

All day you hadn't been feeling well. You felt clammy and everything was flipping and tight and hurt. These sensations were making you very nauseous.

"Please, at least until you master-" Sinbad whispers.

"The moment we dock, we're through." you grit through your teeth, turning around.

You look into his eyes as fiercely as you could, given how you were feeling. Sinbad's eyes sadden and he holds you to him again, tightly. His lips against your hair moving slightly.

There was a tight squeeze in your gut and you have to push away from him. You stumble against the railing, hurling over the side. It was violent and shook you and you felt no better.

"You never got seasick on the way here." Sinbad muses, brushing his hand against your sweaty forehead. "Like always, you don't have a fever. What's been with you lately?"

"I don't know." you wheeze, as your gut squeezes again. "This is the second day in a row..."

God forbid you told Sinbad it was probably from all the mixed emotions you had. If he knew that, he'd just tell you to stay with him. This had to end the moment you docked.

"Let's get you below deck. You can lie down, I'll get you water and Yamuraiha." Sinbad eases, gently leading you away from the railing.

Slowly, you descend down to the lower levels of your room. Sinbad follows you all the way to your bed, seeing that you're comfortable and all that. Hesitantly, he then leaves to get Yamuraiha and water.

In the quiet of your chambers you focus on all the feelings you had. The strongest was that in your stomach, it was a constant. The grip on your heart only appeared when you thought of finally docking in Sindria and no longer having him around like this.

You were feeling very disconnected from yourself. There was a battle of needs and wants with logic versus desire and you honestly had no idea how to handle it. The fact it was making you physically ill, though, wasn't any good.

There was a light knock on your door and you turned to look. Yam slowly peeked in, offering you a weak smile before entering. She approached your bed, her hand moving to your forehead.

"I don't have a fever." you croak, letting her do it anyway.

"Hm. I'd say it could've been something you ate, but we all eat the same thing... And if you don't have a fever... it would be weird for you to get seasickness now." she muses.

"I think I've just got too much on my mind." you sigh, closing your eyes in the dimly lit room.

"Oh? I suppose that could do this."

"Yeah. It's just making my stomach hurt."

"Has your stomach been hurting since yesterday?"

"Just for a little bit, like early afternoon, late morning."

"But it went away? Even as you thought over it all?"

"Yeah. Then it kicked up again when Sinbad and I were up on the steering deck."

"... I'll be right back."

She got up and left, somewhat rushing it seemed. You don't think much on it, instead just snuggling below the sheets as your stomach began to settle. Feeling worn and drained, you tried to clear your mind to sleep.

You were just on the brink before the door opened. Opening your eyes, you saw that Sinbad finally came back with some water. He sat on the edge of your bed, holding it out to you and you begin to drink.

"Did Yam come by already?" he asked, taking the cup back.

"Yeah. She said she'd be right back."

Before Sinbad could say anything Yam showed up. It was a mere piece of paper, but she held tightly to it, smiling uneasily. She looked Sinbad over as she walked over to you two.

"Ja'far wanted you for something, Sinbad." she informs him, waving her staff towards the door.

"Oh, alright." he looks between you two as he stood up. "I'll be right back then."

Yam waited until he closed to door before saying to you, "Pull back the sheets and pull up your shirt."

You blinked before doing as she said. Yam rests her staff on your lower stomach, looking at the piece of paper and muttering something from it. There was a warm glow that lasted a few seconds before subsiding. Anxiously, Yam looked at where he staff had been.

Her eyes opened wide and she gasped. You sat up quickly, only catching the tail end of a mark. Now you glared at her.

"What? What's wrong?" you growl.

"(Y-Yn)..." she stammered.

You stayed in bed until the last moments before you docked. Sinbad was with you the whole time until that point, holding onto you in some way, kissing you when he could. The moment you two got onto the deck, seeing the dock, he tried to let go of your hand, but you held on tighter.

"(Y/n)-" Sinbad starts.

"We need to talk alone when we get back to the castle. I'm sorry." you reply silently.

Sinbad doesn't say anything, he just squeezes your hand and walks to the railing. The people below cheered for their king and you rested your head on his arm, looking over everyone. Much like when you left, there was Sana and Ulric, waiting for you and Ama.

Ama was standing beside you, having already found them and waving down. You take a hold of his hand that rested on the railing and he looks at you, his smile fading. He looks you over- how drained you are, how empty you seemed.

He probably wouldn't have been able to guess why.

