Part 20

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Sinbad was drunk. He was a giggly, goofy, dumb, touchy drunk. So in order to minimize damage, you and Yam sat together with Ama, Masrur, and Ja'far between you and Sinbad. Ja'far was constantly berating the king, damned with sitting next to him.

Drunk Sinbad really did not care though. He would just wave off Ja'far or gripe at whatever Ja'far said. You and Yam giggled at the two going at each other once again, Ja'far actually standing.

"Why did you get drunk so early you dumbass of the seven seas!" Ja'far yells, grabbing Sinbad and shaking him by the collar of his shirt.

"Ja'far, careful. You don't want him throwing up on you." Masrur warns.

Ja'far drops the king back in his seat, growling, "You need to go straight to bed after you eat."

"Fine. (Y/n)! Take me to bed." Sinbad whines.

"Oh god no, do not drag me into this." you laugh, shaking your head.

"But I don't wanna sleep alone." he whines.

"(Y/n) would never sleep with you sober, let alone drunk." Ama adds, and you can't help but to press your lips into a line.

"She sleeps with me all the time." Sinbad answers, smashing his hand on the table. "She just didn't wanna disappoint big brother Ama! So we've all kept it secret! You have to too-"

Everyone aside from Ama glares at Sinbad- Ama glares at you. You gulp and feel cold, slouching in your chair to try and hide from Ama's gaze. Sinbad, far too late, realized what he'd just done.

"We haven't done anything bad, Ama! I swear! She's refused every advance." Sinbad tries to lessen the damage.

"(Y/n), come with me." Ama growls, standing up and leaving the room.

You were flushed with shame and guilt. Heavily, you stand out of your chair and timidly walk out the door after Ama. He was well ahead of you, just about to round a corner, so you had to jog to keep up.

"Ama..." you try, but he keeps walking. "Ama please, let me explain-"

"Explain what, (Y/n)? You've had a while to explain this to me, it sounds like, seeing as how everyone but me knew- your closest friend, or, like Sinbad said, your brother. How long have you been with him?" Ama asked shaking, trying not to yell at you.

"... A few weeks. But, it's not what you're thinking, Ama. We really haven't done much. He would just tell me stories of his adventures-"

"You mean woo you with his adventures? Honestly (Y/n), what happened to abstaining from him? You were so determined to not let him get to you, why now?"

"Can we go sit somewhere and talk about this please? I really want you to understand what I'm doing. Let's go to my room, ok?"

Ama really didn't want to hear what you were thinking. He wanted to yell and scream at you and call you dumb little girl, but he also felt too defeated to want to try. With a grunt, he then leads the way to your room, and the whole way there you thought of how to best explain this all to him.

He opens the door to your room and goes in first, moving to sit at a little table by the window. Plopping down, he crosses his legs and arms and doesn't look at you when you sit across from him. You sigh, waiting to see if he would, but seconds were precious it seemed.

"So, honestly, it started the day Sinbad literally picked me up from our card game- the day where we did Djinn practice all day. He carried me away, and was messing with me like he usually does and I kept blowing him off and trying to get out-a typical Sinbad encounter. I said he needed to put me down and he said something like he didn't wanna stop holding me so close and he like, leaned in, so I hit him and got free. I tried to run away, I did, but-" you're face slowly heated up as you kept talking, no longer looking at Ama. "but he caught me and pinned me to the wall, but I was wrapped in his arms.

"In a completely different voice- a more somber voice- he asked that I stop fighting him, I told him to stop playing with me and to let me go. He said he didn't want to and when he tried to say he loved me, I screamed at him to shut up, and he did... But he didn't let me go. He cupped my chin, and began to kiss me. I couldn't move, and I got the cold feeling that you get when you're guilty of something, but I didn't try to pull away... I-I kissed back.

"And then we went on with the day completely normal. And he didn't talk to me for a week after. I thought it was because he'd won his game and so, feeling like shit, I went to go see Yam. Well, Yam didn't answer her door, Sinbad did and he acted so cold. So when she finally did come to the door, I was obviously upset. She brought me in her room, sat me down. By the way I acted and due to it being Sinbad, Yam knew that something had happened that first day aboard the ship. But, her, Ja'far, and Masrur had had a talk with the king that same night he first kissed me and said they didn't want me hurt, so he had to stay away. And so unlike Sinbad, he stayed away."

You continue on with your story, telling him as much as you could so he wouldn't misunderstand anything. You tell him about all the stories that Sinbad told you, too. There wasn't anything that you kept from Ama, this time, even how it felt to kiss Sinbad and sleep with him every night.

Ama just silently listened, not interjecting once. Finally, you finish with last night's events and how Sinbad had actually been there in the morning. How he was still sweet despite being in a rush and likely having blue balls. And yes, you did say that.

Your friend doesn't say anything, and as you look at him, he seemed less angry. Ama was merely staring out the window, his arms and legs still crossed, but more laxed than before. It was still reasonable for him to be unhappy since you never told him before now, but it was nice to see he was no longer irate.

"Do you really love him?" he sighs.

"Yes." you answer without hesitating.

"But you still want your own country?" he presses.

"Yes. I refuse to let my family down for some guy... that's why we came to Sindria to begin with." you reply him, letting him know that he, his twin sister, and your sturdy wall of a comrade were still your priority.

He nods his head, running his hand through his silver hair, then asking, "How are we going to get the money, though? Sinbad takes care of everything for us, we have no income."

"I plan on conquering more dungeons. When we get back, we'll be stronger, and you, Sana, Ulric, and I can go to another dungeon. Then another and another. We will figure it out, Ama. I will make sure that I am your king, and that you are right there beside me. We'll make it happen."

"... (Y/n), what happens if you don't resist Sinbad and you two end up... making love... what would you do if you got-"

"We won't be going that far, Ama."


"I'm serious Ama. I don't plan to-"

"You didn't plan to do anything with that king! Now look at you!"

He had a valid point. Honestly, you were very weak when it came to Sinbad, you always were. Last night, you don't know how you were able to refrain from giving in to Sinbad's sweet temptations, but you did. Ama was right, it was bound to happen before you even left Kou if he continued to see you at night.

"My goal is our own kingdom. It will happen. You guys and that is my main priority."

"I will hold you to that, (Y/n)."

"I know you will."

With that, the King once again welcomes her adviser's wisdom so as to keep her throne.

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