Chapter Nineteen

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Authors Notes: I haven't written in a while and I applaud all of you that are still sticking with this story, I hope the outcome is to your liking.

I dedicate this chapter to movielvr2411 thanks for reading!

Shooting for: 800 readers!!! I have faith in you guys :P and two comments for this chapter


I just couldn't hear it. I can't listen to her talk about my brother, not again. Surprisingly I haven't thought about him for a while, Keri keeping my thoughts occupied.

Hearing the things my brother did take me back to the day he disappeared.


"Hey Mom, I'm home," I yelled through the house as I walked through the front door.

"What's up, bro?" Cameron asked as I walked into the kitchen. He was flipping the pizza dough in the air. My brother was quite the cook out of the three of us.

  "I was just chilling up at the YMCA, doing a little workout."

   "Oh, I see you're trying to get your wimpy guns to look like my god sculptured guns!" He said, flexing his muscles.

  "Wimpy guns?Did God sculpture guns?We definitely need to get you a new vocabulary!"

"Hey we aren't talking smarty pants here we are talking hottie pants, bro, get on the same page!"

We were acting so normal, not having a thought that our brother would be kidnapped the same day.

"Boys, boys settle down!"Mom says, walking in through the back door.

  "He started it!" Cameron and I said in unison.

  "Awe my cute babies!" she said, pinching Cameron's cheeks. She turned reaching her hands out to pinch my cheeks.

  "Looks like it's time for me to take a shower?"I said, sidestepping my mom's hands and running up the stairs.

 Cameron and I always find some little thing to bicker over, continuously having a love-hate relationship.

  When I got out of the shower I heard the commotion coming from downstairs.

Quickly putting on my clothes I hurry downstairs.


Looking to my right I see Cameron crying on the sofa; Cameron never cries.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Everyone in the room turned their attention to me.

My mom walks over to me and gently places her hands on my shoulders. "Honey, Blake is missing."

I never knew three words could change me so completely.

"Are you sure? I mean did you check the barn, his room, his car.I'm sure he is around here somewhere I'm just sure of it." I was trying to rationalize this to myself. "This can't be true it just can't." My voice started to crack, my heart started to crumble.

Cameron came to my side, and he just held me.

The next morning my mom filed a missings person form, and I haven't seen him since; leaving my heart still broken.

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