The first day back you couldn't get alone time, not even the second day. Everyone kept needing Sinbad for something, so he didn't have the ability to meet you. You, although, spent your whole time practicing with your Djinn equip- or as far as you could get with it.

It was evening by now on the third day, and you were using up your magoi to a critical point. You were consciously doing it, too. The last thing you wanted was for this horrible news to stop you from everything.

If you could just master your Djinn equip, then you wouldn't have failed as bad. You could at least have this to show off.

Your body was burning as you pushed it even more. There was only so much more you could push. So, one last time, you gave it everything.

And once you felt yourself go up in that burning light, you opened your eyes to see the static around you. There was just enough time to look yourself over before you sputtered blood, your vision going red. So much pride filled you then, and you held onto Iao's magnificent equip until you couldn't stand.

So you tumbled, your blood spattering around you as your Djinn equip subsided. You had just enough strength to ensure you landed on your side. The moment you hit the ground your vision went black.

You woke up feeling weak and detached from your body. It would be a lie if you said you didn't feel lighter with this accomplishment, but you weren't quite freed yet. The opportunity was before you now, though.

"(Y/n)! Thank god you're up!" Yam gushes from beside your bed.

"She's up?" you hear other voices gasp and walk to you.

"You shouldn't be over doing anything, it could cause major harm to you and-" she began her lecture but you stopped her, barely able to raise your hand.

You smiled despite yourself and whispered, "I summoned my full Djinn equip."


Ama, Yam, Ja'far and Sinbad were all in the room with you. You looked past Yam and saw the boys with gleeful expressions until Sinbad's fell. The two of you hadn't had time for you to tell him that you aren't leaving. Well, only Yam knew that right now.

"Can I talk to Sinbad alone, please?" you croak.

Before the other two could reply, Yam pushed them out the door. Now it was just you and Sinbad. There was discomfort in your stomach and you weren't sure if it was from having to tell him about this or from the problem itself.

"So you want to formally break this o-" Sinbad began, his eyes averted.

"I can't leave for a while." you tell him.

"... what?" he says confused.

Your heart beat hard against your chest and you felt like you were shaking. Barely, you extended your hand out to him and he took it gently. He eased onto the edge of the bed and you laid back against its softness.

"Sinbad, I'm sorry, but it isn't safe for me to leave. It seems an unintended consequence will be keeping me here... I... I'm pregnant Sinbad..." your voice grew weaker with each word and the last ones were choked out.

In fear and anxiousness you had closed your eyes, unable to look at Sinbad. This is the part where he did one of two things: keep you or leave you. It was frightening. Sure, he loved you, but Sinbad had never wanted any of these things.

He answered your worries by wrapping you into a tight embrace. His arms trapping you against him. You cried with relief, desperately holding onto him back. Thank god you weren't doing this alone.

"I wish this wasn't the reason that you had to stay, but I welcome it. I'll love them just as much as I do you, I promise." his voice says, wavering. "I will make you happy that you stayed with me, especially with the baby."

"Thank you..." is all you can gasp out.

A year later, you hold tightly to your cooing baby boy. His golden eyes squinting at you from his big smile and his (h/c) hair finally framing his face. He had the roundest cheeks and the cutest laugh- as all parents think.

You continued rocking him, trying to get him to sleep in the late summer moonlight. Sinbad should be in at any minute, and you silently prayed that he'd be quiet. Sho was just about to go out, his eyes fluttering shut, and his cooing quieted. Slowly you took him over to his crib, laying him down gently.

When he didn't stir, you exhaled lightly, turning to go to the adjoining room where you and Sinbad slept. You crawled beneath the cool covers, tired, and needing to catch some sleep before Sho inevitably woke you up later. Closing your eyes, you feel yourself slowly drifting.

Then the door opened loudly before Sinbad called, even louder, "My lovely queen! My handsome prince! Where is my family?"

Sho cried, a wailing scream and you almost did the same. You didn't move, choosing to sulk instead, but Sho soon stopped crying. Looking up you see Sinbad holding your baby boy, looking guilty. You try to glare but you can't fight the smile at the sight of your boys.

"Airhead of the seven seas." you chuckle, sitting up as Sinbad sits on the edge of the bed.

Sho giggles as Sinbad leans in to place a gentle kiss on your lips. He smiles at you, pulling you close with his free arm. You wrap an arm across his back and take your boy's tiny little hand that he had been waving as he looked at you two.

Even if you had had other plans, you couldn't have been happier with how it all came together, and you couldn't help but to think that it was all no less than kingly.


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