Chapter Thirteen

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authors note: sure we haven't reached the goal yet but we are so close I just figured why not :)!!! I love all of the support that I am getting from you guys and can't wait to see how you react to this chapter. and also since I find it fun to write in other characters points of views I decided to do it again :)and for all who comment and vote thank you thank you thank you( i blow an imaginary kiss) ;)!!!!!!!!! I started working on my solo guard and am very surprised that I actually wrote some rifle work that wasn't half bad which I considered myself as not so great at :). And I wore the cutest blue dress today and got some looking good comments from friends ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope all you guys enjoyed the easter, and if you want to let me know what happened just hit me up with a message.

-------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>> IMAGINE THAT FACE ALL BEAT UP???




eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! yyyyyaaaalllllll LOL

Dedicate Thanks so much for being an awesome friend that I love and cherish!! Hope you having a good time in Hawaii!!! Definitely, appreciate you taking time to read my book :-)

Chapter 13: Interruptions


"Don't think for an instant I am going to let you carry my bag when I got my own two arms to do it myself," Keri said; putting her serious face on.

She looked so cute when she did that. Heck! She looks cute every time I look at her, and lately every time I see her the words play over and over in my head

I love you...

I love you...

I love you?? In all my seventeen years of existence, those words have never left my mouth to a girl unless it was my mom. Ok... maybe that's an understatement, but I don't tell girls I date that ever... let alone someone I just thought I had heavy feelings for.

"Of course you can do it yourself no one is stopping you," I said; casually picking up her bag and headed for the door.

No way was I going to add to her hobbling around on crutches by making her tot her own backpack around. It's only because she would slow me down... I thought knowing instantly that wasn't the reason at all.

Stupid, crutches

Her thoughts ran through my head as if they were my own.

If only I didn't have a crazy ex none of this would have happened, Bowie oh paw when I can walk he will be the first one to know

Without even thinking I had started reading her thoughts, and now with the channel open why close it? "Don't worry I took care of Pete for you the other day," I said; as she hopped through the doorway.

"Funny that you mention the poop face because I was just thinking about him."

She brought laughter to my eyes with her funny attempt at mean names.

"Poop face huh? Very intimating." I said sarcastically; before I busted out in laughter.

Ha-ha he thinks I'm funny well he is just lucky I'm on crutches for the time being

Lucky me she was on crutches and didn't have a spare arm to punch me with like she really wanted to.

"Oh you would be surprised at how many-" Keri stopped in mid-sentence glaring at Pete behind me. I had heard those fake cowboy boots coming in the hallways before we had even stepped foot out of the classroom and smelt his horrible cheap cologne. Yeah sure sometimes there are perks to having heightened sent and hearing, yet this was not one of them. Acting as if I didn't know I turned around and plastered a stone mask on my face; making Pete flinch without warning. The bruises I had given him had started the healing process yet I could still smell the fresh blood from the cut on his head, leg, and arm; that came from Alex. Me being a one and done kind of guy had given him a blow to the eye(sadly not able to put even half of my force behind it knowing that at the least it would knock him into a coma and at the most it would go through his skull).

Without one word Keri sent a small glare his way and then made her way down the hallway.

I hope Cameron follows along so I don't look stupid

To my surprise, my feet responded before my head and started carrying me down the hallway; stopping when I reached Keri.

What the heck? I just acted like her little puppy and no way was I that. I wonder what had come over me. Because being at a girl beck and call had never been my thing and I didn't plan on making it one.


When Cameron reached me I turned the corner; trying my hardest not to think about the horrible encounter I just had with Pete.

"I was just-"someone said; running straight into me, knocking my crutches right from under me. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the impact of the fall. Waiting, waiting, and waiting I noticed the fall never came. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw two strong lean cut muscles arms holding me up. Before looking back at his face I already knew it was Cameron because every time we touched I felt my skin feel as if it was getting shocked wide awake; making me feel every little brush after that.

"Watch where you are stepping Luke!" Cameron raged; trying his best to keep his temper down.

"I'm so sorry." The still unknown voice said in front of me. His voice reminded me of someone I had heard but I just can't put a finger on it? I could feel Cameron getting tense at the moment; his temper starting to come through. So I quickly brushed the thought aside.

"It's ok I'm fine really don't worry about it." I coolly say, turning to lean against the wall while Cameron leaned down to recover my crutches from the ground.

"Do you need any help bro?" the voice asked; I still haven't bothered to actually look up.

"Does it look like we need your help buffoon?" Cameron boosted.

"No, he can handle it but thank you." I quickly spit it out; not wanting Cameron to get in a stupid fight. For a moment the black sneakers still stood there, but after a few more seconds they disappeared down the hallway.

Cameron brought my crutches over to me; holding me close to his rock-solid chest. Even when I was back stable on my crutches he was still holding on to my waist. Ready to tell him I was fine and he could let go I looked up into his eyes that still held anger.

"I'm fine Cameron that was nothing to get your boxers in a wad about... it could have happened to anyone." Cameron just stood there looking at me; slowly I felt him become more relaxed. Now the way that he was looking at me I could tell he was back to his normal self; putting on the charm.

His eyes flickered down to my lips; ever so slowly. Was he thinking about kissing me? Did he want to kiss me? Did I want to kiss him?




I wanted him to kiss me like there was no tomorrow.

Now the tingles going through my body seemed to intensify even though neither of us had made a move.

His eyes came back up to mine; gently he pulled me closer to his chest; never looking away from my eyes. Without even thinking I felt myself leaning my head towards his.

Grrrraaawwwwww! My stomach protested; causing his eyes to pull from mine and look down at my stomach.

"Let's get some food in you," Cameron said, slowly pulling away. With one last look at my lips, he headed towards the cafeteria.

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