Chapter Twenty- Three

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"Whose idea was this?" Collin asked, flaring with anger; still somehow looking irresistible. Amanda and Luke had dragged us into Collins office.

"Mine," I said, without missing a heartbeat, knowing that he couldn't hurt me gave me confidence.

"Of course, I knew you were bad news when they brought you in here," he said, his anger turning to frustration.

"Well as I have been saying I don't see a reason for you keeping me here. I mean I don't even have powers."

"You are right." He said, his face changing into a grin. "So I might as well just kill you." Collin pulled a gun out of his pocket aiming it right at me. I was going to die. I was surprised at the thoughts that were popping in my head; they weren't about family or my life, but I thought about Cameron, then Alex. My eyes closed shut I heard a shot fired, then another shot fire, and I waited, waited, and waited; I wasn't dead. Opening my eyes I saw that one shot hadn't been at me but at Collin. Collin's body was now lying on the ground, completely motionless. The other bullet was in the palm of Cameron's hand. He had caught the bullet that had been heading towards me; crumbling it with his bare hands. Excitement overcame me, and I closed the little space between me and Cameron, giving him a hug as he lifted me off the ground.

"Thanks," I said, my feet still not on the ground. He planted a delicious kiss on my lips, gently setting me down. My body tingling everywhere he touched me.

"I would love to take all the credit, but some have to go to my bro Alex," Cameron said, happy to have me back in his arms. As Cameron and I hugged I searched around the room for Alex with my eyes. When I spotted him, he was standing with the gun still in his hands looking sexier than ever. Brandi had come too, and from what I could see her and Blake were all over each other. Alex's eyes finally spotted mine; a devious grin spreading across his face. Dropping the gun he headed straight towards me. Nicely I pulled away from Cameron and made my way to Alex. Reaching Alex I could feel a new energy/ electricity between us. Staring at each other I could feel my heart starting to beat faster. Without hesitation, Alex pulled me closer, our bodies pressing against each other. Before I could sequel out a thank you, he put his lips to mine. The longer we kissed the more intense it became. I didn't realize we had started making out until someone in the background cleared their throat; causing us to pull away. I don't know what came over me, or why it had happened, but instead of the thank you I was going to give I love you popped out of my mouth. The three words left my mouth before I could pull them back in; everyone's eyes were on me.

"We need to go; the cops are on their way." Cameron said, turning everyone's attention towards the door. Alex grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the car. Outside, I finally caught up with his pace; moving my mouth to his ear.

"Thanks," I said, knowing it must have been really hard for him to kill the guy who raised him, even if he wasn't acting like it.

"I would do anything for you," Alex said; making my heart skip a beat.

"Where do you think you are going?" Luke asked, standing in front of the car; determined to stop us.

"Why don't you just slowly walk away?" Alex asked nicely.

"Not a chance."

"Bad decision," Cameron said, making a fist with his hands.

"You think I'm scared of you?" Luke asked. I stepped in-between Cameron and Luke.

"I know you don't want to do this," I said, calming Cameron down before his anger reached the point of no return. "The cops are on their way. We all have a reason for being on the scene, but what's yours?" I said to Luke causing fear to pass through his eyes at this realization. We all turned our heads when we heard the police cars down the road; scattering at the sound of them.


I was sitting in the back of the auditorium. Blake and Brandi are sitting on the end. Alex and Cameron sitting on either side of me. We had made it out of sight right as the cops had approached. Now we are luckily catching the end of the play. Ironically Belinda (Amanda) was choosing between two guys that wanted to be with her 'forever'. Cameron and Alex both going to grab my hand at the same time. Surprisingly this felt normal, or at least for now. When I had first walked into Grand high school I never thought that the two brothers would fall for me. So now either for the good or the bad, I am changed.

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