Chapter Two

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Authors words: I hope you are enjoying and will try my best to post chapter three tomorrow,so be on the look out :). And don't worry it will get more intresting soon promise,just have to lay down the story line first. Also please do tell your friends because the more comments and readers I get the faster I will update :). 

Now onward to the book...and to my braveness. 

Feedback!!!! Feedback!!!!feedback!!!!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>> Alex

Dedicated to 1DHaZaNiLiLo thanks for your support it is greatly appreciated :)

Chapter 2: My Neighbor

"So what do you think of my high school?" Peter asked as I got into his pickup truck; taking my hand.

Peter was my boyfriend of five months. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, everything a girl could dream of. When we first meet, he offered to help me move my boxes up to my room. Let's just say he is lucky I didn't have anything heavy duty in the boxes because he didn't have much muscles. After that day we hung out all summer and got closer and closer. Halfway through the summer, we started "going steady" as he called it (such a sweet gentleman he was).

"Not a big fan of the moron journalism president. He told me to my face that I was a bad writer, Just because my school newspaper wasn't up to his stupid standards!! Who is he to judge with his let's roll on the floor like a crazy person routine. Then had the nerve to hand me a packet that probably teaches children how  to write, since he himself can barely act his age!!!" I would have continued ranting if I didn't hear Peter yelling because I was squeezing his hand so hard. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to take it out on your hand," I said, releasing his hand.

"No problem babe." He said, holding his left hand gently as if I had crushed his bones. I wasn't holding on that hard, at least I don't think so "just warn me before you go on a rampage next time so I can hide my hands." Gosh, he could be such a wimp sometimes.

"Uh yeah sure will big baby." Giving him a little smirk. "Why didn't you tell me about the Alex being over journalism," I asked. Peter knew journalism was like football to America, to me, I loved it. Yet, after spending a day in the class I am already on the verge of quitting journalism.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't think he would react to you like that. I have known him since elementary and have never heard him act so rude to someone. I bet he was just joking with you, I heard he always plays silly pranks on newbie's."

"Joke, really? Because I didn't think it was funny at all. Well, maybe I should just pull a joke on him and see if he likes it."

"Sure, whatever you say babe," Peter said, staring at his hand; not listening to a word I said.

'Knock! Knock!'

Startled by the sound coming from my side of Peter's truck I turned and look out the window. There stood Alex motioning for me to roll down my window. Doing as he instructed, I rolled it down.

"Oh, so your here to apologize," I asked, bracing myself for a witty comment.

"Here is your first assignment for the paper," he said, chunking a folded piece of paper through the window. Before I could do something snooty with the paper, like rip it up and throw it in his face, he had turned and headed towards the parking lot. After rolling my window up I reluctantly looked down at the paper.

'I saved this one just for you; the school's play. I hope it's not too much for you and your pea brain.'

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