Chapter Fourteen

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authors notes: hey hey hey guys sorry I haven't been around for like two whole weeks. but all I have to say is life got hectic and that I haven't had time to actually sit down and write. I would love to hear what you guys think of Alex and Cameron's abnormalities so hit me up with a comment. who do you think Keri likes more? do you guys like the different point of views? this week will then end of all the craziness so I can start writing again :) !!!!!!!!! hope you guys had a good weekend and I decided to start asking you guys questions hoping for more feedback. I love you all and thanks for all the support keep up the reading and if you want a good laugh you should go to youtube and search throw it on the ground and click on the first one after the ads!!!tat tat

Goal:270 readers

----------------------------------->>>>>>>>luke the new character I just added to the story!

wise words: success is a journey, not a destination


Dedicate:I thank you so much for being one of my few followers and I hope you are enjoying the book :-P

Chapter 14: Brandi Brooke

Math class. The class I am good at, considering that I am in advanced math (I am pretty much in a class with all juniors; me being a sophomore). Looking around I look for the guy I was just assigned to tutor. When I laid my eyes on the jock in the back looking baffled by what the teacher was saying I figured it was him. When we got our individual work I decided to go talk to him, and since I was still on these stupid crutches it took me a good 5 minutes to get across the room.

"Hey, Luke?" I ask; hoping that he was the right guy.

"Hi?" he said, looking at me like I was a foreign exchange student or something. Right away I noticed his voicing sounding familiar, but I just could put my finger on it.

"Oh sorry we were never properly introduced; I am Keri, your new tutor." I said; hoping he wasn't as dumb as he looks.

"Tutor?" he said it like he wasn't doing badly in this class at all.

"Yes Mrs. Tweedy (math teacher) told me that you weren't doing too great, and I need the community hours, so she said until you get your grades up I am your tutor!" I said, a little over-enthusiastic; because I could talk about math forever with it being my favorite subject.


I was in the library waiting for Luke; this was going to be our first tutor date and probably our last.

"Hey what you up to?" Alex asked he was checking out some books.

"I'm waiting for Luke."

"Luke Averno? Why?" he asked; kind of sounding a little jealous.

"I am his new math tutor," I said in a duh kind of way.

"Well, you need to be careful," he said. Now, this sounded like more than just jealousy?

"Careful why?"

"Because I have heard what people say about him and it's not good."

"Ok, but you should know I know how to take care of myself," I said, getting defensive.

"Yeah, I know. You just reminded me I have a gift for you." He said, pulling out a charm bracelet, with one charm on it (the charm was white and in the shape of a barn).

"Awe, thank you so much!" I said probably with a squeal, just looking at him you could tell he was happy I liked it.

"You're welcome." He said putting it on my wrist. "It looks like Luke is heading over here so I better go." Luke was scanning the library tables looking for me, or maybe just my stand out red hair.


Luke  had been hard at work and you could tell he really was trying to get his grade up. We only small talked in-between problems. When he suggested we take a break I jumped for I because I figure why not ask him about the triplets and see if he knew anything big about what happened.

"So what do you think about the triplets?" I asked this question looked like it caught his attention.

"I feel really bad for what happened to Blake. I think the whole family took it hard."

"Yeah Alex and Cameron seem like they did," I said, not actually knowing how they felt.

"Yeah, I really feel sorry for his girlfriend though." He said.

" Girlfriend ?"

"Yah. Brandi Brooke, she was in love with him, and he was in love with her. They were the inseparable couple." He said, knowing everything about them.

"Hey doesn't she still go to our school?" I asked the name sounding familiar.

"Yes, but she is very isolated to herself now."

"Sounds like you two use to be friends," I said.

"Yeah, at one point and time we were good friends." He said, their friendship must have died when Blake went missing.

"Well, I have to get home now," I said.

"Yah me too, but thanks for the help." He said. Help? He gave me more answers then I gave him. It had never really crossed my mind that he would have a girlfriend. I wonder how much farther it would have to dig to get to the bottom of this.

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