Chapter Ten

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Authors notes: Hey guys since my week is going good and I had spare time I thought I would post two chapters!!! only because the first one is super short and is just really a cute filler :) not much left to say thanks for all the support :) thanks, guys. And if you are wondering I got to perform on Saturday :) no pain no game right? and now my foots all better :) but sadly we didn't get pretty trophy we were aiming for...but there is always next year I keep telling myself. but after next year that moto won't work because I am graduating..... I just had a moment.

Love all you guys

Sincerely the writer :)

goal:200 readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update asap(if goal met?)

dedicate: thanks for all the support and being in my top 9 followers.... :) ( only have nine at the moment so I made a funny!!)

Chapter 10: The Barn

We were starting to hang out more and more. On the weekends I would go to their house, or they would come to mine. Cameron hadn't tried to kiss me again either. Alex, of course, hadn't even made the littlest attempt (being the gentleman out of the two of course!). They both had a way of getting to my heart differently. Alex by how everything was normal with him; I knew what to expect, and how he wasn't ever going to try and push something on me. With Cameron it's his unexpectedness; I never knew what was going to happen with him, which made me curious. One Saturday while I was at their house, Alex and I were out in the barn having lunch.

"Your turkey sandwiches are great," I said to him,

"Why thank you, I bought them from the best turkey place." He said, making me laugh.

"So I guess you're not as skilled as your brother," I said because he had actually cooked for me.

"I am, just not in cooking."

"What things are alike then?"

"Let's see my..." he continued talking, but for some reason, I tuned out his voice. I was observing his body. He had  hazelnut eyes, perfect tan skin (or maybe he wasn't white), and tone muscles. I pick up my coke to take a sip. Somehow the coke missed my mouth, and my mouth missed the coke; it spilled all over me, and some of the food. Alex got up and started taking off his shirt. At first, I was wondering why. Then he used it to semi-clean the coke up because some of it had spilled on me; he was very close. On the radio 'Fallin' for you' by Colbie Calliet started playing.

"I love this song!" I said, watching him clean up the rest of the mess. When he was done, he went up and turned the radio up.

"May I have this dance?" Alex asked, holding his hand out for me to take.

"Yes!" I said; taking his hand, he pulled me close as we danced. He still didn't have his shirt on, so I could feel the outline of his eight packs (The same that Cameron had, but more defined). When we're dancing it felt like my feet never touched the ground. The way he carried me across the floor was a great feeling. In my head, I was thinking it's weird because he's not my type at all, but he seemed kind of funny. He had me feeling like I didn't have a care in the world. The song ended, so he stopped and put his soft lips to my hand, as a thank you for dancing with him. For the rest of the day, I had a sweet tingle feeling on my hand where he had kissed me.

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