Chapter Six

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authors notes:

Wow!!!! I got 45 readers fast :), so I guess I'm doing something right!!!Again please comment, and like and follow me :).My next Reader goal is 55 readers and two comments( Good or Bad)!! I have a pretty busy week, but if we reach my goal I will be posting again, but until then I am sad to say I won't :( . So if you are enjoying it tell your friends about it, and like me :).

Hope you guys enjoy.

sincerely your writer,

until 55 readers and two comments(Good or Bad) later


-----------------------------> Keri outfit for her date.

thanks, Officalskittlelover for being one of my first followers :)

Chapter 6: Good Friends

Today was the day. Today was the day that I finally get to go on a long overdue date with my boyfriend Pete. For the past couple weeks, instead of riding home with Pete I was riding with Cameron or Alex because I usually would end up staying later after school then Pete would. Oh, and to my surprise, Cameron's car is the exact opposite of white... black; go figure. So since Pete and I haven't had much time to hang out between his football practices and my journalism (and still writing on the play, because the opening night is not till the end of the semester). Today is the first free Saturday to come up we decided to take advantage of it. Letting Pete pick the spot we ended up on a ranch down a winding country road that his family owns.

"So how long has this ranch been in the family?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence we were starting to have in the car.

"Since my great great great great great great great" Pete stopped taking a big breathe in between "you get the point grandfather brought this very land and built on it himself."

"He built all of that?" I asked, able to finally see a barn and house in the near distance.

"Yes, yes he did. With his own two hands." He said; boosting as he himself had built it.

"Wow, that's incredible." Through the window across the way was a picture perfect bright red barn with white shudders, along with a two-story wood house with a wraparound porch that everyone dreams about. "Does anyone actually live here, or is it just a vacation ranch?" I asked in awe; I could totally stay here for days, it all looked so peaceful.

"It uses to be a vacation house, but my grandparents loved it so much they decided to live here when they retired." Grandparents? I didn't know they were a part of the date.

"If you wanted me to meet your grandparents you could have just asked," I said; very smooth like. If he wants me to meet his grandparents does that mean our relationship is being taken to the next level? " I mean sure I wasn't prepared and didn't know our relationship was that deep, considering we haven't even been dating for half a year, and you still haven't popped the L word it's ok-"

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa I said nothing about you meeting my grandparents. You defiantly are not meeting my grandparents! What makes you think our relationship is even close to that level yet!" he said; his eyes close to bulging out of his head.

"Don't worry Pete I get the point," I said a little hurt inside. Yet not as much as I think I should be.

"We are here." He said; looking at me as if I was going to reply. "Do you want to go ride horses?"


"Do you want to ride the tractor?"


"Have you ever seen so much greenery?"


"Ok, ok, ok Keri I am so sorry I didn't mean to blow up on you like that or come across rude, it's just that my grandparents aren't quite the charmers themselves, and since this is supposed to be romantic I didn't want to spoil it. So can you please stop the silence act and talk to me? Because I don't think I can handle you not talking to me!" He said, pleading.

"Yes, I will talk to you," I said, happy to finally get the apology I was looking for.


"Thanks for the driving lesson," I said. I had just done a horrible job of driving his pickup truck down to the barn in the dark because it was starting to become night time. Hopping out of the car Pete knelt down and the ground and pretended to kiss it. "You are such a drama queen!" I yelled; as I was getting out of the car. "I don't really drive that bad? Do I?"

"Of course not...babe...." He said questioningly; meeting me in front of the car.

"Are you lying to me?" I asked, piercing him with my eyes.

"No...of course not... that's beside the point, I have a surprise for you in the barn, so close your eyes."

"Close my eyes? What if I don't want to?"

"I had a feeling you would say that." Blindsiding me; he placed a bandana across my eyes and tied it in the back. Grabbing my hand he led me towards the surprise.

"What do you think?" he asked; pulling off my blindfold. We were in the barn where he had set up a table, with hay as our seats; on the hay not being used as seats, he had tea lights on them for light. He had all American burgers, with the special Oklahoma flavoring. Yes, I did move to Oklahoma... and it's not as bad as you think.

"I llllooovvveee it!" I said; hopping into his arms giving him a big hug.

"Great, I have never really ever done anything like this for a girl." He could really make a girl feel special. We started eating and had small talk, but something didn't feel right. Instead of talking like a high school couple, we were talking like two good old friends. Looking around the room now I can see that, this really isn't as special as it was when I had first laid my eyes on; I mean any guy could do it. The whole time while I was trying to talk to him and keep the conversation going it seemed like all he wanted to do was text.

"Do you know anything about Alex and Cameron?" I asked because I was really curious, and it's not like we were talking about anything interesting besides to food. For the first time since we had been in the barn, he closed his phone and looked at me.

"That they are a couple of weirdoes."

"Weirdoes? Do you even talk to them?"

"No, but there must be something wrong."


"Because everything Alex owns is white, and the same with Cameron but black."

"Yeah, well it must mean something."

"It means that they are not normal, and don't know how to mix and match."

"Why are you being such a jerk?"

"This is our time, and all you want to talk about is the triplets!" he yelled; pulling his phone back out' and that's when I snapped.

"Well, you are the one texting nonstop? Who are you texting?"

"You're not my mother! So it's none of your business." He said, still yelling.

"Yah, but I am your girlfriend, and I deserve an explanation!" Quickly standing to my feet I stormed out of the barn. Trying not to cry I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom's number.

"Hey sweetie I thought you were on the ranch with Pete?" my mom asked; knowing I wouldn't call on a date unless something was wrong.

"Mom, can you please come pick me up?"

"Sure I'm on my way." She said; hanging up. My mom's motto is to be quick to come and ask questions later. Pete never came out of the barn after me, and as soon as my mom pulled up, I hoped in the car and didn't look back. On the drive back with my mom, she didn't ask me questions, and that is when it hit me that while we were fighting Pete had said triplets. What triplets? There are only two of them, right?

Sorry to leave you with a bit of a cliffhanger

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