Chapter Eight

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authors note: wwwwooooaaahhh I didn't think I would be posting this soon, but u know what I got 55 readers and a nice comment on my profile page about this book :)and I say that this causes for a celebration!!!!! And when I say celebration I mean posting a new chapter !!!! Now we have ourselves a double whammy :) !!!!how you like them apples?? Speaking of apples my mom is making me do this diet vegetable thing with her, so please do eat some carbs for me since I won't be having them as much (at all) starting tomorrow :) yay not lol. I have come to a very nice conclusion that if you have read my book this far then there must be something you like about,and with knowing that I am going to stop being so pushy when it comes to commenting :) and let u be free to do what you want :) did i mention this is one of my fav chapters to write!!

Sincerely, ur happy writer :)

--------------------------->>>>> sexy Cameron on the side ;)

Goal: 60 readers and whatever else your heart desires

Eeeennnnnjjjjoooyyyy my peeps :)

thanks, bookworm117 for voting on all the chapters and offering up your help anytime I need it I really appreciate it :) oh and btw loved the comments :)

Chapter 8: One Door Unopened

He wouldn't tell me where we were going till we got there. He only said that it will be the best burger and shake I ever had. Every restaurant we passed I thought was going to be our stop, but he just kept rolling down the street. We finally stopped, but not at a restaurant, a driveway with a two-story house at the end of it."Where are we?" I asked, thinking maybe it could be half restaurant, half house? Who knew what to think nowadays?

"My house," Cameron said, as an obvious fact.

"Why? Do you need to like get money or something?"

"No, but I did tell you that you would have the best burger and shake right?"


"Well then, let's go." Inside the house, it was very homey looking. Everything was normal except for a bunch of Indian stuff. The living room was the first thing you saw when you walked in. The walls had two shades of green in stripes, with white furniture. It then goes into the kitchen where the walls are sunset orange, with white and black checkered tile. Just seeing these two rooms makes me curious about the rest of the house. Cameron had started getting things out of the refrigerator.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I said I knew the best burgers!" he said with a grin on his face, finally I understood what he was doing.

"Are you really going to cook for me?"

"Yes, yes I am. And I guarantee you are going to like them."

With nothing left to say I set down on one of the orange stools. While he cooked I made small talk. Like "How's your day?" or "What's your favorite band?" .When he was done cooking we sat down at the round dining table to eat. The first bit of the burger was perfect. It had the right amount of everything, and just had a way of making me feel a little better. I was enjoying the dinner when I  heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hey Cameron, I thought I smelt some of your famous burgers." It was Alex, and he was rounding the corner. When he walked into the kitchen he was shirtless, and his hair was wet, with white boxers on.

"Hey bro! Guess what I brought home." Cameron said. Alex didn't get what he was saying, and because he was fixing his plate, never looked at the table. (Just because he wasn't looking at me doesn't mean I wasn't looking at him. He had the body that all the girls love). When he finally did turn around, he looked at his brother, me, and then himself.

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