Chapter Twenty

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Authors Notes: this is leading up to the last chapters that are filled with tons of answers and lots of unexpected twists! Sorry it has taken this long for me to get this out there, but a girls life got busy, but now I'm back.Also, I wrote this pretty fast so please forgive typos.

this chapter goes to DanteDay one of my new followers :), hope you enjoy this book.

Aiming for the stars: 800 readers, WE CAN DO IT! along with 3 comments!!


"See you later on tonight." my mom yelled as Cameron and I walked out the door.

  "You look beautiful tonight." He said.

I was wearing a short strapless blue flowery dress, and as a bonus, I had finally got my boot off. So I was wearing some black pumps that Alex had brought for me. On the other hand, Cameron didn't look so bad himself. He was wearing a black suit, with a blue tie that somehow matched my dress. I wonder if Alex would have had a matching tie too? He was supposed to come but got stuck at work.
   "Thank you don't look so bad yourself," I said, backing up and pulling him towards me until my back was on the cold car door.

He ran his hand through my overly curled hair, and I breathe him in, which was the sweetest smell I have ever smelt. I moved his hair back from his eyes, and slowly pecked his nose. He started moving closer to me and pulled something out of his jacket. It was a black rose, not a real one, and pinned it on my dress.

"I would say it's great, but it's fake, so I think not," I said, pushing him away.
   "I didn't buy a real one so I could say that the love I have for you will die when the rose dies." He said, coming closer to me again.

That was the sweetest thing I had ever heard a guy say about a flower.

"Well isn't that a sweet thought in your cute little brain," I said, making a little pea in the air with my fingers to show him his brain.

"Oh yeah, that little brain that you love?"

Love?Love? I had never loved a guy before, and I don't think I had ever been in love. But here I was thinking that maybe it is possible, maybe I do love this beautiful man standing in front of me.Me loving him? it just wouldn't make sense. I haven't even known him that long.

    "Maybe." I heard my mouth say softly without my permission.

Our faces started getting closer, and I just thought for a moment I should stop analyzing this, and just do. The kiss was different this time, there seemed to be more passion. For a moment l pulled away, and all the thoughts started to fade back in. So quickly I intertwined my hands into his hair and started kissing him again. The little kisses quickly escalated to a hot and heavy make-out session. And let me tell you the only thought running through my head was how smooth his lips felt on mine.

Finally, with my heart protesting, we pulled away from each other; I'm sure ten or more minutes had passed.

"We better get going, before we miss the play," he said, while my heart still pounded in my ears.

He opened the car door for me, and as soon it closed I hear "SUPRISE" scream from the back seat, scaring the living daylights out of me. Turning around I saw that it was Alex, sitting in the back seat with a smile plastered on his face. Before I could respond he quickly pulled out two roses, one fake and one real.

"I love them," I said with fake enthusiasm.

Alex looked at me as if he could see right through my reaction.Before I could fully freak out more, Cameron jumped in the driver's seat. An awkward silence hung in the air as we drove to the school. Secretly I wanted to glare at Cameron who must have known Alex had been in the car that whole time. I could also feel guilt eating me alive for I possibly had just ruined my relationship with Alex, and for some reason that hurt me. Or possibly the fact that I'm attracted to a guy like Cameron who would do something like that to his own brother. I could feel Cameron's eyes often on me, probably trying to read my reaction to the whole thing.  Alex on the other hand probably wanted to cry himself to sleep if he had heard or saw anything that had happened outside of the car.When we get to the school I let myself out of the car. Still, in silence we three start making our way to the doors. On the way, Alex stopped Cameron. "Hey, you got a little something right there," Alex said, rubbing my lipstick off of his face.

   "Are you really ok with this?" I asked he had to be blind to see that the lipstick matched the same on my lips.

  "Ok with what?" Alex started looking confused and acting oblivious.
   "Don't act like you didn't see anything. Do you not know what was just happening outside of the car? I mean we were making out for like ten minutes!"I said, not meaning to tell him about the making out.
  "No! I actually didn't know till now!" Now I could see rage, and anger showing on his face.

  "Oh come on bro, don't act like you didn't have a clue," Cameron said, trying to brush the situation off.

  "I thought we were closer than that!" Alex said. Shaking his head he started to walk away.

   "Really Cameron!Really? You just had to be a girl about this!" I said, turning in the direction to follow after Alex.

Faster than light Cameron grabbed a hold of my arm. "Let me go!"

  "But you are mine!Not his!" Cameron screamed in my face. At that moment something within me snapped.
"l am NOT yours, and I am NOT his, I am my own person. I care about him, so I am going to go talk to him.Now LET ME GO!" I yelled, struggling with his hard grip. Turning my eyes to his piercing blue ones, I just stared into to them. First I saw anger in them, then confusion, and finally peace. Slowly after he loosened his grip. Looking in the direction Alex went off, I turned my head back to Cameron's face and planted a tender kiss on his cheek. I then turned and walked away.

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