Chapter Five

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the author notes: I am so sorry. I could tell you excuse after excuse why I haven't posted till now, but I am going to settle on one, and that is....that overall I have had a pretty busy week!!!! Lol, but I am finally posting and I hope yall enjoy. And instead of determining my next post with days I'm going to do it with readers.So when I get 45 readers I will post again :). Hope you guys have the rest of a good weekend because I know I will because I get to do two of my top Favorite things to do in a world

1. Hang out with my best friend

2. Bake

Love you guys lots :)

thanks for reading Enjoy :)

------------------------------------------------> Cameron

thanks, AnghinePicault for reading my story and voting and messaging me feedback

Chapter 5: Look-a-like

"See you after school babe," Pete said, giving me a quick peck on the lips before running down the hallway to soccer practice. All week I had been getting up early because I had to ride with Pete who has ridiculous soccer practice hours. Who in they're right mind wakes up at 4 to be at school by 5? But having an hour or two before school started wasn't bad either. I headed to the journalism room. Turning the corner I saw the journalism door open, and out walked Alex... with Amanda? Not wanting to be seen, I quickly crouched behind the trash can in front of me.

  "Thanks for a good time," Amanda said, purring in his ear.

      "Anytime Amanda," he said. That's weird. Their voices sounded very much like the ones in the hallway.

Hhhhmmm...that would explain how Alex was there so quickly after I had heard the people arguing. Feeling like I couldn't keep my cover much longer, I watched them have a long hug that Amanda pulled Alex into. She took off down the hallway, and Alex went back into the room, closing the door. I waited for about ten minutes; so there wouldn't be any questions. Standing up very slowly, as to not make a sound I walked into the room. Alex was busy working away on a computer, stopping to look when he heard me enter.

"How may I help you?" he asked. What does he mean, how can he help me? It's not like I haven't been in this room before.

   "Really Alex, is this because of the whole step-dad looking through the window thing?" he started laughing so hard he feels out of his seat. Surprisingly not freaking me out at all like how he had done on my first day of school.

"What's so funny?" I asked, not getting it at all.    

  "You think I am Alex," he said, in the middle of still laughing.

       "What are you talking ab- ." stopping myself from finishing the sentence, noticing that the desk he was sitting at was black, his backpack was black, and his chair was black; along with looking like he had just rolled out of bed this morning, all the things that Alex would never have (always having white things), and looking like he wouldn't dare look in public. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, and if you're not Alex, then who are you?"

   "I am cooler, more popular, and definitely hotter. I am Cameron..." he took a long pause; contemplating what to say. "Alex's twin brother."

  "Hahaha very funny," I said having a little chuckling moment. "Alex and anyway if you are "Cameron" then why am I just now meeting you?" Could this really be possible?? Could there be another guy that's as crazy and cute as Alex? Oh my gosh.... Did I really just call him cute? What is happening to my brain?

  "My name is really Cameron, and you haven't seen me because I have been out sick from school."  Who would be sick for months at a time? And get it passed the school, no problem? Sounds like someone who is more than just popular.

    "Oh, really? Well, I am so sorry to hear about that," I said, trying my best to sound sincere to what most likely was a lie on his part. "And sorry for mistaking you for Alex, you two look so much alike it's crazy." I didn't fully believe that he wasn't Alex, but until I knew different I would just go along with it.

    "It's ok we get it a lot." He said, somehow knowing that I still didn't believe him, as if he was reading my mind.

    "I could imagine! Let's start over. Hi, I'm Keri." I said holding my hand out.

      "Hi I'm Cameron," He said, pulling me into his chest when I gripped his hand, coming off awfully close to our 'first time meeting'. I quickly pulled myself away before I started to enjoy it too much.

    "So how close are you with Amanda?" I asked, knowing the true Alex liked to be secretive about everything and tried to bring it out in him.

   "I do some things for her, but I don't like her." When he said this, he was looking me up and down. Like a fat man looking at donuts (he liked what he saw a lot!!!!)... Alex would never do that.

  I noticed that he wasn't at Alex's white clean desk, but at a fully decked out silky black desk along with his backpack. "Oh, and is black your favorite color?" I asked, maybe I can get something out of him.

  "No, it's not my favorite color, blue is."

      "Then what's with all the black?"

            "Well ummmmm..."

                    "I see you have met my brother." Alex had just walked into the room, stopping Cameron from telling me, and confirming that this was indeed his twin. 

    "Yes, for a while I thought it was you. Considering that you never told me anything about you being a twin?"I said.

  "Well, it never came up in the time that I have known you. Which hasn't been that long if I can say so myself." Alex said.

    "Oh, so this is the hot one you talked about?" Cameron said. "You were right by the way." He gave a devious grin.

   "You called me HOT!!!" I said, starting to blush. Trying to think of something quick to hide my face with.

Alex thought I was hot!!!My brain was going off in alarms right do I feel about him?

"Not exactly..." Alex said, giving Cameron the look.  "Uuumm... I have to go." He said a little shaky, considering his brother just blurted out that he has the hots for me. Alex turned ready to leave, but when he was halfway out the door he turned back, and pulled Cameron out the door with him, leaving me in the room alone.

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