Part 7

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You wake up in a cold sweat and shaking. For some reason you felt scared, likely from a nightmare, and you tried to relax. Still shaking with a pounding headache and an aching body, you sit up, looking around your large room.

For some reason the doors to your balcony were open, the curtains billowing in the cool night breeze. You shiver as one reaches you, brushing back some of your messy (h/l), (h/c) hair. Despite wanting to just curl up in the warm sheets, you know you have to close the door, so you slowly set your bare feet to the cold floor.

The breeze was picking up as you shuffled to the door. The curtains parting and sliding back into place before parting again. And in that part, standing there arms crossed, was the tall, tan, and muscled king of Sindria. You shiver once more, hoping he didn't see you, and back up to go to the door that leads out the hall.


You could see his gold eyes gleam despite the lack of light. You bristle at the fact he knows you're up and you tremble still, but no longer from just the cold. The king begins walking to you from the railing of your balcony and you turn and run towards your other door.

Sinbad barely scrapes the tip of his fingers against the back of your shirt before you flung the door open. You took a solid step out and screamed at the top your lungs, hoping someone would help you before he could trap you. His hand clamps on your mouth, your body flat against his and you struggle as he starts to pull you back in the room.

You cry out against his hand, catching your feet in the doorframe to try and stop the progression. It doesn't last more than a second seeing as how he's drastically stronger. Sinbad slams your door closed, pinning you up against it with him still behind you.

"(Y/n), I just wanted to talk- I can't believe you let it get this far-"

You push against his hand at your mouth then pull out screaming at the top of your lungs, "Help!"

Again, the king was quick to quiet you. He held you very tightly against his body, an arm across your arms and waist while his other held your head against his chest. You could hear his heart beating fast, but not as fast as yours with how scared you are.

You begin to cry, helplessly kicking back at the king. He lets you pound at his shins a few times before he hikes you up and leads you back towards your bed. You cry harder, your mind racing to the worse, and you struggle more, wiggling, thrashing as best as you could.

"(Y/n), please! I'm not going to hurt you! I'm not here to do anything to you! I want to ask for your help!" he says in a calm voice, tossing you onto your back.

He still covered your mouth, but he no longer held you down. His gold, lucid eyes looked down at you and they seemed to show he was upset. You were still crying, that you couldn't help, but you didn't struggle against him.

"I understand that up to this point I've handled my social interactions with you very poorly... You probably don't care for my excuses, either, so I'll skip all that. Right now, this is purely business. I know you've only been here for a few hours now, but I already must request your assistance."

You mutter a response against his hand, and slowly he lets you go. You sit up, your vision swirling due your headache and too much adrenaline, but you still do your best to move away from the king. He catches your ankle, at first you thought it was to pull you back, but then your hand went off the side of the bed and you fell backwards slightly. Sinbad just looked at you patiently as the warmth of his hand at your ankle seemed to burn your skin.

"Couldn't this have waited until the morning!" you gasp out, your voice sore from the crying and struggling.

The king pressed his lips into a line, looking to the side before retorting, "See? I don't handle our social situations that well. I apologize, (y/n), but I'm very impulsive. When something happens, I aim to fix it as fast as I can and once I got news of this... I didn't even tell Ja'far what I planned to do. The moment I was told about this I instantly thought about talking to you. I jumped out of my study's window, which is why I was on your balcony, but when I got here, you were asleep, so I just waited on your balcony... Yes, I'm aware, just about everyone should be asleep right, now, including myself-"

"Sinbad, either cut to the chase or get out of my room, now, or I'll scream for Ama."

"I need you to come with me to Kou."

"And why is that-"

"Because I need your help in looking more diplomatic-"

"And how the hell-"

"And to help me ward off a few people's unwanted obsession-"

"Again, how the hell-"

"I need you to pretend to be my fiance!"

