Chapter Fifteen

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Authors notes: Guys I know I haven't posted in like forever but all I have to say for myself that its high school and things happen, especially with the AP test just around the corner... and with it being my first one it is a bit scary!! soon I will be less busy and able to post post post and post but right now just know or as you might have already known my posting is coming at a slower pace.Tomorrow is captain auditions for guard and I hope I do great, but won't actually know till next Saturday at our band banquet where all things are announced !! but besides my life how are you guys liking the book? and are you team Cameron or Alex?please do let me know?also got any ideas on what the guys might be unhuman wise? oh and happy national prayer day... that was Thursday to all who didn't know :-) hope yall all have great weekends :-)

sincerely :-):-)

your glasses wearing writer :-)

wisdom words: You get tons of aunts, friends, and cousins, but you only get one mom.

goal : 300 readers :-):-):-):-):-):-):-)

:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)everyone enjoys and let me know the questions that linger after you read the chapter.

Dedicate: thanks for being a follower hope you are reading my book and I hope you succeed greatly in high school

Chapter 15: Connecting Dots


It was the end of the week and instead of thinking about hitting up a house party I couldn't get my mind off of Keri. Ever since the first day, I saw her out of my head.

Sure I am in the journalism room and I sm suppose to be finishing up a column but, with one glare to my right, I can see her twirling her red hair around her finger as she spun around in the desk chair.Not being able to pull my eyes away now I decided that with my fast speed I could finish typing up in five seconds later.

From her hair to her shoes, and shoes to outfit, and outfit bracelet... bracelet I had never seen her wear anything like that? looking at it closer I knew exactly where it was from and exactly what it meant.Not believing my own eyes I turned and glared at it.

"What do you think? Alex brought it to me. " Keri asked, seeing my eyes suddenly become glued to it.

"It looks great..." I said, gritting through my teeth and putting on a fake smile. This 'gift' would change everything Keri and I had going. Keri and I had going?

What am I even talking about?

We didn't have anything going on... I take that back because there will always be something between us. Or there would have been, but now with that 'gift' I knew no good would follow for me.

"Thanks," she says believing the lie, easily. " I was a little surprised when he gave it to me before I tutored Luke?"


I had stepped out of the journalism room; my mind protesting the whole way not happy with leaving Keri alone with Cameron. My inner me really objected because without even thinking about it I returned back to the black door in less than ten seconds when it should have taken ten minutes.

Now for the second time since I have known Keri, she has made me break my rule of always staying in the human's norm of things ( which I haven't broken in at the least fifteen years).Luckily no one hung out after school, especially on a Friday. Not wanting to get a suspicious look from Keri I waited un-patiently outside. My head kept replaying the look on Keri's face when I gave her the bracelet. She looked surprised yet happy; a look she wore very well.

It happened just like all the stories I have heard from the elders in my patch. Because without even having control of my body or thoughts Mawi( my inner man) had done it all by himself. Most of how I made the bracelet and found her in the library is a blur... yet her face is as clear as a crystal ball in my head. Lost in my thoughts I wasn't paying much attention to the words coming from the inside of the room. But when Keri said tutored my ears tuned in instantly.

All week I have been wanting to know what had happened during Keri "tutoring" of Luke, but trying my best not to be pushy about it, and now that she had I wasn't going to let that opportunity slip out of my hands.

"Did I hear someone say tutoring?" I asked smoothly as I opened the door.

"Eavesdropping much?" Cameron asked his color radiating anger.


Staring at the boys argue for five minutes I decided I could use my time more wisely and turned to the computer screen in front of me ready to do some research. My thoughts wandered to the bracelet Alex had given me... what does this mean?

Is this his way of telling me he wants to be more than good friends? Because if so I can totally see myself dating him.

But what about Cameron?What about Cameron did that thought really just cross my mind?

For some reason, the thought of actually hurting Cameron pained me.

Not being able to think all of these emotions through right now I pushed the thoughts aside because I had to figure out who Luke might have dated, thinking that if he was one of the voices in the hallway one of his ex-girlfriends could be another.

Turning on the monitor I type facebook into the URL and logged into my account.

Whoever invented facebook I would like to thank because besides all of the social get to know you part facebook is a great way to stalk someone.

Within five minutes of searching his page I found out that Marie Kate was Luke's last girlfriend of four years and had just recently broken up a couple of months ago... the break up was definitely around the same voices too, now all I need to do is question Marie Kate about the kidnapping and her relationship with Luke.

Quickly scanning her facebook profile knowing the guys were soon to be wrapping up their fight I found out she was captain of the cheerleading squad.Sssssoooo cliche basketball star player dating the cheerleader... when did that not happen in high school? Her latest status from yesterday talking about cheerleader tryouts happening tomorrow night. Now doesn't that sound like a great time to get to know somebody?

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