Chapter Four

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Authors notes: yes I am happy to be able to say I am publishing when I would. and that I have been getting new readers, if you decided to follow me, I will follow you :) I have the great joy of going to babysit today to make money for my Africa trip, I would tell you more but if I do I will be late to get to the parents house, hope you enjoy, will try and post by Monday or earlier......possible later since I have a pretty big week coming up.

at least I haven't left you with a cliffhanger yet.....


love you guys lots :-)

eennnnnjjjooooyyyyy! !!!!!!



---------------------------------------------------------->>> Amanda

Thanks, vampires18tiffanyd for following me

your writer :)

Chapter 4: Lockers and White

Ring! Ring! Ring! Finally the last bell of the day; relieving me of Grand High duties for the day.Planning on staying after school to work on an article( Alex had surprisingly turned the play into a weekly story, and keeping me and only me on journalism for the play) I waited till all my classmates shuffled out the door, then headed for my locker grabbing my bag. Not even ten minutes after the bell the hallways were brightly empty; students eager to disperse. After going down an identical hallway after identical hallway I finally found the one that had my locker on it. I am so relieved that no one was around to see my stupidity, seeing as I had been in this school for three months or more, yet still getting lost an endless amount of times. I mean, seriously, what halls in your high school all look the same! As I was getting ready to put in my combination, voices stopped me in my tracks.

"I can't do this anymore!!"

"What do you mean? You turn us in, you turn yourself in too. Don't forget you're a part of this operation." Don't move a muscle... don't move a muscle...I started chanting to myself over and over again.

"I never said I wanted to be apart of this anyway...I had no choice."

"You can always leave; I'm not going to stop you!"

"But that won't change the guilt I have for doing this!" this a male and female voice I hear? I wonder why and over what they are arguing on in the hallway.

"Well if you have so much guilt why did you take the money?"

"I need that money to get into college, that's why, and you know that!"(She must  be a senior about to graduate) as the girl said this she was getting frustrated, and started walking around the corner, which would bring her to the hallway I was on.

Panic came over me, there was no place to hide, and all there was were the lockers staring back at me. Her footsteps getting closer and closer. I started inching away from the voices; not making a sound.

Then I heard them start talking again "wait!" the guy said grabbing her arm "I heard something." That's when I realized that I had started running, not thinking about how much noise I was making, just in fear for my life.

"You're hearing things," she said. Then she walked off back in the direction she had come from.

"Hey what are you still doing here?" Alex said, making me jump, I had never been so excited to see him in my life, not knowing what they would have done if they found me.

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