Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Shavonne Nuall

Authors notes: this week had been a very busy week for me with guard championships today, and two tennis events I had to beat. so now that I have founded the time to post I decided to do so.i was going to post it last night, but when I got on wattpad was down and with a sprained foot I couldn't wait around for it to come back up. And yes I sprain my foot yesterday playing tennis, but no way is that going to stop me from performing at my last (Championships) guard competition; and I just put my faith in gods hands. so wish me luck at competition :) now on to the book ( Which I am ssssssooooo obber surprised by all the reader's thanks to all).

sincerely your determined writer

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>> Keri's devious look to Cameron

Goal: 200 readers and however many votes and comments you want to make :)

I dedicate this chapter to nuallsha000 she is my best friend(wwwaaayyy waaaayyy more) and is always there for me and really pushed me to post :) love her always

enjoy ;)

Chapter 9: !! Shirtless Cutie!!

Honk!! Honk!!

"Alex is here!" my mom yelled up to my corner bedroom. Grabbing my light blue sak shoulder bag, I shuffled down the stairs. Ever since the fight with Pete, I had been getting rides from Alex and sometimes Cameron.

"Good morning," Alex said, pulling me into a friendly hug.

"Yah, yah whatever you say!" I said sarcastically; Alex is always the happy morning person you learn to tolerate.

"Made you breakfast ladybug." My mom said, fixing me a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. "And I made enough for you too darling." Ever since I had known my mom she had always made up nicknames for everyone she knew.

"Sounds delicious Mrs. Shamely but I think Keri and me should take our breakfast to go considering we only have five minutes before the first period," Alex said calmly and coolly. 

"Hhhhmmmmm funny that you say that since you could have always picked me up earlier."

"Like you would have even been ready if I came a split second early then 8:35." Alex said, as we slowly made our way closer to the door.

"Here's yalls breakfast. See you when you get home ladybug." My mom said, handing me our to go breakfast. When I crossed the threshold of the front door Alex was already in front of my mailbox where he parked his car holding the passenger door open for me.

"Why thank you," I said, doing a mini curtsy before hopping in the car. Alex made his way so quickly and quietly around I didn't even know he was in the car until it started. Alex weaved in and out of cars as if he was driving a muscle motorcycle. Three minutes later we were sitting in the parking lot at school.

"You're pretty quiet today." He said, sitting comfortably in his seat.

"Just happy I survived your crazy adrenaline driving," I said, gripping the seat dramatically.

"I dought I drive that bad miss drama queen." Alex got out and walked around the car to me.

"Drama queen-" stopping in mid-sentence and saw Pete staring at me from across the parking lot. Ever since our big fight after school Pete and I haven't talked; today was the first time have seen him since then. Trying my best to avoid him I turned back to Alex, who was waiting for me outside my door. "Drama queen sounds more like a compliment to me."

"Just because you think it's a compliment doesn't mean it is!" Alex said, acting as if I hadn't paused in the sentence and Pete wasn't staring at us. Out of instinct he took my bag out of my hands and carried it for me as we walked towards the red double doors. "My lady." He said, pulling the door open for me and bowing down in a joking way making me smile.

"Hey, I'm going to head to my locker and meet you in the journalism room," I said, Alex, giving me a questioning look, and then quickly turned and walked towards the journalism room.

Turning down the next hallway I just stopped and stood there; wanting to scream, shout something... anything, still feeling hurt by Pete. But now was not the time, because I was on a search for the voices.

"I can't believe it, we were almost caught."

"Yeah, I know, how could you let him get so close to the phone?"

"I was being nice; he looked really scared to me."

"He is skilled at doing that."

"Well you know I'm sorry that I don't know every little thing about them."

"Your suppose to for this job." I was starting to wonder if they were the ones who took Blake, but what would be their reason?

"He isn't the center of my life!" she yelled.

"Well, I know what you mean. But we are lucky that Collin didn't find out." He said.

"Yeah, I know, last time he found out something bad happened he threatened to shoot you." She said; concerned.

"Yeah, I know, I was scared out of my mind. That's why we can't let him find out about the phone misshape." He said, in fear. They started walking, and I as always couldn't see anything, because I ended up finding them hiding on the back side of the school. Knowing they weren't going to say more I headed back to the school. Because on how they were talking about the Collin guy that he was the one who was paying them to do all the work.

'Suffocation no breathing this is our last resort' blared from the weight room entered my thoughts.

Looking into the glass window I saw a guy; his back was facing me. His black hair and muscles, completely shirtless, and let me tell you I liked what I saw? Wondering if I knew this guy from school I started walking around to see if I could see his face. But, there was a wall, so determined I walk all the way around to the other side. He was standing at the door with it wide open.

"Like the view?" he said, with a smile on his face. Not exactly looking at his face, but more like his body. Slowly bringing my eyes to his face I saw it was... Cameron.

"Oh, yes... I love it!" I mistakenly blurted out of my mouth. "I did not mean to say that." A blush starting to creep on my face, and I didn't know what had come over me; it's not like we openly like each other.

"Oh, but I think you did." He said and swiftly pulled me into him with one hand motion. Now with my thoughts in a whirl even though he never said he like me; maybe he did... deep down I knew he did.

"I really don't think we should be this close," I whispered, trying not to enjoy the closeness of our bodies. (This wasn't the first time I had gotten in a sticky situation with a guy, but for once I really felt comfortable and liked it)

"Well, I think you're wrong and aren't thinking clearly." Cameron tried to pull me even closer than we already were. We were so close I could feel his breathe on my shoulder; while he towered over me. I slightly looked up and we locked eyes; his face stating to move down to meet mine. My heart was pounding in my chest... where we really going to kiss? His lips were gently brushing my nose; making the moment intense. Not being able to hold my self-control much longer I started to give in, and just lean in and kiss him (because knowing him, he was waiting for me to make the last move).

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Pete started banging on the farthest window looking straight at Cameron and me; taking us away from the moment. Quickly before he could see who I was I buried my face in Cameron's chest. When he left, we pulled away. He didn't try to kiss me again that day. It was like that was the perfect moment, and now that it was gone, the kiss was gone too. For some reason though, I didn't want the moment to be over. I wanted to stay in the moment forever.

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