Chapter Twenty-One

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Authors Notes: I want to thank you all again for sticking with this book, getting through my first year of college has kind of been consuming my life, but I will try to start updating more. Hope you guys enjoy this.

Goal: 850 readers!!!

Finally catching up to Alex I stopped and grabbed his arm. "Alex I'm so sorry," I said, pulling him into a hug.

  "I know you are, I guess I have been blind." He said, pulling away from me.

     "Blind is one way you can put it," I said, looking up at him with a smile on my face.

  "Yes... Blind, like pretending not to notice your necklace." He said, his eyes immediately looking down at it.

  "It's just a necklace. It doesn't mean anything." I said, looking down at the necklace that Cameron probably brought at Kohls or something.

  "No, it's not just a necklace. It's so much more than that." Even though I wanted to cut him off and ask what he was talking about he continued before I could. "In our family, it is a big meaning... a big gesture, something you don't take too lightly." He said.

  "You aren't making much sense right now," I said, confusing spreading across my face. Wasn't it just a cutie friendly gift?

  "Our family has a bit of history. When we give someone Claris jewelry (a very rare type of chain) you're linked to us for life." He said.

  "What and who do you mean by us?" I asked, so far holding my ground instead of taking off full speed in the opposite direction.

  "To whoever gives it to you." He said, my eyes going wide.

     "Are you saying that is why yall gave me this? Why would you do this to me?" I asked. Cameron had walked over to us by now.

  "Oh please don't tell me you told her?" Cameron said, telling by my eyes.

     "Yes I told her, she deserved to know!" Alex said, his anger side coming out a little.

  "So she deserved to know that we aren't completely human, and have all these complicated random things that come along with it," Cameron said like he was opening up Pandora's Box. That's when it hit me that he just said not completely human.  My heart started beating fast, and panic finally setting in; I started backing away slowly.

  "Not human?" I said. Then I fainted.  When I came to I found myself on a bench in front of the school.

  "Are you ok?" Cameron and Alex asked at the same time with concerned looks on their picture-perfect faces. Alex helped me sit up, and started rubbing my back caringly.

  "Please stop, I need some space, and time to think this through," I said, moving out of his reach.

  "What can we do to help?" Cameron asked.

     "Get Brandi, I need to talk to Brandi," I said. Not because she is my best friend or anything, but because I had a feeling that she probably knew all about their secrets.

  "Ok, I will call her," Alex said. The play hadn't started yet, because we came early for me to get some shots of the cast for the final piece in the paper. While Alex had stepped away to call Brandi on the phone, Cameron tried to explain it to me more. But, I heard nothing because I was still in deep shock. The only thing I heard was "not human." This kept playing over and over in my head. When Brandi arrived, Alex and Cameron went off to 'use the bathroom'. In reality, though I just told them that I wanted to talk to Brandi alone.

   "How do you deal with this? What am I suppose to do? I didn't ask for this. Why me? I just wanted to be normal..." I said, speaking frantically. For some reason when they left all my hidden emotions poured out.

  "I know how you feel; I had all those questions too. But don't worry I will try to answer them for you. Can we please start with just one at a time please?" she asked. By the look on her face, I knew she would now tell me anything I wanted to hear.

  "Is there any way of breaking these?" I asked, looking down at my Claris jewelry.

     "Yes, but it's not something you want to do." She said. "Once you do there is no relationship with them at all. Also, it is very hard to break."

   "You say I wouldn't want to break mine, but they are from two different people. And I can't love to people right?"

  "You know it's ok to like both of them."

Brandi has gone delusional how could she think that? Let me just try to get some more answers.

      "Is that all they stand for?"

         "No, they also protect you from their enemies and people out to get you."

             "Why would people be out to get me?"

                  "Because you're with them."

                      "You say them like they are alien to us or something."

                             "They somewhat are, they are faster, stronger, smarter, everything is doubled, and tripled for them than the average person.

  "But they look human to me," I said, glaring over at them.

     "I never said that they weren't human." She said, suddenly pulling me behind the prickly ugly school bushes.

  "Why are we -" I started to ask, but then followed her eyes. There stood Amanda with Luke fighting. What were they doing outside? And why was Luke here, he wasn't in the play?

  "He needs us now!" Luke said, sounding a little on the edge.

     "Now? But it's almost time for the play to start?" Amanda said, yelling, with a puzzled look on her face.

She couldn't miss her big act.

  "Who cares about the stupid play?"

      "I care. IT'S MY LIFE!" 

         "You're the voices from the hallway," I said, meaning to say it in my head.

             "Who said that?" he asked. Not wanting them to catch Brandi too, I came from behind the bushes.

  "I did, and I know what you have been doing,"  I said, finally putting all the pieces together in my head.

  "We haven't been doing anything," Amanda said, lying straight to my face.

     "I know you are lying. You are the ones who took Blake, but not because you wanted to, but you were ordered to." I said, only saying part of what I  knew. That's when they both started flipping out. Not knowing what else to do Luke grabbed me. It was in the same place Cameron had grabbed me earlier; leaving a bruise. I was excepting to hear or see someone coming after me when we got in the car, but there was nothing, and no one coming to my rescue.

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