You stare at the king in horror. Then, as it all clicked in your head, you just saw this as some plan to get you to weaken around him while you pretend to be lovey-dovey and then he tricks you to actually think he loves you and then he- ... You glared at the king, disgusted, before you opened your mouth and at the top of your lungs screamed for Ama.

Ama wasn't the first person to come barging into your room, but he was just behind the one who had. Ja'far stood in your room, the king tied up in his adviser's weapon of choice. Ama stepped around the two and quickly strode right up to you.

"Ama." you whimpered before his arms wrapped around you and you began to cry.

"What did he do, (y/n)? What happened?" Ama asked, checking your clothes for tears and skin for bruises.

"The king was being a damned idiot!" Ja'far shouted, stepping onto his king's back.

"Damn it, Ja'far, stop it! I wasn't hurting her-!" the King tried to argue.

"Masrur!" Ja'far called out.

In response, the large red haired man stepped into the room as well, and picked up the king. Without further instruction, he left with the king over his shoulder, the king looking vexed and dejected. Ja'far shut the door after them and then turned his attention to you. He looked you over as you were curled in Ama's lap now, merely sniffling, your head throbbing even more.

"I wasn't kidding when I said lock your doors..." Ja'far sighed, walking to the bedside. "Nevertheless, are you ok, (Y/n)."

"I'm fine." you mumble. "He just scared me to death."

Ja'far didn't even have to ask you to elaborate. You told him about everything- how you were hungover at the moment and about before you passed out drunk. That you meant to have your door locked, but couldn't mention it. You then proceeded to tell him about Sinbad's behavior. As the story progressed, the advisor looked more and more exasperated.

"Well..." Ja'far sighs, rubbing a hand across his face. "The king's idea isn't bad, but I do agree with your thoughts about it- his idea was too convenient given all your previous encounters... But I see his logic behind it... You see, a princess of Kou, young princess Kougyoku, happened to fall victim to the king's charms and he used them to his advantage... For now, it's kept Kou and Sindria out of war, but Sinbad never wants to marry, you see. And it so happens that word has drifted around that the Kou kingdom not only is still expanding, but that they're wanting to push the young princess on to lord Sinbad... But, now that I think this over, the only problem the king avoids is a possible marriage proposal if he were to carry out his plan- but that would likely sever his protection from the princess..."

You stare at Ama's chin, picking at his shirt and sniffling. You snuggle closer to Ama, nuzzling yourself into his chest while Ja'far is silent and pondering. When Ja'far looks to you, Ama nudges you to look at the king's adviser.

"Miss (y/n), I will do my best to keep you out of the king's schemes. We will come up with another plan. That being said, please rest as long as you need into tomorrow. When, or if, you are ready to start training tomorrow, come to my office. Or would you rather I come here around noon so you don't have to chance running into the king?" offers Ja'far.

"I would prefer the later... If it isn't too much of a hassle." you answer.

"Not at all, (y/n), it would be my pleasure." Ja'far bows slightly. "Until then, please rest up. I apologize for my king once more and hope you don't reconsider trusting us with you and your household vessels."

Ja'far leaves you and Ama in your room. Ama sighs, stroking your (h/c) back from your forehead. You lean back against him, exhausted.

"Do you want me to stay in here for the rest of the night?" he asks, looking down at you.

You nod your head, and he reciprocates the act, pulling you off his lap and setting you next to him. Ama pulls the covers back, and you snuggle down into them, puttimg a pillow over your head to feel extra guarded. He was about to get under as well, but you remembered something that needed to be done.

"Can you lock the doors?" you ask quietly.

He stops getting under the covers and gives you a sad look, before replying, "Of course, (y/n). I need to blow out those candles anyway."

Your friend does just that. The lights go off and you can hear the clack of the locks as Ama sets them. You hear him padding back to the bed, moving to the side closest to the balcony. He gets under the blankets next to you, taking your hand. You close your eyes after you give him an assuring squeeze.

This time you fell asleep, feeling like a safer king.

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