Chapter Twelve

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Authors Notes: THANKS to all my readers for making 200 and more happen!!!!!!!! For this chapter, I decided to do something new and add someone else's point of view to the story.... so tell me how you like it and if it's a hit I will gladly do it again. And sorry if the point of view is a little confusing. and to all who read have read the host by Stephen Meyers... let me tell you the movie does live up to the book and you must go see it!! because it will bring you to tears. also, I got my car fixed finally so now I am able to start working on my driving hours for my permit!!! the bad side to that is that my mom and dad insist on making me drive everywhere for practice, and let me tell you after a while driving becomes not the most fun thing to do, but on the upside, I'm a step closer to my independence!!!

Sincerely your writer to ta for now :)

Goal: 250 readers !!!!!! and whatever else your hearts desire

Dedicate thanks so much for being a known follower of mine!!!

---------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>> happy easter everyone


Chapter 12: The Whole Truth

"Ready to go home princess?" Alex asked walking in my hospital room.

"Yes, very much so." I loathe hospitals; even if it wasn't for the smell that I can never get out of my head, the things I have seen happen in a hospital in movies doesn't put my mind to ease either.

"Well let's get you out of here then." He said, turning to grab all of my things (flowers, clothes, school work) and put it on the buggy; while I tried my best to stand and reach for my crutches. The doctor says that I can't put any weight on it for three weeks (long enough for me to get sick of them), and a knee brace for two months!!!

"Thanks for offering to pick me up." My mom was busy working and I didn't dare ask Cameron; not yet wanting to be alone with him and having to talk about what happened.

"Well, I couldn't have my girl... I mean friend sitting in the hospital lobby for two hours longer than needed," he said; waiting for me to come through the narrow room door into the hallway.

My girl?

My friend?

Both of these words confused me because sure I think he is more than just a friend I was at in the hallway, but his girl? Let alone he hasn't even asked me out on a date yet I'm not sure how I feel about that.

"Of course not, since you are such a nice best friend." I tried my hardest to add enfaces on the best friend so I could get the point across because for now that is all we are.

Alex easily beats me to the elevator and has an angel smirk on his face when I enter the elevator as the doors are about to close.

"What's so funny?" I asked, leaning against the wall to give my hands a break.

I wait and wait and wait, but Alex doesn't respond. Giving me the opportunity to actually take a breath and try to figure out the voices. So far the main suspects are Amanda and Alex. Amanda being a part of it would make sense because of how heartless she is; but seeing how Alex cried over his brother when telling me the story it's hard to think that he would be the kidnapper himself, and even if he is what would be his reason? Turning my head I side to glare at Alex trying to see if anything in his appearance reads kidnapper?

Ding! The elevator stops on the bottom floor, the golden doors opening. Still lost in my thoughts I barely hear when Alex starts talking to me.

"What did you say?"

"I said to wait here while I go pull the car around." Before I could respond Alex was out the door.


Turning the corner I kept questioning saying yes to giving Keri a ride from the hospital. Ever since she has been in the hospital the words I love you have been playing on a loop in my head. The words I had been wanting; but not coming out of Cameron's mouth.

He loved her!!!!!!

He loved her!!!!

Just thinking about made me want to go snap his head off; ending his life so that I could have Keri all to myself. Did I really just think that? Would I really do that to my own brother? Over a silly human girl of all things? Somehow my feet had carried me to the car, probably far too fast for a normal human to be going, but for once I could care less if someone noticed me. I mentally calmed myself before opening the car door knowing I could easily break the door off its hedges with one pull. When my temper was down to its lowest I opened the door; hearing everything start running in the car as the engine started up. Before five minutes is up I am back at the front of the hospital. Looking at the double glass doors I see Keri hopping out on her crutches looking beautiful as always her red hair blowing every which way in the wind; making me want to just pull her in and never let go. Deciding to act normal I rounded the car slowly and opened the passenger door for her as she got in; hoping she didn't give a thought to how fast I returned. Running around to the driver's side I opened the door and took my own seat.

"Let's get you to that comfy house of your princess." I had taken a liking to the nickname and had yet to hear her protest so I assumed she liked it.

"Yes! I can't wait to see my grandma." She said; her face lighting up with a smile that met her eyes.

"Grandma?" I asked; happy to see her smiling.

"Yes, Grandma Betty. She is coming down to help my mom with taking care of me for a while since my stepdad is out of town for work."

"I bet she acts just like your mom?" I ask; wanting to keep her happy mood going. Ever since she had been in the hospital her emotion was always moped and depressed.

"Actually no she is nothing like her, considering she is my dad's mom."

"Oh so she is Chad's mom?" surprised that she liked her so much considering she never really gets along with her stepdad.

"No, she is-" Keri stopped in mid-sentence and started balling her eyes out. I quickly pulled to the side of the road and turned off the car.

"Princess are you ok?" She didn't respond but instead cried even harder. On the inside, I was crying out to comfort her, but not knowing how she would react I didn't.

"Princess can you please look at me?" my voice becoming into a beg.


The images and thoughts ran through my head. I tried to stop the tears but they just kept flowing. How could I have let this happen? How did that wall I put up with my dad and the memories come down?

I felt Alex strong hands wrap around me and pull me onto his lap. He stroked circles on my back as I let the tears fall, and through my clouded thoughts I could have sworn I heard Alex whisper I love you softly in my ear.

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